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Pakistan army warns of ‘disproportionate response’ in future wars

O really than where was your Army and Air Force and Navy when you blamed us of 26/11 when Mumbai for three convective days was rap.. by 11 terrorists you only talked shit and did nothing Sir and in 2002 you lost 2000 without any major fight
Well they haven't attacked Army /Navy/Af Bases directly and hide in civilian buildings, but what about PAK Army /AF and Navy ? where was they when they planes and bases was attacked and destroyed? You lost plane which was inside your bases, this is only done by few untrained terrorist what Indian SF will when they dropped in these based ...everything destroyed in mins;)

It's our doctrine and we can plan whatever is in our interest.....
Our enemy has an offensive posture against us, so this is the correct response..

1) With ABM system is in place to protect cities
2) Iron Dome in place with Advance Battle groups
3) Advance Sats in space to detect any movement of misssiles
4) 5th Gen plane in air
5) PJ-10 in Army to destroy missile before they can get launch.

India can make PAK nuclear weapon based doctrine fail.
Well they haven't attacked Army /Navy/Af Bases directly and hide in civilian buildings, but what about PAK Army /AF and Navy ? where was they when they planes and bases was attacked and destroyed? You lost plane which was inside your bases, this is only done by few untrained terrorist what Indian SF will when they dropped in these based ...everything destroyed in mins;)

1) With ABM system is in place to protect cities
2) Iron Dome in place with Advance Battle groups
3) Advance Sats in space to detect any movement of misssiles
4) 5th Gen plane in air
5) PJ-10 in Army to destroy missile before they can get launch.

India can make PAK nuclear weapon based doctrine fail.
Yes and even still your Army is to scared to attack and by the way we got those weapons back and you have so much O man I am scared bloody Irone dome is not even able to take out all the rockets fired by Hamas which are of really bad quality please keep living in dreams Mr @Aeronaut here comes another troll
This is not about Indus waters or alleged India-supported terrorists. Since 1971, the Pakistani army has been perennially afraid that India is just waiting for a chance to take over their whole country or at least perform another 1971 style dismemberment.

And with India's last decade+ of economic growth, they have realized that any attempt to match India's conventional strength risks a Soviet style bankruptcy of Pakistan. So their only remaining response (well, other than the one of pursuing peace with India) is to threaten nuclear retaliation at the drop of a hat.

There are a limited number of ways to India can react to this -

1. Pursue a long term strategy of undermining the power of the generals in Pakistan and strengthen the elected lobby. This assumes that the common people of Pakistan have no desire to fight a bloody war and would prefer to see a smaller share of their GDP going to defence. And this would need back channel diplomacy, espionage, blackmail and all other methods of statecraft - for we are, in effect, trying to affect a regime change in Pakistan. All in all, this is going to take a very long time. And we will also have to contend with how other external agents - China, US, the Taliban, etc - react to this.

2. Clarify - VERY STRONGLY - in all public domains, that any attack or even an attempt of an attack on any Indian assets anywhere in the world with any kind of NBC munitions, will invite an immediate, irrevocable and disproportionate retaliation on the attacking party, which will ensure that they have no ability to function after the commencement of the Indian attack. I know that Shyam Saran has already done this in some interviews, but it needs to come out from official channels and be accompanied by actions on the ground to convey our seriousness. The flip side is that this would further aggravate the already tense strategic situation in South Asia.

Comments welcome.
“Army’s mother document” says growing Indian military power “disturbs strategic equilibrium of the region”
Pakistan’s official Army Doctrine calls on the country to “invoke disproportionate responses” in future wars with India, a copy of the document obtained by TheHindu has revealed. “The causes of conflict with the potential to escalate to the use of violence,” the classified internal document states, “emanate from the unresolved issue of Kashmir, the violation of treaty arrangements on sharing of natural resources, and the organised and deliberate support by external powers to militant organisations.”

The December, 2011, Doctrine does not name any country as a threat, but Pakistan has accused India of seeking to block its access to Indus waters, and backing terrorism. The Doctrine describes itself as the “army’s mother document” and “the fountainhead for all subordinate doctrines.”

