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PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

I think there must be a security protocol signed or mutual understanding regarding J10cp. I don’t even think USA will allow PAF F16 fighters doing excercise with J10cp although they are both your inventory now.
No such protocol exists, PAF can pitch all ac in its inventory against each other to its hearts content
India was not in the picture at that time and capital hill was not used to dancing to the tunes of the Indian mantra. India and Israel were not strategically that close at that time, since then undisclosed agreements are in place for each other support and aid.
Unless something drastic happens like 9/11, somehow Kashmir issue resolved or Pakistan leaves Chinese camp altogether or India does something extremely untoward, you are swimming against the tide.
I will give you credit for your undying optimism baring those 4 above factors, lets not wait for some crumbs and spend our energies on sharpening up J 10.
I am not optimist without any news. I don't get optimist without nothing. Like I said lot of things are at play here although this Russia and Ukraine thing will complicate things for both India and Pakistan
Indians are already scared 😂
J-10A was already doing great against Gripen in BVR and WVR. They sent J-10C in a effort to do a hard sell the type in Thailand. Unfortunately the Thai are more ambitious and want F-35 instead :(.
Exactly and now you see US befriending Iran and Venezuela just so it could punish Russia
In 2014, Russia invaded Crimea.
In 2015, Iran got JCPOA signed.

Coincident? Probably not.

In 2017, a pro Putin US president Trump elected.
On 8 May 2018 the United States officially withdrew from JCPOA.

Coincident? Probably not.
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In 2014, Russia invaded Crimea.
In 2015, Iran got JCPOA signed.

Coincident? Probably not.
And now they are about to reverse it
Btw I do think that aggressive sanctions on Russia will raise prospects of L-15, J-10 and JF-17
A lot of countries will abandon their Russian commitments

You know its so funny watching western powers fully backing Erdogan and MBS who they called a brutal dictator few weeks back
Turns out its all about interests and not about principle
J-10A was already doing great against Gripen in BVR and WVR. They sent J-10C in a effort to do a hard sell the type in Thailand. Unfortunately the Thai are more ambitious and want F-35 instead :(.
I think you misunderstood RTAF intention. Thailand knows they have no chance to get F-35. The US congress will never approved given Thai connection to PLA. Once US congress reject. It will paved way for RTAF to go for other arms. Btw, PLAAF dont export J-10C unrestricted. Only few selected partner will be approved for J-10C export. The only plane China keen to export widely is JF-17 Blk III.

During the Singapore Airshow recently, J-10C export are no where to be seen at AVIC booth. AVIC is only actively promoting JF-17 export.
I anticipate USAF asking PAF to pretty please bring J-10 to the next exercise with them. Will be interesting to see if we take this jet to Anatolian Eagle or not with the NATO presence as well
I suspect not. However the block 3 might go. Just my thought though.
Also how much restrictions would be applicable for offensive weapons integration like ALCMs since Pakistan is not a signatory of MTCR?? We have probably integrated Ra'ad onto JF-17 and everything affiliated with Thunder development is already sanctioned by the Yanks since long...
I share your sentiments about feb 2019 but and there is always a but , I see a bigger armed conflict with India over Kashmir. The reasons are more economical than anything else. We need the Skurdu - China road. To secure our economy. We also cannot leave Kashmir to the Indians as we need to ensure our encomic security and protect our trade with Central Asia. our future as people is dependent on looking west to Central Asia and china

I think our goals might have moved on a bit since Kashmir. Think of Bajwa's meeting with Sidhu. The Indian Punjab needs to be freed and independent of India to give us a buffer. My thought on the matter. However to do it tactfully without inviting the ire of the mighty Indian force and their Nuke arsenal is an interesting thoight which might require joint strategy.
I don't understand the wholesale butthurt over a hypothetical scenario.
why have all the bleeding hearts decided that China has placed some sort of a ban on PAF to fly these jets with Western airforces?
its a two way stream remember, PAF (and in tern China) will also be gathering information about how these Jets fare against the other Western platforms. its not jsut Americans stealing the universal secrets of J-10s.

moving on, Chinese "fictional" reservations aside, it will be PAF's call whether to deploy these jets in such exercises or not because again .. such information (of a silver bullet) can trickle down to other "allies" of Americans that don't have very "cordial" terms with Pakistan.

NOW.. F-16 being a whore?
this Whore has kept the soviets at bay during first Afghan War and kept Indians sleepless since they were acquired and their fears were realized when these same F 16s who call whores shot down two IAF jets and the Modi's pride to the ground.

sell them out? we are talking J-10 NOT J-20.
what is so ground breaking and ahead of its time in this modest medium size single engine jet that Americans will be so keen to find out if they haven't done already though their conventional and electronic espionage ? does it carry some plasma shielding and directed energy weapons technology? does it use some phasing technology?
No it doesn't depend upon PAF's discretion only. Remember Pakistani military never tried to hurt Russians even when they could have stolen and used their weapons and tech lying around in Afghanistan. Rather we purchased Mi-24s from them. So how do you think Pakistan would be able to over rule the Chinese requests if there would be any!

I said it a vvho®e because it's with a lot of countries and even been pitched to our adversary with possibility of ToT as well. I am not questioning the efficacy of that platform and it's service record under PAF's colors. Apart from fighting against the Soviets, it hasn't provided us any major breakthroughs in capability enhancements and reliability of the OEM. But we get both in the shape of JF-17, J-10CP and probably more in the coming future from a trusted strategic partner on the other hand. So it's totally not worth to risk even hypothetically.

"we are talking J-10 NOT J-20. What is so ground breaking"

Exactly it wouldn't hurt them much as I already mentioned they have J-20 and a lot of homegrown flankers, but would hurt us a lot. As in similar ways we tend to tease the Indians that look we already have access to your brand new state of the art highly expensive toy: The Rafale through our brotherly nations Qatar and Turkey. We already know your future jet in and out. Tested it extensively against our platforms and have damn good idea how much capable your new purchase (silver bullet) gonna be.

other parts doesn't carry any weight to be responded. Like plasma shield :blah::blah::blah:

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