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Pakistan Air Force Operation Swift Retort l Indian Military targets in gun-sight of PAF

Had the crash been on this side, there would have been videos of SU 30 all over the internet.

Exactly. and that wasn't Indian side but Indian Occupied Kashmir where none of the dense type of Indian population exist let alone any information coming out. Full blackout was observed on the same day & so on for couple of more days.

Off Topic.
Not meaning to be disrespectful but wish to appeal to all Mods and Seniors here.......
More than 200 posts but not even one allowed for Indians in this Forum. Abuses, trolling is permitted but Indian's posts are not. Why so insecure Sir? You have permitted people from all nationalities to join PDF but what is the point if voices that don't agree to a certain narrative are muted and members are banned. Till few months back it used to generate some excellent contents but now collectively we are reducing it to trash. Please review your policies Sir and allow some freedom of thoughts (equally to all).

You are right to the extent to provide equal opportunity for opposing voices and counter arguments but having said that, there is lot of difference between freedom of thoughts and flooding internet with propaganda. We adhere to credit valuable inputs as per findings & analysis instead of some social media fanboys acting like arm chair generals or like they have been in cockpits on that day. You will have to observe that this forum does not allow fan made videos and photos even if Pakistanis shares. Ban is a tool that is applied to certain level of trolling when members have no respect especially in regard to Kashmir. This is a Pakistan Defence Forum and those who thought to come here and disrespect Kashmiris at large or peddle the falsified narratives, are dealt accordingly. Members need to realize and some times are made to understand that this is not some kind of social media platform where every tom & harry can share the gibberish or vent frustration.
The Indian false bravado was destroyed on February 27th and today. Their AD system is nothing but a Russian rust that were easily neutralized.

Just a correction, Indians use Green Pine radars and Spyder anti aircraft system, both Israelis. All of their aircrafts, even the Russian origins, are heavily upgraded with Israeli components and sub systems.

First ever release of H-4 pic by PAF officially ....

View attachment 579358

Disclaimer : It may not be related to 27 Feb, 2019 but related to user trial or training launch of H-4

The damn thing has been in service since early 2000s , nearing two decades, yet all we got is this blurry pic.
I am more concerned about their purchase of the Python. It is an extreme threat in A2A and will allow near BVR IR kills along with making most of our IR countermeasures useless.

It ASRAAM will be the main short range weapon for IAF. Not P5. Even ASRAAM has got longer range than P5 and better capabilties.
It ASRAAM will be the main short range weapon for IAF. Not P5. Even ASRAAM has got longer range than P5 and better capabilties.
Not necessarily. Both focus on different strengths for the engagement. The P5 is still capable of some extreme maneuvering after the motor goes whereas the Asraam has to be more careful with energy management in its terminal stage at extreme ranges.

Asraam’s greatest beneficiary has been the DARIN Jags. Allows them good self defense survivability
The Part 2 of the program put on YouTube is highly disliked. Wonder where that is coming from....
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In Case You Didn’t Know, There Exists A PakistaniThere Exists A Pakistani “Top Gun” Movie Featuring PAF JF-17
Here’s a scene from a movie that someone has dubbed “Pakistan’s response to Top Gun”.
Disclaimer: I’ve not watched the whole movie so I have no idea what the rest looks like. You can find plenty of reviews online, though.

“Sher Dil” (Urdu for “Lion Heart”) is a Pakistani action movie released on Mar. 22, 2019.

The film tells the story of a young pilot, Haris Mustafa, the grandson of Pakistan Air Force hero pilot who died in a PAF F-86 Sabre during clashes with Indian Gnat fighters in 1965. The young Mustafa wants to become a combat pilot so he joins the PAF Academy and, long story short, he eventually becomes a fighter jock flying the JF-17 Thunder, Pakistan’s most advanced combat aircraft.

The JF-17 is a lightweight, single-engine, multi-role combat aircraft developed from a joint venture between the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) and the Chengdu Aircraft Corporation (CAC) of China. It’s considered a 4th Gen. fighter If confirmed, this would be the first kill of an aircraft by the JF-17 (the Thunder shot down an Iranian spy drone in 2017).

One of the scenes of Sher Dil, a movie that some Asian media outlets called “Pakistan’s response to Top Gun” shows a dogfight between two PAF JF-17s and two Indian Air Force Mirage 2000s, a scene that may bring to your mind what happened earlier in the morning in the skies over Kashmir during clashes between Indian and Pakistani jets on Feb. 26-27, 2019.

As you may recall, the Indian Air Force launched airstrikes on terror camps across the Line of Control at the border between India and Pakistan. The raid was carried out in response to the suicide attack that killed 40 CPRF (Central Reserve Police Force – the largest of India’s Central Armed Police Forces) soldiers earlier that month. As a consequence of the Indian air strikes, the Pakistani launched retaliatory raids across the Line Of Control (LoC). During such missions, IAF and PAF jets were involved in aerial clashes over Kashmir whose outcomes are still unclear.

All the details of what happened in those days are contested, so much so it’s impossible to get a clear idea of what has really happened based on a lot of conflicting claims. While some of these could be easily debunked, others couldn’t be verified. We are not even sure a certain kind of aircraft took part to the skirmishes or not, even though both sides provided pretty detailed accounts.

As explained back then, the only fact, that has been confirmed by both sides, is that an IAF MiG-21 Bison was shot down and its pilot captured by the Pakistani forces. We don’t even know for sure which kind of aircraft downed the Indian Fishbed derivative: some sources claim if was a JF-17 Thunder, others say it was an F-16.

With this in mind, the Sher Dil scene below shows two IAF Mirage 2000s intruding into Pakistani airspace and causing the PAF to scramble two JF-17s to intercept them. The short clip is interesting as it provides a glimpse into Minhas Airbase, located to the northwest of Islamabad, homebase to the 16(MR)sq “Black Panthers” of the Pakistani Air Force. Unfortunately, after the 00:47 mark, all the flying scene is CGI. Still, the initial footage, that shows the pilots scrambling to the jets, strapping into the cockpit and taking off for the intercept mission, show the JF-17 Thunder pilots’ helmet, flight gear, patches and some other pretty rare and cool details.

In this case, the outcome of the aerial engagement is clear but if you read some reviews, you’ll find out that Sher Dil, released less than one month after the clashes over Kashmir, is more a story of cameraderie and unexpected friendship between Pakistani and Indian pilots than war between the two rival nations.

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