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PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

I anticipate USAF asking PAF to pretty please bring J-10 to the next exercise with them. Will be interesting to see if we take this jet to Anatolian Eagle or not with the NATO presence as well

They certainly could figure out the basic performance of the aircraft, but how the J-10C is used in PLAAF is very different from how it is used in PAF.
china will simply no longer provide pakistan with the best it could come up with, never mind the near-zero profit PLA prices that pakistan has been getting its goods for.
The relationship between these two countries is symbiotic, there is a two-way mimicry in Armed forces of both countries. Pakistan has provided much needed help to China in the 20th Century. They both provide a physical escape to each other from potential blockades, Sino-Pak Arc creates a by-pass. In addition to this there is 70 years of history of trust which is probably far more important in Eastern-Oriental context. For most people including Millennial Chinese and Pakistanis, it is hard to understand what China has to gain from Pakistan in this day and age (besides the Indian factor) but there is more to it, for both countries this relationship is long term hedge against unknown odds.

My understanding is that even if Pakistan goes further down in its rabbit hole of corruption and incompetence, China is still not leaving Pakistani side, Pakistan will still be getting diplomatic support, latest tech and weapons on subsidized price. In comparison to North Korea, Pakistan is a thousand times more useful for China, hack they are still holding North Korea's hand.

In Pakistan's case, Chinese are actually delighted to see Pakistan fully in their camp and out of American Influence. I expect a lot more support and hand holding for the rest of the 21st century.
Hi @The Eagle
can you please let me know why my post been deleted from this thread as being said off topic and no value
though so many off topic been still there with no value towards J10 discussion
I hope being a moderator you will look into this with more in-depth what’s the other posters are posting on this particular thread without any relation with J10 and that no value still going on without been deleted just a sake of coz those posters are like having more posts under their belt
I hope you will look into this and resolve my post deletion
thank you

We are not discussing F-16 kills during Soviet war in Afghanistan, here.
J-10C defeats JAS39C/D with a high score in Sino-Thai joint exercise: report
Posted on September 18, 2019 by buffalo

J-10C and JAS39 flying in formation

It’s been a mystery how J-10C fighters performed in last month’s military exercise with Thailand’s JAS39C/D Gripen fighters as there’s no official information about the results, but some Chinese media channels have been reporting unconfirmed news about J-10C’s “complete victory”.

One Chinese news account reported yesterday that according to some Russian media, J-10C and JAS39C/D fighters appeared at the same time to celebrate the successful conclusion of the joint exercise, and J-10C has achieved brilliant results in this exercise. In the combat exercise, J-10C fighters defeated JAS39C/D fighters with a big score gap. And this is not surprising because the performance of J-10C is superior in terms of maneuverability and handling. However, the Western countries did not understand this, so they were very surprised when they learned of such a result.

In the simulation exercise, the super high maneuverability supported by J-10C’s canard wing layout makes JAS39C/D fighters at a loss. At the same time, J-10C’s radar and avionics systems are more advanced than JAS39C/D fighters. In middle-and long-distance battles, JAS39C/D fighters often did not find J-10C before they were locked and shot down by missiles. In the close combats, J-10C’s ultra-high manoeuvrability has an unparalleled advantage. The canard wing layout makes the fighter’s power very abundant, while JAS39C/D fighter has no power to fight back.

It’s quoted that a US F-16 retired pilot said on social media that he is very aware of the performance of the Gripens, so he’d take off his hat and pay tribute to J-10C for its advantages in the simulated air combats. The pilot also said that JAS39C/D fighters also have a pair of canards. Before the US military gained experience in combating canard wing fighters, they had conducted confrontation exercises with JAS39C/D.

The pilot said he faced great pressure when driving the F-16 against JAS39C/D fighters. JAS39C/D fighters are light fighters, and the radar and avionics systems were very advanced. Even if F-16’s air-to-air missiles could lock JAS39C/D fighters, the latter could get rid of them in time with super high mobility. Therefore, as J-10C achieved such a record in the actual combat against JAS39C/D fighter, this proves the superiority of J-10C performance.

According to the report, a spokesman for the White House said that the joint exercise between Thailand and China is unacceptable. This will only enhance the actual combat capability of the Chinese Air Force. The US has just signed an order for armored vehicles with Thailand, and the West should be Thailand’s choice. But from the current behavior of Thailand, it is obvious that the country has its own ideas. It is reported that in addition to the joint exercise with the Chinese Air Force, Thailand’s navy also participated in a joint military exercise between the United States and the ASEAN.

