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Pak army general says India carrying out BAT attacks on Pakistani side of LoC

Try to bring some sense of proportion into what you say; don't just say the first thing that leaps to your lips. The Indian Army has not been shelling villages or population centres; the only shelling that takes place is from the other side of the LOC. If you like, that is murderous fire, that takes a toll of civilians.

Not a single instance. You seem to be a Donald Trump follower, complete with Fake News.

I never cease to be amazed when fanboys - you being a prime example - put together unrelated facts and then jump up and down.

The action against the armed militants was separate; the firing on the crowd that tried to intervene was different. The crowd was warned, not once but several times. What precisely would you do, mastermind, strategic genius, if your armed detachment, in action, were to have somebody come in between and attack your detachment? Play the bagpipes for them?

It was hardly brutality when people deliberately go into harm's way; you would not blame an artillery battery for casualties caused by people who wander into a red-flagged firing range. Please explain how firing on a crowd that, in spite of being warned, actively interferes is a war crime.

Do you seriously think that this will be allowed by even the most liberal society on earth?

Nothing that you do, say or write is ever simple; the day when you could put on an expression of wounded innocence, raise your hands and look puzzled are long gone.

Those Indians who were happy at this information are naive idiots. Those who have soberly examined the Pakistani General's statements and appreciated his candour have nothing to be ashamed of; nor does the General.

As I said, those Indians.............

It is clear what you are saying, and why you are saying it. Fair enough. If you were to abandon your habit of abusing people with whom you disagree, nobody - not a single Indian - would be able to combat you.

I said what I said.

Pak general in this particular case if pinning all the blame on Indians and Indians are happy of that. End of story.
No offense to senior Indian members but so far it's all talk no material to show ..I would take words of an army officer ( high rank ) over someone from this forum .

This trip of mine to northern areas educated me on a lot of things .. as far as BAT is concerned it's nothing but a reactionary force of PA . There are no launch pads operated and control by army .. not anymore
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