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Pak army general says India carrying out BAT attacks on Pakistani side of LoC

The threads title needs to be changed the OP is alluding to a surgical strike type situation whereas the general is simply saying that Indian BATs carry out cross border firing refering the the previously made statement. This is well known that both Indians and Pakistanis blame each other as to who started firing first.
There, in black and white, right in front of you.

Do me a favour and read it for yourself; I stopped reading to my child some thirty-five years ago, and am not sufficiently in my grandchild's company to do that for him. All others have to do their own, sadly, although in your case, I might have made an exception for a lovable little fellow.
Hapymon Jacob

I have to say that the General's comment on withdrawal of heavy artillery was an excellent one, and I sincerely hope that the IA agrees, even though it will come out behind, in some remorseless eyes; the civilians are closer to the LOC (in broad terms; there are exceptions) on the Pakistan-administered side. He is right in saying 50 kms, because the Bofors reaches 40 to 45 kms (depending on weather conditions, elevation and so on; gunners will be better at explaining this).

He comes out very well from the interview (that is in no way intended to be condescending).
I have to say that the General's comment on withdrawal of heavy artillery was an excellent one, and I sincerely hope that the IA agrees, even though it will come out behind, in some remorseless eyes; the civilians are closer to the LOC (in broad terms; there are exceptions) on the Pakistan-administered side. He is right in saying 50 kms, because the Bofors reaches 40 to 45 kms (depending on weather conditions, elevation and so on; gunners will be better at explaining this).

He comes out very well from the interview (that is in no way intended to be condescending).
Sorry I'm focussed on another thread... :) this thread is just not what I would spend my time on except pull a leg or two ...because the credibility of OP & source is pretty low.

Excerpt from new book by Hapymon Jacob who vsited pak army hq and loc formations few months back as well as indian formations on loc and northern command hq

Source is indian and the quote is by an indian. It means that it is probably FAKE. Please ignore indianisms, propaganda, lies and carry on.
Who coined the term Border Action Team(BAT)?

I have read about it in the newspapers as a Pakistan Army usage. Nobody in the Indian Army used it before.

PS: Let me explain a little more in detail.

I understand that this is a term for a combined detachment of regular soldiers and what some are pleased to term 'mujahids'. Such civilians bearing arms and attacking another country do not exist in India; certainly, they are not to be found in the vicinity of the Army. So as far as functionality goes, it is a Pakistani phrase.

As for the phrase itself, it might be argued that while the concept is wholly Pakistani, the phrase might have been coined by Indians. That is certainly possible, except that I have no information of it having happened so.

Idiots think Pak army will take responsibility of any BAT attacks. lol

the general side stepped the question and blamed it all on India. :lol: what a champion
PS: Let me explain a little more in detail.

I understand that this is a term for a combined detachment of regular soldiers and what some are pleased to term 'mujahids'. Such civilians bearing arms and attacking another country do not exist in India; certainly, they are not to be found in the vicinity of the Army. So as far as functionality goes, it is a Pakistani phrase.

There is no deployment of civilians along with Army on LOC for any purpose let along carrying out cross border raids.
Crica 1950's there was deployment of irregulars along with PA known as "Mujahids" later they were regularized and are known as Mujahid Battalions only their difference with other units is that,bulk of their manpower is drawn from border districts and they are not rotated into all over Pakistan.
As for the phrase itself, it might be argued that while the concept is wholly Pakistani, the phrase might have been coined by Indians. That is certainly possible, except that I have no information of it having happened so.
Term is solely brain child of Indian Media.
Such civilians bearing arms and attacking another country do not exist in India; certainly, they are not to be found in the vicinity of the Army. So as far as functionality goes, it is a Pakistani phrase.
Mukti Bahni's won't agree.

@Joe Shearer Pakistan Army has no shoratge of young men ready to carry out very risky jobs without hesitation.With almost 60% of population composition of young blood PA is no short of man power.Inviting and training civilians for that purpose is very risky.
Ask Bipin to endorse the statement that "Pakistan don't operate BAT, it's actually Indian Army doing so", come back after endorsement to discuss further.
There is no deployment of civilians along with Army on LOC for any purpose let along carrying out cross border raids.

Crica 1950's there was deployment of irregulars along with PA known as "Mujahids" later they were regularized and are known as Mujahid Battalions only their difference with other units is that,bulk of their manpower is drawn from border districts and they are not rotated into all over Pakistan.

I am aware of the history of the Northern Light Infantry, and its progressive regularisation, and also of the Mujahib Regiment and how it was formed from militia drawn from Pakistan-administered Kashmir. However I was specifically referring to civilians recruited elsewhere, trained near the LOC and infiltrated into India, who have been linked to these Border Action Teams.

Term is solely brain child of Indian Media.

I respect your opinion, although it differs from what is known about the term.

Mukti Bahni's won't agree.

Please note the very careful phrasing of my response.

@Joe Shearer Pakistan Army has no shoratge of young men ready to carry out very risky jobs without hesitation.With almost 60% of population composition of young blood PA is no short of man power.Inviting and training civilians for that purpose is very risky.

Unfortunately, the majority of JeM operatives, even today, are civilians from Pakistan.
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