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Pakistan Air Force Operation Swift Retort l Indian Military targets in gun-sight of PAF

Pakistan Air Force Zindabad! Never had any doubt in my mind about Op Swift Retort but after this program feeling really proud of our boys, their training, their professionalism and passion for the nation and country. May Almighty protect them always. (Ameen)

@The Eagle In light of what you have said, Pakistan must be ready for more misadventure from East and West. I have this feeling that actually Balakot was done just to test our resolve and preparation and actual Indian adventure is yet to come. Rembmer what Modi said right after 27/2 "Yeh aik pilot project ho gia hai, abhi REAL karna hai" .... Watch below video and check the date it was uploaded.
Suicidal maniac
Ive heard that the Susraelis are pushing the rampage as an offset to the Spice and the Crystal Maze( system is oddly pretty similar to the Raptor in use).
what they have made Rampage system operational and now offering to India as well .... ??? amazing if true

India already have Crystal Maze in her air force inventory and as per their own claim was one of the weapons of their choice to attack Balakot, but due to some technical issues related to firing protocol was not employed that day by IAF Mirage-2000H, as per last report on that matter IAF was negotiating with Susraelis to change/modify the protocols .... so changing protocols of Crystal Maze and testing it with new protocols should take some time
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Adding to that, Indians have their ME and western friends with them continuously Inside India with complete menu and Delhi has big pockets as well as hungry being disgruntled. ME Wala is seeing a lifetime opportunity here.
Exactly - at the end of the day money is what matters and always has. Our establishment have been too myopic to realize that for the entire country and focus on themselves.

There cannot be an elite hoarding wealth with the masses living off a dead state. The UAE figured that out early, the Saudis are following suit quickly as well. Our country’s races are essentially inclined for rule via worship but unfortunately unlike next door where they also understand economics much much better than us; our ethnocentric leaders never have.

You can milk the cow for your pockets, but instead of also feeding the cow and ensuring its long term health, our national mentality is to slaughter it immediately and have instantly gratifying tikkas.

Reflect that not just in economics, but also military strategy and diplomacy.

When we claim we are a bunch of martial races it actually reflects our short term extreme will power. Same reason we will never win the cricket world cup again.

Back to the topic, the celebration is focused too much on a VERY limited engagement both in force size and combat zone.

I pray we never have to span the wider battlefield as our military leadership, equipment and economy are incapable of that undertaking.
Its not pessimistic, its pragmatic.

The better we are at accepting these things, the better we will recognize what is the best option to achieve at the limits and then focus on increasing our resources.
But What he is telling us from few months is very scary to think about , if what he is hinting about see the day light of reality than it wont be long than we will be fighting a nerve wrecking war inside our territory .
he is telling the truth .....
what they have made Rampage system operational and now offering to India as well .... ??? amazing if true

India already have Crystal Maze in her air force inventory and as per their own claim was one of the weapons of their choice to attack Balakot, but due to some technical issues related to firing protocol was not employed that day by IAF Mirage-2000H, as per last report on that matter IAF was negotiating with Susraelis to change/modify the protocols .... so changing protocols of Crystal Maze and testing it with new protocols should take some time
The Rampage(or its IDF specific version) has already been tested in Syria apparently.
he is telling the truth .....

I am not doubting him, never saw him doing " Rai ka Pahar Banana " kinda thing, he don't over exaggerate nor undermine the threat , but I sincerely hope that our People and Forces are as much as ready as they are emotional and Jazbati .
I have seen many Russian in my life during my Hotel career and the pin looks absolut like a Su-57, notice the Russian flag colours of his Necktie suits perfect to him! By the way, analysing the mimic and gesticulation of all military attaches, the Chinese were the only military attaches which paid over 100% attention to this event/stage, from what I could see in the 2 hours show!

Given that the Taiwanese Air Force also operates the F-16, you bet they'd pay full undivided attention.
I am not doubting him, never saw him doing " Rai ka Pahar Banana " kinda thing, he don't over exaggerate nor undermine the threat , but I sincerely hope that our People and Forces are as much as ready as they are emotional and Jazbati .
It all depends on who sits at the helm. You saw people in that show who seemed both overly emotional and those who were more calm and controlled.
Lets hope its the latter in command.
No SU-30 shoot down video?
It all depends on who sits at the helm. You saw people in that show who seemed both overly emotional and those who were more calm and controlled.
Lets hope its the latter in command.

not good at reading faces for Armed forces but i do noticed that ACM was smiling and feeling proud , his face was all shinny and full of emotions specially when both pilots who took down Indian Jets take the stage . Right now they all are happy and enjoying their victory, I think they deserve it .. they put their efforts and life on the line but lets just say that behind all those nice smiles and emotional tears the professionals are up to the job .

