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PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

... while at the same time ignoring all your other lies and claims and insisting we would have downplayed also the 054 & J-10. Those however were never in question, only all your other wet-dreams and faked ambitions. And I'm not glorifying this image, I'm only enjoying it, but since it is known that for you the joy of others always equals to resentment and bitterness, it doesn't matter what you think.

Wet dreams you might have young man. I live in the real world.

Just look at yourself---. On a paint job---and just a photo someone gave you---you have been acting like you found the unicorn.
At least four freelance photographers who provided most of the material on social media have been reprimanded thus those poor guys can just report verbaly. :(
Yeah I am very well aware of the incident and the people involved.. but they were at the wrong imo because if the air force doesn't want civilians to spot it's planes especially new arrivals then they should refrain..

There are many spotters in Pakistan and in the recent past they had been posting pictures of operations at different bases, so this was bound to happen... Myself being from this community, one could argue that what's the harm in posting pictures of serialed aircrafts but once again, if the authorities dont like it then they should stop.
At least four freelance photographers who provided most of the material on social media have been reprimanded thus those poor guys can just report verbaly. :(

Do Pakistanis security guards invite photographers for tea like they do in Chengdu or are those reserved for shot down pilots?
Yeah I am very well aware of the incident and the people involved.. but they were at the wrong imo because if the air force doesn't want civilians to spot it's planes especially new arrivals then they should refrain..

There are many spotters in Pakistan and in the recent past they had been posting pictures of operations at different bases, so this was bound to happen... Myself being from this community, one could argue that what's the harm in posting pictures of serialed aircrafts but once again, if the authorities dont like it then they should stop.

Pak military allows it---that is why it happens.
Do Pakistanis security guards invite photographers for tea like they do in Chengdu or are those reserved for shot down pilots?
They give same treatment to uninvited photographers as they did to that shot down pilot..


Pak military allows it---that is why it happens.
No, Pak Mil doesn't allow civilians or serving personnel to photograph it's equipment without approval..

They had been ignoring all this unofficial photography for years until certain cases happened (I won't disclose them here on public forum but @Windjammer has identified one above) and then the military decided enough is enough... Now after certain measures taken by the authorities, you won't see much of unofficial photography of any sorts and even if some certain people who are still posting photos then those photos are from their archives..
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My initial assumptions were that PAF will eventually have 5 -6 full J10C squadrons by the time all are procured. It seems like financial crunch might impact the plan
J-10 standing today in PAF colors instantly kills the rhetoric of Pakistan Military leadership bowing heads in front of western leadership. Wouldn't PAF want to get its hands on new/used F-16s any way it can, therefore Pakistani Generals selling souls to USA, Pakistani military leadership not trust worthy, or having no clue, or making all wrong decisions as well as other Political pomposity against Pakistan Armed Forces and Pakistan Military top brass just makes its way to the rubbish bin.

Hopefully J-10 squadrons will increase with up gradation of weaponry and newer EW suites to counter modern threats.
Sadly it does not. Our generals capitulate quite often


How about the 054's and the subs---they happened. The J10's happened---.

I have talked about "real" procurement---and you are glorifying your accomplishment by posting a picture of a paint job---.
Subs have not happened yet though
Nice but not real !!! … please beware this is only a photoshop fake made by @长征后卫薛伯陵 from Weibo. Telltale is the serial number 106, since this aircraft was part of the first batch.

They give same treatment to uninvited photographers as they did to that shot down pilot..

No, Pak Mil doesn't allow civilians or serving personnel to photograph it's equipment without approval..

They had been ignoring all this unofficial photography for years until certain cases happened (I won't disclose them here on public forum but @Windjammer has identified one above) and then the military decided enough is enough... Now after certain measures taken by the authorities, you won't see much of unofficial photography of any sorts and even if some certain people who are still posting photos then those photos are from their archives..
I remember that the pilot's face area got a lot bigger before drinking tea…
Nice but not real !!! … please beware this is only a photoshop fake made by @长征后卫薛伯陵 from Weibo. Telltale is the serial number 106, since this aircraft was part of the first batch.

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And this cancerous photo is now everywhere on Facebook with the caption of : EXCLUSIVE CONTENT :hitwall:
When the illegally deposed, former Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan was on a State Visit to Moscow, the Chief of Pakistan Army was jetting off to Washington DC. That right there exposed Bajwa as a traitor to Islam and by that right, Pakistan.

The "leadership" of Pakistan Army has betrayed Pakistanis, has betrayed Islam and has shown a very dangerous and ominous sign that if Pakistanis were to stand up and fight for their rights, a Civil War is on the horizon.

With Bajwa's despicable act of treachery, he has exposed the naked truth that Pakistan Military's leadership is in bed with the Zionist West, just as "Imported Government" is.

I don't know about you, but for me, my leader is Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam, not bajwa-co. And I would rather fight and die for preserving Imaan in Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah than to accept bajwa, shabaz, bilawal, maryam or zardari as my leaders ... I would rather die fighting for my faith in Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah and my right to be a FREE MUSLIM, than submit to these traitors scum.
👍🏻 Good for you

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