Indian military sources told TheHindu the study was commissioned in the summer of 2008, soon after former chief of army staff General Pervez Kayani took office. It evolved through intensive discussions of the Kargil war of 1999 and the near-war that followed the December, 2011, terrorist attack on Parliament House

Georgetown University scholar Dr. C. Christine, author of a forthcoming book, Fighting to the End, says the Doctrine confirms what scholars have long known. “It tells us several interesting things,” she says, “among them that the Pakistan army sees Indian military modernisation as a threat, but that they also think nuclear weapons will insulate them from the consequences of pursuing high-risk strategies, like backing jihadist clients.”

Future wars, the Doctrine states, “will be characterised by high-intensity, high-tempo operations under a relatively transparent battle-space environment.”
Pakistan army warns of ‘disproportionate response’ in future wars - The Hindu[/quoted]

If india is a lumbering Elephant, then Pakistan is a rat. Irritating no doubt but can never be the strategic danger. What ever tactical feints it conducts on the border to gain attention, it always knows and understands that the Indian state has the ability to quickly end the experiment called Pakistan. In other words, India is a strategic danger to the Pakistani state while to India, Pakistann is at best an irritant. So bhaiyon, do not lose sleep over a bed-bug. Just get your baygon out!!!!
India's water war on Pakistan would have to be stopped one way or another. If India thinks, that we will sit quiet and see our nation turn into a desert, they are wrong - very wrong!
ask ur daddy(china ) to block our supply....

That is why I was saying even if we had to take financial from Muslim countries but we need to get latest weapons JF-17 block2 and J-10b and other fighter jets along with number off frigates and destroyers and submarines we need them really fast because either we will start a war or India will May Allah help us
day dreams bitch
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I think it is a very prudent strategy to counter Indian offensive and is well within the capabilities of Pakistani Armed Forces. In the aftermath of post nuclear environment the Indian Army could not cross Pakistan’s perceived nuclear thresholds and had to restrict their planned offensive well short of these red lines. Thus keeping the capture of shallow objectives in mind and in order to terminate the war in an earlier timeframe, the Indian offensive strategy revolved around use of its Pivot Corps in the early stages of offensive in order to capture areas immediately across the international border so that the follow up strike corps could be inducted easily and would then breakout for their relatively deeper objectives.

If Pakistan’s response in such an environment is disproportionate in the early stages of the war, and they are able to disrupt the offensive of Indian Pivot Corps, the overall Indian offensive would be delayed in time and space. Indian strike corps would not be able to take advantage of the momentum sought through the early application of its pivot corps and would not be able to induct in areas across the border for breakout. This would require Indian strike corps to use its integral offensive echelons to again attempt to create space across the international border which would cause further delay. This delay in time would allow Pakistan to redeploy its forces for yet another similar response, when Indians attempt to gain another foothold across the border.

It is indeed a viable strategy and is well within the capability of Pakistani forces.
war is not fought for one day ..can pakistan sustain war for long time
will ur daddy china allow u to use nukes as they will massively affect them too?
can u last in case of war
is ur economy strong?
do u have the equip major quest
The former deputy head of Indias military intel says for every Indian brigade attacked with nukes India will strike 3 pak brigades with nukes.

@Aeronaut @Zarvan
Still they don't have to justify their existence because they are protecting us

Are you quite, quite sure that they are protecting you? The casualty figures seem to show something else.

unlike you'rs that are deployed in Kashmir surpassing the number that American soldiers in Iraq were lol

Ah, yes, lol.

Whenever someone has nothing relevant to say, I notice that the phrase 'lol' plays a large part in his argument.

We do have soldiers in Kashmir. If you had a territory attacked four times by an enemy who habitually leaves it to irregular bands of terrorists to display the bravery and aptitude for warfare that regulars normally take as their sphere, wouldn't you have soldiers there?

Don't you have soldiers in Karachi and Peshawar, and Quetta, for instance, for identical reasons?

And as far as India is concerned India has been playing dirty tricks for a long time when it comes to "Water" and now in "Balochistan" so don't claim innocence because you just can't.

Well, do show the way.

Don't claim somebody else's guilt without evidence, because you just can't.