It was to be made available in 2019 for foreign customers. 90+ miles range with supersonic speed. Can mate with Flanker family. Found that it can work in jamming but not the full extent and may then hit any wider area given GPS/INS jaming.

However, maze was used in mix with spice at balakot. I don't know that how forensic and inspection went and we read it all. Here...
Frustratingly missing parts:

1- proof of Su-30 MKI kill e.g., radar imagery, communication recording or whatever just to have this claim backed up with more concrete evidence
2- MiG-21 black box recording to have confirmation that no F-16 was killed.
3- Role of JF17 thunders
4- How did PAF respond on the fateful night of 26. Radar imagery, warning etc

Our plan investigation reporting and press is very poor. If it was India till now their press would have given all the details with proofs to boost about their Viyu Sina .. or at least PAF should have these details made available in some PAF museum .. etc etc etc ..
1- same goes to India that's shows they kill our F-16, and don't tell me they provided Radar image as a prove of their claims, I am software developer in USA i can better construct/built these kind of Images better then IAF
2- there is technical limitation of design for Mig-21, Mig-21 has a such a small dia air intake radome (nosecone) that radar range barely reach BVR range (similar to our F-7PG which has radar of Griffo-7 PG with a range of only 55 km) so we assume same for IAF Bison has similar radar range like our F-7PG which can't able to guide their R-77, where as our F-16 BM radar range of in excess of 150 km+ and has better range BVR AMRAAM C-5 with a range of 105 km vs 80 KM for their R-77
3- JF-17 role is for escort for our attacking mirages
4-why do want radar imagery from PAF, can India show radar imagery of 26 FEB incident

most of Indian media blabbering doesn't provide single solid prove about the bombing, IAF saying that their Mriage-2000 stayed 21 minutes in Pakistani airspace how is this possible, they first say we intrude deep inside Pakistan then few days later they (IAF) change their statement and said that we didn't cross LOC but instead we used stand off Spice-2000 glide, what detail do you want their IAF/govt of India/ Indian media is propaganda machine against Pakistan, Their media/armed forces/govt are always lying and you consider this propaganda as a truth
whatever we did was great and i salute everyone who was involved in this operation but we should continue our focus on india.india has already planned attack on pakistan.without air superiority,india can't win any war against pakistan and paf should dominate iaf every time.india is waiting for fatf blacklist.may God save pakistan from blacklist.
The better we are at accepting these things, the better we will recognize what is the best option to achieve at the limits and then focus on increasing our resources.

Actually, emotions hadn't got on nerves. Program was arranged not just to celebrate but in broader aspect like conveying the message that we too have remaining things. As Air Cmdr Sajid Hussain said on behalf of PAF for India that we have the first shoot capability, be it SU or Rafale.

Command has threat assessment and reads very carefully even what a commoner shared. However, threat is there as you said and so are preparations. Yes, we aren't like neighbors with deep pockets to sustain long but then, we will fight on our terms and we will have to pull them inside our field of control.

But What he is telling us from few months is very scary to think about , if what he is hinting about see the day light of reality than it wont be long than we will be fighting a nerve wrecking war inside our territory .

Nothing scary but reality and facts. Why to be scared? We have preparations as well readiness but what he says is like a reminder with information so we shall not lower the guard or shouldn't forget our responsibility. The threat is real and it exist.

On other hand, except for few celebrations here and there, as far as I know, there is no rest or moment of ease for men in uniform especially post 27th Feb. Even Pakistan political leadership is reaching everyone to witness and what tomorrow brings, none shall grieve for the losses then. Actually, it's like you are ready and conducting necessary checks.

May ALLAH help us and keep Pakistan safe and give us strength to fight. AMEEN.

what they have made Rampage system operational and now offering to India as well .... ??? amazing if true

Already tested in Syria during a flight path through Lebanon and then siding into Syria border. That S300 site strike was most probably Rampage hit.

IMI said it to be available for foreign customer and already secured a contract without disclosing customer name. Possibilities are that first customer was Taiwan that already uses Extra, the artillery version of same missile. No further contract reported as of yet.

BTW, we brought CM400 already.
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