J-10A was already doing great against Gripen in BVR and WVR. They sent J-10C in a effort to do a hard sell the type in Thailand. Unfortunately the Thai are more ambitious and want F-35 instead :(.
The relationship between these two countries is symbiotic, there is a two-way mimicry in Armed forces of both countries. Pakistan has provided much needed help to China in the 20th Century. They both provide a physical escape to each other from potential blockades, Sino-Pak Arc creates a by-pass. In addition to this there is 70 years of history of trust which is probably far more important in Eastern-Oriental context. For most people including Millennial Chinese and Pakistanis, it is hard to understand what China has to gain from Pakistan in this day and age (besides the Indian factor) but there is more to it, for both countries this relationship is long term hedge against unknown odds.

My understanding is that even if Pakistan goes further down in its rabbit hole of corruption and incompetence, China is still not leaving Pakistani side, Pakistan will still be getting diplomatic support, latest tech and weapons on subsidized price. In comparison to North Korea, Pakistan is a thousand times more useful for China, hack they are still holding North Korea's hand.

In Pakistan's case, Chinese are actually delighted to see Pakistan fully in their camp and out of American Influence. I expect a lot more support and hand holding for the rest of the 21st century.
The military tie between China and Pakistan gets stronger after Imran Khan came into power, cause he give ear to the Pakistan army and respects their thoughts. We don’t want a corrupted and imbecile Pakistan government licking American boots, instead a pro China and competent government under a capable leader, especially like Imran khan who has vision and nations pride.

I won’t beg anything or resort for help from any one tread on me or betray me even once.
Members! Pakistan China relations are not based on hypothetical scenarios of PDF. It will be better to not to react like insecure teens. Professionals and men involved in business do know well and honours the trust between both countries. If such was the case, J-10 performed against Grippen. Grippen is a western air craft with most US input. By that logic, an exercise will be enough for Europeans to record (of course from Thai maintenance) and inform their NATO leader tye US about J-10.

What makes you think that any of party will commit such a treason and compromise the security or trust forever. Get out if Superior or Inferior argument.

I’m fairly sure Chinese have asked for guarantees for this exact scenario to not take place. They’ve shared their front line tech with Pak, in this instance.

J-10C isn't really defined as frontline fighter for PLAAF. Frontline fighter being the top fighters and force multiplier types which would certainly be J-20 and J-16 as frontline. J-10C are support fighters and number fillers. With air combat for air superiority, it is frontline fighters performing major mission of denying airspace and contesting it while taking out strategic assets and pushing ahead to take out launching platforms.

Rest assured that J-16 and J-20 technologies are ahead of J-10C in terms of electronics, sensors, and communication equipment that are fitted simply because these fighters hold those harder and more important mission profiles.

BUT in this case PLAAF uses almost the same (but not the same) J-10C with PAF now. And despite not being frontline, it is important enough for opsec to ban any types of exercises with any western nation unless China has some say in how the platform is used in those exercises. China exercising with Thailand with J-10B/C and Gripen C is more to benefit of China's side since it gets to evaluate Gipren C's performance (although in the hands of Thai airforce) and Thai airforce are far closer politically to China than to the US and won't be telling them much if anything about J-10's performance while China gets first hand direct experience flying with the Gripens. There are a lot of public information about Gripens exercising against F-16, F-22, F-15, Eurofighter Typhoon etc.

Su-30 is a flop as the Ukrainian war is demonstrating... Falling out of the skies like flies.

It depends how it is used. Russian airforce fighters have for decades become lagged in electronic warfare domain - EA, ECM, ECCM and so on. Even in sensors their first generation AESA for Mig-35 was not used. Their second generation is on Himalaya system for Su-57 and only in service in recent years but Su-57 produced in barely single digit numbers rate per year perhaps due to cost compared to Su-35 and overall capability improvement over Su-35 not being worth those extra price? No idea why they don't produce Su-57 in huge numbers. Russian reports indicate they would have been producing Su-57 in double digit numbers per year and before that suggested it is unnecessary. It could be production engineering side being more difficult and extremely costly. Manufacturing is in many ways the harder challenge compared to design believe it or not.

