Lol like I said why are you so aggravated when you yourself claim it is not the Gospel truth you can refer to the post 40 which you had quoted yourself I have never made the connection between the two but someone else did (sneakily) and he wasn't a Pakistani
Aggravated? Hardly. Am engaging you. Or would you rather that I ignore you?
Never understood the concept of Indian Sub-continent wherein people write 'why are you aggressive/aggravated' when one is engaged in a straight talk. Is it the spill over effect of watching too many Hollywood movies where a slightly apprehensive character will be asked to "calm down" by some stupid dimwit on duty as a police officer or hospital staff, and then the person says 'I am calm' and the other insists that the person needs to 'calm down' till it irritates the other so much, that he/she actually loses cool?
We see this as a norm in PDF too, although in a different context. People keep posting rot and when challenged, cry personal attack/religion being attacked
Furthermore, you clearly are ignorant of the term Mujahideen which in itself exist irrespective of the Soviet war.
So, by my limiting the scope of a discourse you have drawn an inference of ignorance? Pretty interesting.
I answered addressing a specific context to which
you alluded. Now, one can go hundreds of years/centuries back and increase the context and the dimensions of the discussion till the original post is forgotten.
Is it so hard to stick to a context in an interaction? Let us revisit your claim at post #40
"I hope you are referring to the Mujahid Force Regiment It is anything but recent and and your slip seems deliberate as has been seen in the Indian media and numerous post made by Indian members here before it morphed it so called Border Action Teams."
The contention made by
you that Mujahid Force (a Paramilitary Force during the said period of origin of the BAT as a term) morphed into Border Action Team, was being rebutted. Then you went on to persist with the same as under:
........before BATs, the Indian newspapers routinely published Mujahideen Force because it was an easy word association with the Pakistan's use of Mujahideen referring to he armed resistance in Kashmir, when in fact it was the Mujahid Force with ample information was available on the Internet. ..... "
Pray, do tell me, what confounded you when I posted the under:
Incorrect. You have clearly mixed up the Mujahideen of the Soviet War with the Muajhid Force raised as a 'paramilitary' force by Pakistan.
Please do not confuse yourself and others by mixing the occurrence of Afghanis fighting in Kashmir in 1990s (with Mullah Omar admitting the same publicly in 1998) wherein the public media would oft use Mujahideen to refer to them as also the cadres of Hizbul Mujahideen. It was a term being used since 1980s during the Afghanistan Campaign by Soviets and has nothing to do with the force raised by Pakistan.
The bold is apt."
The word
Mujaheddin, as popular in the media lexicon at the time thanks to the wide publicity of the Soviet War, gained traction in media all over and was extrapolated into Indian media. I think that is easy to understand, wouldn't you agree?
Yes it has been used to describe the armed resistance in the Soviet war and is also used in Pakistan to describe the armed resistance in Kashmir regardless of its association with your assertions of Afghan Lashkars operating in Kashmir in 1990s (I can't believe you did not know this considering you are supposed to "know" so much). Sorry buddy no one is buying your bullshit I do not have any issues with actions taken in the past through small strike teams but calling them BATs (as part of defining/regularizing a strategy) is your and your medias concoction.
So, you are a Pakistani? If so, are you contending that the Mujahid Force morphed into BATs? And if not, being an Indian, are you contending that Indian media is creating the BAT as a term?
You seem at odds with your contentions
Lets leave it at that, you have not provide facts on any matter except for some "khiyali pulao" read anecdotal and then go on ranting ".....latter from perpetuation of a systematic 'structured' information system and propensity to deny alternative sources for information if it does not suit their pre-conceived notions". This is the mirror in which you look at yourself because when you say "So, does one expect any Army Commander in his right mind, to accept such occurrences? Officially, even Indians will say that Pakistanis do it and not us. So?" what make you think you are any different.
Again, seems a rant. What do you intend to convey, pray do clarify. If you have a rebuttal, please do post.