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Pak army general says India carrying out BAT attacks on Pakistani side of LoC

I have read about it in the newspapers as a Pakistan Army usage. Nobody in the Indian Army used it before.
That's a pathetic lie. It was coined by Indian army and has been reported multiple times on PDF.
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Anecdotal evidence has suggested that the PA follows this to limit interaction between the militants (oft radicalized on lines of religion to fight jihad) and their own soldiers, to obviate the possibility of ancillary affectations. Equally amusing remains the propensity to overlook the obvious - the soldiers and the militants are being representative of the same set of population in general, the steps remain at odds with the intent.

Nice fairy tale.

The metamorphosis of an insurgent movement into a jihadist movement plays right into the narrative that we need to get a 'free hand'. The world is sick of terror in name of Islam. And any armed struggle where Islam is being used to mobilize the resources, is automatically reinforcing the same. Today, even the average Indian who was not interested in WoT or 'Jihad' is not only sensitized, but sick of reading about the rabid philosophy and correlating the basic issue of Kashmir with the same. It is not an act of GoI, but the happenings of around the world, which is allowing the firming of a narrative.

Keep telling yourself that your government is not responsible for Kashmir slipping out of your hands.

For the last few decades, Kashmiris tried to protest peacefully and gain independence through the UN or delving in Indian politics.

The disillusionment from your heavy-handed policies have forced Kashmiris to pick up the rifle.

Can’t blame Pakistan for that. We have had our own problems and our governments have been ignoring Kashmir. Not anymore.


Nice PR for India.
Nice fairy tale.

Keep telling yourself that your government is not responsible for Kashmir slipping out of your hands.

For the last few decades, Kashmiris tried to protest peacefully and gain independence through the UN or delving in Indian politics.

The disillusionment from your heavy-handed policies have forced Kashmiris to pick up the rifle.

Can’t blame Pakistan for that. We have had our own problems and our governments have been ignoring Kashmir. Not anymore.


Nice PR for India.

Don't worry. Says a man sitting in US to a man who spent his time on ground in the region under question:enjoy:

Assuredly, I get quite a few laughs reading you fanboys.:coffee:

Excerpt from new book by Hapymon Jacob who vsited pak army hq and loc formations few months back as well as indian formations on loc and northern command hq
bro it means we are innocent and they are guilty.
Its a common practice by armies around the world.
Its same as indian army kill innocent unarmed kashmiris and then declare them aggressors and terrorists sympathizers.
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bro it means we are innocent and they are guilty.
Itsa common practice by aries around the world.
Its same as indian army kill innocent unarmed kashmiris and then declare them aggressors and terrorists sympathizers.

Aggressors and anti-terror operations disruptors. Itna bhi twist na karo ;)

That's a pathetic lie

So, what is the truth? The small team concept called BATs were not created by SSG as I have enumerated earlier?
Don't worry. Says a man sitting in US to a man who spent his time on ground in the region under question:enjoy:

Stop derailing the thread.

You don’t know anything about me.

Keep posting “anecdotal evidence” about secret Pak Army madrassas and civilian smugglers. :rofl:

Just because you got out of your car to s*** on a street heading to Kashmir doesn’t mean you know anything more than us Pakistanis. :rofl:

Its same as indian army kill innocent unarmed kashmiris and then declare them aggressors and terrorists sympathizers.

Shame on the Indian occupation. Free Kashmir.
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So, what is the truth? The small team concept called BATs were not created by SSG as I have enumerated earlier?
Well, that's what we are saying that the BAT term is used by Indian army and being on PDF, I have always seen this term being used by Indian army multiple times to describe the killing of its soldiers as the doing of 'some' hypothetical BAT team of Pakistan army existence of which PA has always. But here Indians seem to take a u-turn. What a pathetic liars.
author is quoting general of record here. If general didnt say any of that he can file a case against author. i dont see him doing that or raising any objections.

He simply pinned all the blame on Indians. And you guys are happy too. :lol:

Talk about clutching at straws to feel good.
That's a pathetic lie. It was coined by Indian army and has been reported multiple times on PDF.

Really? I respect your opinion, but it is an opinion. What gives you the authority or the license to call it a lie? And who whispered into your ears that the Indian Army coined it? Who reported it multiple times on PDF?

You are now getting hysterical. Calm yourself.

Stop detailing the thread.

You don’t know anything about me.

Keep posting “anecdotal evidence” about secret Pak Army madrassas and civilian smugglers. :rofl:

Just because you got out of your car to s*** on a street heading to Kashmir doesn’t mean you know anything more than us Pakistanis. :rofl:

I suggest you respect his professional service in that sector, and stop projecting your own total ignorance of the situation on him. He knows far more about that situation other than one other member, who no longer participates actively.

Shame on the Indian occupation. Free Kashmir.

So sloganeering in the peace and quiet of your desk, on the Internet, will achieve anything but to show that you live in the clouds?

He simply pinned all the blame on Indians. And you guys are happy too. :lol:

Talk about clutching at straws to feel good.

Please feel free to clutch at whatever you prefer. Nobody is preventing you from making the usual parade of your prejudices and calling it the truth.
lol this writers credibility is that he visited GHQ.. lol there are movies where hollywood use isi and sometimes SIS next time that will be references. :raise:
Well, that's what we are saying that the BAT term is used by Indian army and being on PDF, I have always seen this term being used by Indian army multiple times to describe the killing of its soldiers as the doing of 'some' hypothetical BAT team of Pakistan army existence of which PA has always. But here Indians seem to take a u-turn. What a pathetic liars.

