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Pakistan Air Force Operation Swift Retort l Indian Military targets in gun-sight of PAF

And may such ideas propagate there in full effect.
We want them to spend hours blessing aircraft, showing it with water. Spend millions on vedic research and so on.

I am glad we are nearly rid of the “research on ajinah” variety and more pragmatic as a nation than the Indians these days.
While rest of the world is moving forward, Indians are going backward to ancient Vedic times.

Fight Missiles and bullets with majical arrows with fire on tips etc..
The aircraft camera video is the most concrete piece of military reporting, and sends the message home extremely forcefully.

I can’t imagine Indian media running that.

Really puts the Indians in their place.

don't under estimate the power of star plus saas bhi kabhi bahu thi kind of drama being fed to their gullible nation
Yes there were 12 MK2 in the package with 8 SU-30 escorts but don't forget this wasn't the only Indian misadventure on that day.

Frustratingly missing parts:

1- proof of Su-30 MKI kill e.g., radar imagery, communication recording or whatever just to have this claim backed up with more concrete evidence
2- MiG-21 black box recording to have confirmation that no F-16 was killed.
3- Role of JF17 thunders
4- How did PAF respond on the fateful night of 26. Radar imagery, warning etc

Our plan investigation reporting and press is very poor. If it was India till now their press would have given all the details with proofs to boost about their Viyu Sina .. or at least PAF should have these details made available in some PAF museum .. etc etc etc ..
My brother was leading a Viper formation over Fazilka sector on that night, challenging/locking 16 InAF jets over APG68v9 and Sniper TGP. At one point, he had their AWACS also locked, which was flying deep inside their border.

We Pakistanis owe to all PAF Scramblers that took to air that night and kept InAF at bay.

Only an ungrateful can say otherwise. Salute to those warriors. Our training, professionalism and sincere parenting speaks volume of our discipline and dedication.
The aircraft camera video is the most concrete piece of military reporting, and sends the message home extremely forcefully.

I can’t imagine Indian media running that.

Really puts the Indians in their place.

its not a targeting pod but a tv guided agm camera footage..

Frustratingly missing parts:

1- proof of Su-30 MKI kill e.g., radar imagery, communication recording or whatever just to have this claim backed up with more concrete evidence
2- MiG-21 black box recording to have confirmation that no F-16 was killed.
3- Role of JF17 thunders
4- How did PAF respond on the fateful night of 26. Radar imagery, warning etc

Our plan investigation reporting and press is very poor. If it was India till now their press would have given all the details with proofs to boost about their Viyu Sina .. or at least PAF should have these details made available in some PAF museum .. etc etc etc ..

pakistan is the only military that will consider even nuts and bolts top secret

Sad state of affairs that now we have to deal with such kind of so-called analysts that doesn't even know that,

1st arm chair general claims of defused REK Bomb and none in India paraded that. Isn't that a miracle that they waved that amraam bamboo to malign but will not show their bravery for defusing the bomb. Can anyone handle this filth? It's like getting into cow dung fight to argue with such creatures.

2nd UFO pilot can't even recognize that footage was taken hy drone and camera/FLIRs as such can keep the focus.

Unfortunately, we are not doomed because we are facing a powerful or capable enemy but we are dealing with totally ignorant, mean, deceptive, clueless, habitual liar and demoralized kind of lot hence, there is no point in arguing.
@Oscar @messiach why we didn't use black box recording from mig 21? If we have the plane surely we have its black box too and all its recordings before being hit by us. It will discard all the myths propagated by Indians regarding F 16.

In my opinion, we have already rubbed their faces with dust by showing missile of Abhinandan and given an open invitation to any foreign analyst to inspect. Even if abhinandan confess the same and risk the life of him and his family, don't expect sanity from ignorant Indians.

All the proves are there and none except for India, deny the facts presented by PAF at all. Rest of details, evidences, radar imagery etc etc will stay wrapped for years to come as by grace of ALLAH, IAF gave us enough to read/kniw their tactics and all.
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