J-10C defeats JAS39C/D with a high score in Sino-Thai joint exercise: report
Posted on September 18, 2019 by buffalo

J-10C and JAS39 flying in formation

It’s been a mystery how J-10C fighters performed in last month’s military exercise with Thailand’s JAS39C/D Gripen fighters as there’s no official information about the results, but some Chinese media channels have been reporting unconfirmed news about J-10C’s “complete victory”.

One Chinese news account reported yesterday that according to some Russian media, J-10C and JAS39C/D fighters appeared at the same time to celebrate the successful conclusion of the joint exercise, and J-10C has achieved brilliant results in this exercise. In the combat exercise, J-10C fighters defeated JAS39C/D fighters with a big score gap. And this is not surprising because the performance of J-10C is superior in terms of maneuverability and handling. However, the Western countries did not understand this, so they were very surprised when they learned of such a result.

In the simulation exercise, the super high maneuverability supported by J-10C’s canard wing layout makes JAS39C/D fighters at a loss. At the same time, J-10C’s radar and avionics systems are more advanced than JAS39C/D fighters. In middle-and long-distance battles, JAS39C/D fighters often did not find J-10C before they were locked and shot down by missiles. In the close combats, J-10C’s ultra-high manoeuvrability has an unparalleled advantage. The canard wing layout makes the fighter’s power very abundant, while JAS39C/D fighter has no power to fight back.

It’s quoted that a US F-16 retired pilot said on social media that he is very aware of the performance of the Gripens, so he’d take off his hat and pay tribute to J-10C for its advantages in the simulated air combats. The pilot also said that JAS39C/D fighters also have a pair of canards. Before the US military gained experience in combating canard wing fighters, they had conducted confrontation exercises with JAS39C/D.

The pilot said he faced great pressure when driving the F-16 against JAS39C/D fighters. JAS39C/D fighters are light fighters, and the radar and avionics systems were very advanced. Even if F-16’s air-to-air missiles could lock JAS39C/D fighters, the latter could get rid of them in time with super high mobility. Therefore, as J-10C achieved such a record in the actual combat against JAS39C/D fighter, this proves the superiority of J-10C performance.

According to the report, a spokesman for the White House said that the joint exercise between Thailand and China is unacceptable. This will only enhance the actual combat capability of the Chinese Air Force. The US has just signed an order for armored vehicles with Thailand, and the West should be Thailand’s choice. But from the current behavior of Thailand, it is obvious that the country has its own ideas. It is reported that in addition to the joint exercise with the Chinese Air Force, Thailand’s navy also participated in a joint military exercise between the United States and the ASEAN.

J-11A beat Gripen C in dogfighting by HUGE margins it was like 15 to 1 or something similar to that ratio. J-11A lost to Gripen C by huge margins in first exercises back in like 2015 or something. Indian and western reporting only focused on J-11A losing in BVR but of course it would lose since J-11A is from the 1980s level of eletronic and computing tech with 1990s missiles at best (in fact actually 1970s missiles level due to only having oldest R-77 and old R-27). Anyway this was like comparing F-16A with Gripen C in BVR. Of course Gripen C will beat F-16A in BVR.

It was very surprising that J-11A beat Gripen in dogfighting though. Showing PLAAF training in WVR for J-11A may have been emphasis and I bet PLAAF uses J-11A as missile platform that is simply networked. But it's missiles are too old to be long range and I guess they also use the whole platform as a sneak platform operating in mountainous areas only where the radar is switched off, feed data through awacs to approach targets slowing through mountain valleys and then networked to take 50km range shots with their very old BVR missiles and then sneak in for WVR and then dogfight.

J-10B destroyed Gripen C in both WVR and BVR. J-10C against Gripen C was again another breeze. Gripen C is also getting old. No surprise the much more modern J-10C had easy time in BVR. I doubt Chinese side would use too much electronic abilities against Gripen C. There is not much point since Gripen C lacks phased array and any good electronic abilities because Swedes may not sell Thailand their secret electronic stuff. No one sells the top secret electronic stuff to the point I even doubt China would sell Pakistan China's frontline electronic weapons. J-20's surely would be out of the question. J-16's and J-10's are similar tech level I guess but J-16's would probably have more space and available power.

its a hypothetical scenario. Russians let the Indians exercise with Americans using their SU 30 MKIs' J-10 is not the sole front line fighter with some out of the world technology that Americans want to find out. Chinese Flankers and J 20s are the real front line fighters that are far more sensitive and likely face the American or Taiwanese Jets first before or together with J-10.
again just an assumption. point is, there is a cost and benefit analysis., if benefit outweighs the cost then a country does what suits it.

