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Pakistan - Bangladesh reunion

Pakistani Nationalist....are you going to pay for the yearly flooding in Bangladesh?
Spitfighter...you statement wasn't wise if even hypothetically Pak-Bangladesh becomes One what exactly did you mean by your in the middle did you know when a cockroach surfs the wash basin?
^^^ (post 17) We do , In every litter of petrol few paisa are still deducted for Bangladesh flood victims , the Tax put by General Zia
Gin ka Pakistan...wow after all we're getting bankrupt (provide a source)...no wonder our forex and bangladesh forex and close enough.
:blink:few paisas on every liter barrels of oil = millions truly Zia led us to bankruptcy!
^^^ But mighty Iranian or Shiite empire want Afghanistan too ? that's why Iran want India to be strong in Afghanistan.
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Why would you want to reunite with Bangladesh? It will be under water in a few decades. It's geographically unfeasable to be part of, and very different culture. I never understood the point of being with Bangladesh ever.
why not as it was before 1947

The state of Pakistan came into being when the first hindu became a muslim-MA Jinnah
2)Dont want to live like a second class citizen ruled and slaughtered by hindus...like in gujrat.
3)Our culture is different we eat a cow.You worship it?
4)Our ancestors paid with there blood to get Pakistan.
5)Dont want to be called indians.
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