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Pakistan army warns of ‘disproportionate response’ in future wars

If we used nukes first Mr we will make sure no body is left in India to strike back Mr you will be history by than
Thats something you should do. But I am sure you are not 100% sure that you will get all Indian assets in one go. Thats why it didnt happen and will not happen.

Whoever goes N will get it back too. And bothsides know that.
Your supreme court judge said that the 90% Indians are idiots. Since when, the words of politicians or bureaucrats becomes the foundation for serving national interests?

You failed to understand the difference between factual statement and opinion.
We Pakistanis must match our defence growth with our economic growth. A powerful economy can supplement the country's military power.

Pakistan's promise and war doctrine is that it will use its nukes to balance the battlefield between India and Pakistan. Nuclear weapons are the final edge we have in a fight against India. That is why we haven't signed the NPT or Non Profilation Treaty
If we used nukes first Mr we will make sure no body is left in India to strike back Mr you will be history by than

Mr in which school did you study who was your english teacher I want to meet him Mr and salute him Mr he is real god Mr who taught you this amazing english Mr also will you be kind enough to teach me who to write in english Mr thanks is advance Mr
India has a long held policy of desertification of Pakistan, their occupation of Kashmir is also motivated by the long term goal of depriving Pakistan from its water supplies. The solutions can be reached just like the IWT. If India keeps playing delay tactics and its little games, it will pay in a big way. We will retaliate massively as India is already committing aggression against us.
thats just one of ur conspiracy theories.india is never obsessed with pakistan.infact we need pakistan to get connected to central asia's trade routes and pipelines.ur army is just paranoid of india and its becoming worse.
lets be objective for a moment.IWT itself is an unjustified treaty giving away major share of our water to u and further we must inform what all dams we construct on it even they are to generate for power!!no where in the world a water treaty is this loosely held in the benefit of a low lying country.and u complain about water war and what not.heavy floods caused causalities in our north east by brahmaputra river and did we complain about any such ridiculous acts like water terror on china??these things just happen.we dont gain anything by destroying pakistan.
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“Army’s mother document” says growing Indian military power “disturbs strategic equilibrium of the region”
Pakistan’s official Army Doctrine calls on the country to “invoke disproportionate responses” in future wars with India, a copy of the document obtained by TheHindu has revealed. “The causes of conflict with the potential to escalate to the use of violence,” the classified internal document states, “emanate from the unresolved issue of Kashmir, the violation of treaty arrangements on sharing of natural resources, and the organised and deliberate support by external powers to militant organisations.”

The December, 2011, Doctrine does not name any country as a threat, but Pakistan has accused India of seeking to block its access to Indus waters, and backing terrorism. The Doctrine describes itself as the “army’s mother document” and “the fountainhead for all subordinate doctrines.”

Indian military sources told TheHindu the study was commissioned in the summer of 2008, soon after former chief of army staff General Pervez Kayani took office. It evolved through intensive discussions of the Kargil war of 1999 and the near-war that followed the December, 2011, terrorist attack on Parliament House

Georgetown University scholar Dr. C. Christine, author of a forthcoming book, Fighting to the End, says the Doctrine confirms what scholars have long known. “It tells us several interesting things,” she says, “among them that the Pakistan army sees Indian military modernisation as a threat, but that they also think nuclear weapons will insulate them from the consequences of pursuing high-risk strategies, like backing jihadist clients.”

Future wars, the Doctrine states, “will be characterised by high-intensity, high-tempo operations under a relatively transparent battle-space environment.” This, it states, is because of the “incremental increase in asymmetry of conventional forces and [the] nuclear overhang” — evident references to the programme of rapid modernisation India put into place after the 2001-2002 crisis, and both countries’ efforts to expand their nuclear weapons capabilities.

In the view of the Doctrine’s authors, de-facto parity between the two countries induced “through a combination of conventional and nuclear deterrence, has obviated the [likelihood of] conventional war.”

However, the Doctrine argues, “a disparity at the conventional plane continues to grow disproportionately, which too disturbs the strategic equilibrium of the region.” This, it states, “depletes peaceful diplomacy and dialogue, replacing it with coercion on the upper planes and violence across the lower-ends of the spectrum.”

