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Pakistan - Bangladesh reunion

Where the Friggin 'el do you think I am from brother

Then my friend i think you havent been to Peshawar in a while or you have only met the elite class in Peshawar.Do you know who the Peshawar People Blame for all those Bombs Striking them Every hour?????

Do you Know what these Afghans have given us.YUP drugs,Kalashnikov,Bombs and many other Social Evils.

Those Afghans have teared apart their country.Not only that they have almost destroyed our country and you say that we should get together with them.GET OF YOUR DREAM.

its a union, A UNION, not "hey, please take all this money I have and I'll become a beggar, I dont mind".

A union that you are taking very literally. In simpler words, its business on a state level, and business is business.

The EU didnt take in other countries blindly!

goals were set, met after years, a slow process, that after decades only just reached a level where the EU was formed.

What do you think, France pays the salaries of Hungarian workers?


..............look, please read a bit more about big organizations like the EU, and then we can talk OK!

I don't care what world call it Union Reunion or Whatever.The Fact is that Those Europeans only Tolerate each other because all of them are relatively rich not living hand to mouth.We can barely keep our country Alive with all those ethical Politics and you are justifying authorizing all those Afghans to our Country.

Do you really think that even Pashtuns of Pakistan would accept them???

I don't wanna sound like Racist but the Truth is that Times have changed there is a lot of difference between our Progressive and Pakistani Pashtuns than those Afghans.And Apart from some tribal's area People No Body wanna see those Afghans in our Country.

KID! are you that young! What a stupid statement!

When Iqbal and Jinnah envisioned Pakistan did they say:

and we are an ideological state, so invite every one of the 1.6 billion Muslims out there

Exactly what i am trying to say.That We are an Ideological State So why only Allow Afghans in our Country why not Abolish visas for all the muslims anywhere in the world.
Visa free access: Yes
Muslim brotherhood: Yes
Allied Country: Yes
Common Interests: Yes
Economic Investments: Yes
Most favoured country: Yes
Import/Exports: Yes
Defence collaborations: Yes

One Country: No


in future when both countries are stable and economic rich...... probably we can have a system like European Union but for now respect both countries soverignty and improve your economy and social system individually
This idea of reunion doesn't seems practical now.Strategic partnership is possible as far as i understand the matters ;that too is in danger with sheikh haseena wajid's government in power.
We should better look towards afghanistan for smooth brotherly relations .Afghanistan have the potential to become a future wall of china for Pakistan against western designs.
Visa free access: Yes
Muslim brotherhood: Yes
Allied Country: Yes
Common Interests: Yes
Economic Investments: Yes
Most favoured country: Yes
Import/Exports: Yes
Defence collaborations: Yes

One Country: No


in future when both countries are stable and economic rich...... probably we can have a system like European Union but for now respect both countries soverignty and improve your economy and social system individually

Good Suggestions but not Practical.And Even If they become Practical so being an ideological state we should extend this thing towards all the Muslim countries in the world.

But that Again would be only in dreams in present conditions.

The nearest thing i can think of is the abolishing of Visas for all the Muslims.
well brother just think

1) pm is elected by peoples so dont say hindu muslim or other
2)if pak +bd+nepal+india there will be no 2 class its just in your mind
3) no our culture is not diff
4)Pakistan was just because of jinha personal wish you know at 1947 lots Muslim don't want any Pakistan that's why they stay here and we have large number of Muslim as compare to Pakistan

why don't you come here and see the ground reality muslin are a just Indian as every other we just want peace in our life

think india +bd+pakistan+nepal

(First I apologise for intruding)

Oh ! No ; You are asking for trouble again. India is trying its best to remove the tag of hegemonistic power of the region and you are trying to sneek in the same concern.

Live and let live. Please do not dream of uniting the subcontinent - the countries have moved much beyond that. Let us try to be good neighbours atleast - This itself is a challenging task.

Again it has been clearly stated - that "No Indian posts". So please let the stakeholders decide what they want to do to themselves (Pakistan and Bangladesh)

Best wishes to the dreams of this topic. :smitten::cheers:
i think it's better to stay seperate they have their own country we have ours they might see a reunion same as how we see akhand bharat.
Can Pakistan allow the center to be formed by our Bengali friends? This was the issue they separated with in the first place right?

I personally wouldn't want that now. Too much has happened, although back in the 60s I would've been okay with it. But with Sheikh Mujib, I share General Ayub's assessment and warning given to Zulfiqar Bhutto, not to release an Indian collaborator from jail, but Bhutto wanted to topple Ayub and assisted Mujib's release through political pressure on Ayub and later Mujib even defeated Bhutto - resulting in the division. Perhaps if it was anyone other than Mujib even Bhutto would've relented, but deep down he knew Mujib is an Indian collaborator at heart as is evidenced by his daughter today.

Bengalis would sweep the elections today as they did back then and if Khaleda Zia was a sure shot winner, our reluctance would be a lot less. But I fully expect Sheikh Hasina as a hypothetical PM of Pakistan to rollback the nuclear programme, sign off Kashmir, and divide Balochistan between Afghanistan and Iran.