No protecting us from you're terrorists lol At least they don't demonise their own people, play target practice at them or detain them for a prolonged time like you're army does. Thats another way for you're army to prove their existence isn't it lol

Your courts don't seem to agree.
Indeed you are correct, it does appear that ground war is highly unlikely. It appears that at best, there could be a limited aerial skirmish or an artillery duel. Unfortunately, both sides have improved leaps and bounds in terms of firepower and sophistication. If God forbid a war does takes place, it will make 1965 and 1971 look like a children's fight.

It looks like there is a general consensus among both sides that an armed conflict cannot solve outstanding issues. Both sides are simply too strong and have enough firepower to fry the other back to stone age. The only way outstanding issues can be solved is through a political dialogue.
And there lies the rub.
Pakistan has nothing that India wants apart from stopping terrorism which Pakistan is under pressure from greater powers than Indian already.

So what would Pakistan do or give to that would make India change its stance on Kashmir?
That is why I was saying even if we had to take financial from Muslim countries


How else do you get your shiny, new toys?

but we need to get latest weapons JF-17 block2 and J-10b and other fighter jets along with number off frigates and destroyers and submarines we need them really fast because either we will start a war or India will...

And of course you are sure that these will help, in some way or the other?

May Allah help us

Plan B?

Intelligent thinking; you do so need one.
Are you quite, quite sure that they are protecting you? The casualty figures seem to show something else.

Ah, yes, lol.

Whenever someone has nothing relevant to say, I notice that the phrase 'lol' plays a large part in his argument.

We do have soldiers in Kashmir. If you had a territory attacked four times by an enemy who habitually leaves it to irregular bands of terrorists to display the bravery and aptitude for warfare that regulars normally take as their sphere, wouldn't you have soldiers there?

Don't you have soldiers in Karachi and Peshawar, and Quetta, for instance, for identical reasons?

Well, do show the way.

Don't claim somebody else's guilt without evidence, because you just can't.

First you're claiming things on my behalf so don't make the mistake of doing so. Whether i have an argument or not you don't know so again don't make assumptions the statement that you quoted wasn't aimed at you so keep you're opinion about it to yourself. Secondly no a disputed territory does not become you'rs as much as you might like to it still doesn't so you can't do much about it either. We have soldiers deployed in these places because of a reason which people know very well about unlike most Indians like you who laugh and mock at the deaths of Innocent Pakistanis but whatelse is to be expected. Secondly you don't answer much either you are more in the habit of hurling accusations and making idiotic assumptions so continue.
well pakistan is currently facing so many internal problems like terrorism....still they are making such statements....yeah nobody is stopping u for a war against us but a war needs full attention and resources ofcrse.....for tat get rid of ur internal problems first...
For Indian our nationalism is kindled by patriotic song about our culture /diversity and our past history. For Pakistan their nationalism will be kindled by These kind of anti India , war monging slogans..

Symbol of national integrity is Hate against india.

with that they can hide any other problem.

- Pakistani people will be fooled by their govt on their major problems. inflation, terrorism etc
- Economy is like wing less airplane
- Entire Defense Budget of Pakistan is nearly equal to just one purchase Indian forces of eg. IAF C17
- India is bad , china is good. Too much reliance on China , china is eating all sectors , natural resources, ruining local manufacturing .
- Finally living in a myth that one Pakistani solder = 100 Indian solder .
If i had to use ZH's words it is the part of a 4th gen war.....(now i leave it to your imagination what that war is all about)

I know we have had our differences in the past, but do you need to introduce that buffoon here? Doesn't that count as cruel and unnatural punishment?
For Indian our nationalism is kindled by patriotic song about our culture /diversity and our past history. For Pakistan their nationalism will be kindled by These kind of anti India , war monging slogans..

Symbol of national integrity is Hate against india.

with that they can hide any other problem.

- Pakistani people will be fooled by their govt on their major problems. inflation, terrorism etc
- Economy is like wing less airplane
- Entire Defense Budget of Pakistan is nearly equal to just one purchase Indian forces of eg. IAF C17
- India is bad , china is good. Too much reliance on China , china is eating all sectors , natural resources, ruining local manufacturing .
- Finally living in a myth that one Pakistani solder = 100 Indian solder .
this myth has been cleared..many times...

and the line i did underline ,is it true?
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