Russians placed lots of conditions on how Indians can use their Su-30 and this is Su-30 with really not that much to give away. Their electronic techs - radar and comms that were limited are not that capable or sensitive but still it is opsec issue and opsec issue even for low tier stuff is still sensitive given the entire RuAF depends on Su-30 and even lesser fighters back in those days and to some degree still does.

Yes J-10 is not PLAAF frontline fighter or top level fighter BUT Americans do still want to find out anything they can.

America has bought and stolen lots of adversary technologies from low low level boring stuff like anti tank missiles to low tech (to be honest) air defence like Pantsir (they stole many in Libya and Syria wars) and bought many more on the blackmarket... all of this stuff isn't necessarily just to copy but first to study and find how it works, what it is strong in and weak in so that they are better able to defeat or counter them. The Americans got their hands on many Kh-31 and even developed their own version (you can call it copied or whatever) just so they can practice intercepting Kh-31. They even improved the Kh-31 but for the purpose of simulating more accurately for intercepting it, they kept most of it as it is.

J-10 may not be as sensitive for China but China has around 500 + J-10s and if the adversary learns a lot of details about it, it is definitely still a thing that is sensitive. This is not just about one particular missile or smaller weapon.

I don't understand the wholesale butthurt over a hypothetical scenario.
why have all the bleeding hearts decided that China has placed some sort of a ban on PAF to fly these jets with Western airforces?
its a two way stream remember, PAF (and in tern China) will also be gathering information about how these Jets fare against the other Western platforms. its not jsut Americans stealing the universal secrets of J-10s.

moving on, Chinese "fictional" reservations aside, it will be PAF's call whether to deploy these jets in such exercises or not because again .. such information (of a silver bullet) can trickle down to other "allies" of Americans that don't have very "cordial" terms with Pakistan.

NOW.. F-16 being a whore?
this Whore has kept the soviets at bay during first Afghan War and kept Indians sleepless since they were acquired and their fears were realized when these same F 16s who call whores shot down two IAF jets and the Modi's pride to the ground.

sell them out? we are talking J-10 NOT J-20.
what is so ground breaking and ahead of its time in this modest medium size single engine jet that Americans will be so keen to find out if they haven't done already though their conventional and electronic espionage ? does it carry some plasma shielding and directed energy weapons technology? does it use some phasing technology?

I agree mostly with what you've said.

But it should be understood that as less capable as J-10 is compared to J-16 and J-20 in not just performance but also how it is used (not frontline), this is still an opsec issue and hence still going to be kept away from Americans and exercises or only used in exercises with lots of conditions of what cannot be used and switched on.

Americans would still be keen to learn whatever just to gather precious intel. Just like China would also be keen to even get some NLAWs to study. It isn't to copy unless there are good ideas to use and copy but it is to learn about their level, what their thinking is in development, their manufacturing and industrial level, their cost associated and how much they spend on making it, the capabiltiy and weaknesses and strengths of this thing, and so on.

There are many many things to tell from even a small thing because you can combine it with other knowledge. I think many members in this forum miss stuff like this. Their thinking is too 1 dimensional - getting hands on an actual piece of weapon = to copy.

All these sides would love to even find out about each other's earliest 4th generation aircraft.

It is all technical stuff to assess technical level at a certain time and their industrial level and how much importance and resources the other devoted to this and how important the other seemingly places on this particular equipment.

So much to tell from something simple. If USA can get hands on a piece of 1960s Chinese thermonuclear weapon design, the Americans would love it! Does it mean they want to copy it? Of course not there is nothing for them to copy and actually adopt instead of modern own designs. Same with vice versa. Nothing to adopt anymore and copy but lots and lots to reveal perhaps even the entire configuration although it is said the American Teller Ulam configuration design is known quite widely and used by many nations. China using Yu Min configuration design is unique in the world and intelligence have long been after this design type if nothing more than to learn about it if not adopt and copy.

