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Some Chinese beauties

I am not so sure if F-16 saga is over yet. whether or not we can get any more of them is a separate debate.
J10 is indeed a tentative first step towards it.
how well it really and honestly covers for everything F1-6 offers (and some) depends on what its users say without being politically correct or pressured to say the "right" and "halal" thing only. and that will take its time.

for me J-20 is that shoe box without proportions , tiny wings and a showbox fuselage with tiny canards and disproportionate wings. despite all this that thing flies which is something.
the bulge on the J10 doesnt bother me.
which brings me to the conclusion that the beauty (or lack of it ) is in the eye of the beholder.
Oh dear...what a post
really, how would you know, any link to support ?

Because only been spotted with unguided drop bombs. Those four fuselage pylons are smaller pylons and not used for missiles or heavier air to ground weapons. Since they are smaller pylons that are not even fit for missiles or guided weapons, they are not wired for them. Missiles only on the six wing pylons. Center fuselage pylon also only for drop tank.
Because only been spotted with unguided drop bombs. Those four fuselage pylons are smaller pylons and not used for missiles or heavier air to ground weapons. Since they are smaller pylons that are not even fit for missiles or guided weapons, they are not wired for them. Missiles only on the six wing pylons. Center fuselage pylon also only for drop tank.
not correct, all 6 underwing pylon and centerline are wired for various payload and ammo. two air intake pylon are wired for many various pods and not too bulky weapons. the rear fuselage pylon could be used for various weapons load, there is nothing stopping to use them for weapons fit the size and weight.
not correct, all 6 underwing pylon and centerline are wired for various payload and ammo. two air intake pylon are wired for many various pods and not too bulky weapons. the rear fuselage pylon could be used for various weapons load, there is nothing stopping to use them for weapons fit the size and weight.
Can you confirm if this is true? @Deino

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