What is this confused mess that you are dishing out?

  1. You have seen the Indian Army using it is supposed to mean that the Pakistan Army has not coined it? What is the connection?
  2. What U-turn is this?
  3. Again you repeat that slur with no foundation. It is quite all right to discuss this as long as we retain our manners.

I appreciate most of what you write, although my own position differs, except that last paragraph. Whatever the situation, my personal links with my Kashmiri friends are too strong to permit me to adopt a bystander's position. This in spite of the fact that several of them are professedly azadi supporters. We have argued about this among ourselves, and have decided to respect each others' positions and not debate it among ourselves. Two or three of them are my hosts in Srinagar, but of late, I have avoided staying with them so that I do not embarrass them among others of their persuasion.


It is becoming increasingly difficult to post here for the fact that the majority, the overwhelming majority, do not want to learn or understand. The words of Issac Asimov resound louder day by day, for me. '...... my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'

I had always used a specific term 'militant'. I had never used a term 'terrorist' for anyone who was fighting in Kashmir because of one specific reason, that the majority of acts till date were limited to Police, Paramilitary, Governmental and then only Army targets.

You are right. I have been careless but shall take care in future.

With the policy which we have discussed away from the public glare, in the aftermath of Burhan Wani elimination and my asking people to reflect on why he needed to be eliminated then, when we could have done so anytime in past 5 years, coming to fruition , the term terrorist has become pre-dominant and now synonymous.

The most amusing (my ironic view) point here remains that our champions here have played exactly into the policy I averred to when I used to give the example of permissive attitude towards Ahl-e-Hadith. The long term implications were either never appreciated or were ignored by both the Kashmiris and Pakistanis, believing in their own delusion that Indian politicians and security experts are a bunch of nincompoops.

With a weak economy, Pakistan is neither in any position, nor likely to be ever in a position, wherein it shall be taken as a serious party to discuss the issue with. A Pakistani Author in a piece in Dawn was quite astute in observing that there has been a change in Indian attitude (look how people will misread the word attitude and run to show their ignorance ;)) towards negotiation with Pakistan.

Frankly, no one cares for the Kashmiri. The Pakistanis in their rabid tokenism without the capability to act decisively in their favor, are slowly losing the narrative. Majority of the 'support' is made as a statement that is anti-establishment in Srinagar, not pro-Pakistan. (@Starlord this is for you, refer your 'Kashmir banega azaad' in Muzzafarabad, observation eslewhere. The ground situation is quite different from what you all believe. The average Kashmiri wants both Pakistan and India out).

The metamorphosis of an insurgent movement into a jihadist movement plays right into the narrative that we need to get a 'free hand'. The world is sick of terror in name of Islam. And any armed struggle where Islam is being used to mobilize the resources, is automatically reinforcing the same. Today, even the average Indian who was not interested in WoT or 'Jihad' is not only sensitized, but sick of reading about the rabid philosophy and correlating the basic issue of Kashmir with the same. It is not an act of GoI, but the happenings of around the world, which is allowing the firming of a narrative.

It is the time to sit back with popcorns and watch the coming events. In my darkest of humour 'the fun has just begun'


On one point, let me address your arguments about whether the primary responsibility is that of the central government or of the leaders and the body of the Kashmiri population.

While it is true that the average Kashmiri wants both big states out of Kashmir, it is also true that even azadi friends have pointed out that their views must forever be coloured by the duplicity of the babus and political netas in Delhi, and that unless the central government plays fair, the possibility of a favourable stand towards India is ruled out. As they point out, it is for Delhi to make the first move; they cannot, there is nothing that they can do while the daily humiliation continues and while ordinary people are in that rebellious frame of mind.

We have already seen that our counter-insurgency experts have been rejected by the politicians, in the same spirit in which they blew up the normal punitive raid across the border to harvest electoral benefits.

I also want to remind you of the paradox that your on-location friends will confirm: even those actively seeking government employment (and taking government employment, like the numerous youngsters in the CISF and CRPF I have seen) throw stones until the last moment when they have to join training as raw recruits. The militants are now singling them out for killing.
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Aggressors and anti-terror operations disruptors. Itna bhi twist na karo ;)

So, what is the truth? The small team concept called BATs were not created by SSG as I have enumerated earlier?
still that makes indian army guilty if they use live ammunition to kill them. It was israeli strategy of occupation when it invaded lebenan. It proves u r occupying someone else land.
He simply pinned all the blame on Indians. And you guys are happy too. :lol:

Talk about clutching at straws to feel good.
Dont give a shit about the context. My reply was in response to someone saying its false. Read that.
Whether BAT exists or not is a matter for another debate.
Learn to know what is being discussed.
still that makes indian army guilty if they use live ammunition to kill them. It was israeli strategy of occupation when it invaded lebenan. It proves u r occupying someone else land.

Do you know the difference between putting random words into sentences and putting random sentences into paragraphs, and rational thinking and writing?

What is an army supposed to do when it faces armed resistance, and people shooting at them, or assaulting them? What should it use? Harsh words?

What has the Israeli strategy in Lebanon got to do with anything under discussion here? Whom did we invade? What are you trying to prove?

I am responding to you because of my clinical fascination for your complete incoherence and your outbursts that make no sense whatsoever.
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