All things opsec are secretive and sensitive to some degree. J-10C is used as most modern J-10 version in PLAAF. This is not some modernized J-7 which if all revealed and they know about China's 1990s and early 2000s mods for J-7 which is highly limited platform to mod on for 2000s level technology, then fine whatever.
BTW China would now have over 100 J-20s. So the production rate is can be said as devoted to J-20. J-10 production has gone to another factory probably as Guilin factory hints at now producing J-10.

PLAAF wants J-20 as priority production. Frontline fighter for PLAAF seems to be J-16 and J-20 priority and preference. J-10 production is still kept because it is a versatile and cheaper fighter than J-16 and it is quicker to build of course with less resources used. It is also in some ways can be used differently to J-16 and has different flying strengths for example J-10 has better supersonic performance than flanker design and each type excels in different way in terms of flight performance.

Still the priority seems to be moving ahead to 6th gen, Dark Sword combined with network. And of course more 5th gen fighters. No caps on 5th gen fighter production in fact production is now focused on 5th gens with 4.5 gens production scaled back but of course it needs to be kept because 5th gens are much more expensive and there is a balance. An airforce ideally would have all 5th gens but unrealistic and at some point every extra 5th gen is unnecessary as a 4.5 gen can do the job easily and often even better since 4.5 gens have higher payload. Even J-10C can have more range and payload by weight than F-22 with stealth preserved (so no tanks or external weapons) because J-10 can carry some very heavy anti ship and anti-radiation missiles (four if wanted since the usual tank pylons can carry YJ-91 which means four YJ-91 and two PL-10 with one center tank).

J-10C for payload, if they want, and possibly if PAF requires, the inner pylons usually photographed carrying fuel tanks can be rewired to carry air to air missiles. These pylons can carry guided weapons as they have been seen carrying YJ-91 and various guided bombs too.

The leaks say J-10 can carry air to air missiles with two pylons but it is requiring more ground crew work to access some panels and do a small mod to allow this. It usually isn't used for air to air missiles because 4 MRAAMs is enough and more range and energy is more important for most J-10 suited missions.

For PAF, the mission profiles and entire geography and flight ranges are different. But PLAAF uses J-10 as a bit of a region only fighter and the region size are similar to Pakistan the country in size. So maybe PAF considers the optimal to be the same as PLAAF and feels for 99% of missions and expected use, J-10C is better and best with three fuel tanks, 4 MRAAMs and 2 SRAAMs.

If necessary, it can be armed with 6 (or more depending whether inner pylons want to be double or even triple stacked although I doubt this) MRAAMs, 2 SRAAMs, and one center fuel tank, with one or two pods or gun pod for J-10's front fuselage pylons.

China can absolutely do a "beast mode" for J-10 if they want. It's just such a stupid thing and useless. Only for marketing. Beast mode is dumb and useless for almost all missions. It makes your fighter super sluggish, unable to climb accelerate and turn even 1/3 it's unarmed rates if it is able to even climb vertically. This mode is never used in real life and also because the range of this would not even be half. Almost all real life combat sorties are with fuel tank fuel tank fuel tank lol. Only gamers believe beast mode and hype that. Hence the marketing for it has in recent years become a thing.

Do you see soldiers in real combat carrying one machine gun, one submachine gun, 300 rounds of ammo in clips and belt all around the guy, three pistols, five grenades, kits, food, equipment, ropes, tools, one sword and two knives?? No of course not, each soldier have their jobs and specific use and task. They optimize everything and operate much more lean. Important things are emphasized and balance is used in all mission planning.

Beast mode for F-15 and Flanker platform is much more useful in comparison. These are high lift, low drag (but not as low as 5th gens), lots of room for weapons on wings, big powerful engines and two of them and most importantly lots more internal fuel compared to your F-16,s J-10s, Typhoons, Rafales, Mig-29 etc.

Even then F-15 and Flanker avoid beast mode. They are already quite beastly for being able to carry 8 to 10 MRAAMs and 2 SRAAMs comfortably without as much sacrifice as those others. 5th gens going beast mode with wing carry is just a waste of capability of stealth and risking such expensive platforms.
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If it was up to me then I will happily allow it in case we get upgraded Block 60 or 72 F-16 squadrons paid via CSF or on generous.