The countries have a lot to gain from a reunion, including our old problems.
I have spent time reading all posts and have concluded that some Pakistanis see union between Muslims as a burdon

Talking about EU, it has come to this point after many many wars called 100 years war, nepoleonic wars and two world wars.

Realising that wars will not solve any problem, they have realised that talking and live and let live policy will work. so they are trying it.
n reality they have formed a unuion only for Christians countires as they have and they will keep only Muslims (turkey) country out of the union by lame excuses.

about Afghanistan, we tend to forget the history, we are Muslims in in subcontinant bec ause of Afghans who came and spread Islam nmely Data gunj Bukhsh, Mian Moeen ud din and more, now that Afghans are in trouble, we should help them not abandon them.

Besides all the grain, sugar, and other comodoties are bieng smullged would be exported and business will flouriah.

Uniting with muslim countries will enhance out population which if guided properly will beocme an asset than liability. And pakistan has the capability to guide.

Look at us what we have achieved so far Atomic power, making our own jets, rockets and much more, self suffciency to come soon in all manufecturing

We were being used by our enemies to knock us down, but we stood firm and the results are starting to show, even our CAOS who is a non political persona has left a lasting and deeeeep impression on not only Europeans but on Americans and they are copying us in war with Agfhani tabns.

so in my openion Pakistanis, I salute you for surving under such tremendous odds and now I think no one can stop us but ourselves if we dither and not see that we have been chosen to lead Muslim umma.

so keep up the good work. Allah S.W.T. will not let your secrifices go waste.
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I dont want to offend any member.But i have a wish like most of 170 million Pakistanis to unite with Bengladesh.Cant it happen?
In england it happened,Germany it happened and there are lots of other examples why not here?
But i think the main reasons that need to be adressed and there solutions:
1)Pm or president should be from bengladesh state?
2 capitals Islamabad and Dhaka
2)east pakistani pm or president should stay in islamabad and west should stay in dhaka
3)Army of east pakistan should not be disbanded but uniform of all army from east and west should be changed to a new patern
4)Autonomy given to bengladesh
5)BAF should be upgraded and modernised with JF17s with latest wetern upgrades and new jets like FC-20 should be stationed in bengladesh under PAF wing of bengladesh
6)Alkhalid,saad,Ifvs and others should be given to BA to modernise it(Under supervision of COAS of PAK ARMY who should be from bengladesh or pakistan and should be chosen by entire army.
7)Upgrade of navy....we would have more ports and more ships...
8)New ordinance factories in east pakistan.....both heavy and light
9)PAC and Kamra should open new complexes in dhaka or chitagong
10)Everything should be shared with every state on population and other bases.
11)Begladesh should keep its flag if it want(as a state flag) just like in usa or england states have there own flags.
12)Let by gone be by gones respect should be given to every soldier who sacrificed his life on both side may he be from bengal or pakistan.
Can it work?
Do not be scared , they are human beings and i guess it has already been on table a while ago before 2001.;)

Is that suppose to be a new empire?:hang2:. Im eager to see whatz our BD members gonna say.lmao.
Sir u celebrate shivratri we dont.Your food is different,your dances are different.Your festivals are different ur language is different...your life style is different.Dont u thinkthese are what combine to make a culture?

you are wrong...things are pretty same here in my country...you choose not to believe that.
If we were to carve another state out of India...it's future citizens would follow the same tune as you...
Why do you want to create another Mujib ur Rahman. They have made their bed and they have to sleep in it. Let them be bullied by India. Why should we send our rice free over to them when they pay for it now. However I blame Z A Bhutto had he accepted the Awami Leagues Majority then perhaps we would still be one country. Dont you realise next to Isreal we are the most hated country over there due to the Awami leagues propaganda. Bring over our stranded citizens and reduce thier misery as these seem to more loyal than our present leaders.
Pakistani Nationalist...relax it was a joke..
If Pakistan was a debt free Nation than we could have helped Bangladesh to that extend to penetrate markets and further strengthen out ties..currently we're in no position to support anyone financially hell our IDPs are still struggling and all the million dollars in their name went into the pockets of zardari and lot and no clue where the money for the earth quake victims went more likely in musharraf and chaudhry brothers pockets..and yet we're spending millions perhaps billions of rupees on afghanis refugees...

A brother don't break off ties if he has a problem he comes and talk and discusses and together solve problems...declaring independence prematurely was not wise but than again what done is done lets have a better ties for the future..
Again, why unite with Bangladesh? It was pointless to be a part of Pakistan from 1947 to being with. Totally different culture, blocked by an enemy geographically, and it will be under water in a few decades.
Again, why unite with Bangladesh? It was pointless to be a part of Pakistan from 1947 to being with. Totally different culture, blocked by an enemy geographically, and it will be under water in a few decades.

nobody going in water :lol: though geographically union of both nations was not a good option

Now as said by other members only Ghazwa-e-Hind can reunite us :rofl:
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