“What worries Pakistan’s army,” says the former Indian Army vice-chief, Arvinder Lamba, “is their inability to organise offensive or defensive responses to our growing rapid mobilisation capacity. Their challenge is to deter us from striking by threatening nuclear weapons use in the face of the least provocation.

“India’s government and military must seek perceptual clarity on exactly what we intend to do in the face of such threats,” he said.

The Doctrine states that Pakistan will use nuclear weapons “only as a last resort, given its scale and scope of destruction.” Nuclear parity between India and Pakistan, it argues, “does not accrue any substantial military advantage to either side, other than maintaining the status quo.”

“In a nuclear deterrent environment,” it adds, “war is unlikely to create decisive military or political advantage.” However, it argues that “integration and synergy between conventional and nuclear forces, maintaining both at an appropriate level… [will avoid] an open-ended arms race.”

It does not state what the red lines compelling nuclear weapons use might be, but says future strategic “force development centres around developing and maintaining credible minimum deterrence, based on a [land, sea and air] triad, including an assured second-strike capability [to an Indian nuclear first-strike].”

“Lots of this thinking has been operationalised in Pakistan’s military,” says Rana Banerjee, a New Delhi-based expert on the Pakistan army, and former Research and Analysis Wing official. “Basically, this document signals they intend to react to even limited Indian military operations with disproportionate force, and hope fear of escalation deters New Delhi from reacting to events like 26/11.”

Keywords: Pakistan Army Doctrine, anti-Indian rhetoric, India-Pakistan conflict, Kashmir issue, war threat
Pakistan army warns of ‘disproportionate response’ in future wars - The Hindu
India's water war on Pakistan would have to be stopped one way or another. If India thinks, that we will sit quiet and see our nation turn into a desert, they are wrong - very wrong!

What kind of water war are you talking about??

All the dams we have are run of the river kind and IWT allows that on western rivers. If you have problem with IWT then by all means scrap it and try negotiating a better one. We have been more than generous allowing 100% of the water to flow into your country on our western rivers and 20% on eastern rivers.

Tell me which upper riparian country allowing all their water to flow down streams without getting their allowance first??? As a lower riparian Pakistan will always feel insecure and it will be always be etched into your psychological makeup. It is better we fall back on a treaty that has served us well more or less for 50 years without much controversy. IWT allows for third party arbitration if any problems arise.

What we should work on is how to reduce our trust deficit?? Not jingoist slogans which will serve no one.
this all episode is nothing but NS and PA trying to divert pakistani awams attention from the issues at home and pakistanies as usual started running after "truck ki batti" kuch nahi hone wala wo suna hai na "empty vessels make more sound"
No, no.
It shows your low comprehension skills. He said they are dying for pakistan while fighting ttp. It has nothing to do with india. Similarly crpf are dying for india, fighting maoists. It has nothing to do with pakistan.

At the end of the day they are dying of Pakistan. Negates his whole post where he was questioning their need and existence.
this all episode is nothing but NS and PA trying to divert pakistani awams attention from the issues at home and pakistanies as usual started running after "truck ki batti" kuch nahi hone wala wo suna hai na "empty vessels make more sound"

Aap toh meherbani kar ke apne mahawre apne pass rakhein. No need to make assumptions regarding Pakistanis i don't want to do the same regarding Indians.
In first strike India will neutralize all your airbases with the strike of Brahmos or Prithvi leaving no plane or ground infrastructure war worthy.

Pl argue now.
Yes Yes off course really Sir thank you I am scared :omghaha:
Aap toh meherbani kar ke apne mahawre apne pass rakhein. No need to make assumptions regarding Pakistanis i don't want to do the same regarding Indians.
well i know truth hurts but there is nothing pakistan army , air force or navy can do against india nor they have guts to fight india this is just to divert attention or maybe a new "arangement" PA & GOP has made secretly with USA & west :coffee:
pakistan must take lesson from japan.Chinese economy is bigger so they spend more in defence than
japan .but japan will not resort in crazy ideas.But pakistan is opposite to that ,their rival India will
expand defence according to their economy.But pakistan economy is low ,but they try to catch up with india.
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