Some people just never change, time to move on my friend. Indian managed and Israeli control congress are you day dreaming or you had a special sherbet today. Lets get out of the FATF first.
The disrespect toward a senior member who has contributed quality work for years, is appalling. Some fanboys don't even see why someone has a title and go on to believe that they definitely know more than the title holders. Show some respect instead of being an arrogant kid.
Some fanboys don't even see why someone has a title and go on to believe that they definitely know more than the title holders. Show some respect instead of being an arrogant kid.


J-10C isn't really defined as frontline fighter for PLAAF. Frontline fighter being the top fighters and force multiplier types which would certainly be J-20 and J-16 as frontline. J-10C are support fighters and number fillers. With air combat for air superiority, it is frontline fighters performing major mission of denying airspace and contesting it while taking out strategic assets and pushing ahead to take out launching platforms.

Rest assured that J-16 and J-20 technologies are ahead of J-10C in terms of electronics, sensors, and communication equipment that are fitted simply because these fighters hold those harder and more important mission profiles.

PLAAF wants J-20 as priority production. Frontline fighter for PLAAF seems to be J-16 and J-20 priority and preference. J-10 production is still kept because it is a versatile and cheaper fighter than J-16 and it is quicker to build of course with less resources used. It is also in some ways can be used differently to J-16 and has different flying strengths for example J-10 has better supersonic performance than flanker design and each type excels in different way in terms of flight performance.
Will you stop saying things like J-10C is not a frontline fighter for PLAAF? J-10C and J-16 are the same generation fighter. The only reason J-16 will get a longer production run is the same reason F-15EX is still getting produced. PLAAF needs a long range bomb truck and EW platform long after it has large number of stealth aircraft. There is no evidence J-16 technologies in radar and avionics is ahead of J-10C. There is a reason J-10C still does so well against J-16 in DACT. It's a great aircraft.

Now, as for letting out secrecy. It's definitely a concern for PLAAF that USAF may get a look at it. I think there are certain implicit understanding between PLAAF and PAF on what is okay and what is not okay. After all, USAF does not even let any F-16 users conduct DACT against PLAAF. Which is kind of crazy when you consider that PLAAF essentially conducts DACT with ROCAF F-16Vs on a monthly basis. I suspect that PAF conducting regular exercises with J-10C with non-NATO countries (and probably Turkey) is okay, but PLAAF would not want USAF to get an extended look at it.
To all Fanboys and keyboard warriors

Those fanboys don't realize that if we had gone on full potential that day, the story could have been totally different. They are commiting the same mistake that Indians tend to do all the time and see where it has gotten them. The famous blunder of underestimating the capabilities and resolve of the opposing force. A nuclear armed force, multiple times bigger than us in every possible metrics, and you were gonna corner them that day aimlessly? What were your main objectives? Those people seem to be so confused and out of focus.

We downed their 2 jets, achieved our goals of precision strike and they shot down their own helicopter. That's enough of an insult for the military force far bigger than us with 7 times the defense budget and having top of the line fighters in their fleet. If for example PAF would have shot down max 8 more jets, so what would have been achieved then??? The matters could have swiftly spiralled out of control, they could have launched some sort of attacks on us and woooow you just started another war without any intention or clear objectives. If you don't know then i would like to tell you that shooting down of a military plane deep inside its own territory is equivalent to declaration of war.

AS we rightfully reserved our right to retaliate at our choice of time and place when they attacked the balakot then our misadventure would have given them the legitimacy to retaliate as and where they please. And you would be lunatic to think of that they aren't capable of waging a war. As our PM didn't wanna to start a skirmish but IK and DG ISPR repeatedly said that we don't wanna start a war but we would be compelled to respond and keep the escalation ladder in our favor because it was India who committed a misadventure first. Same goes for the opposing side. Give them some face saving space to maneuver or they would have to surely retaliate. When it comes to the national security and survival, all diplomacy and Geo-economics takes a back seat.

so tell me fanboys are you lunatic and dumb enough like those mentally unstable Indian trolls! If so then you deserve the same beating and humiliation as they did.

I share your sentiments about feb 2019 but and there is always a but , I see a bigger armed conflict with India over Kashmir. The reasons are more economical than anything else. We need the Skurdu - China road. To secure our economy. We also cannot leave Kashmir to the Indians as we need to ensure our encomic security and protect our trade with Central Asia. our future as people is dependent on looking west to Central Asia and china


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