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PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

its a hypothetical scenario. Russians let the Indians exercise with Americans using their SU 30 MKIs' J-10 is not the sole front line fighter with some out of the world technology that Americans want to find out. Chinese Flankers and J 20s are the real front line fighters that are far more sensitive and likely face the American or Taiwanese Jets first before or together with J-10.
again just an assumption. point is, there is a cost and benefit analysis., if benefit outweighs the cost then a country does what suits it.

USA have not allowed Pakistan to field F-16s specially new ones with Chinese aircrafts, this to stop any Chinese access to them so why Pakistan allow US access to Chinese J-10s??
Also how much restrictions would be applicable for offensive weapons integration like ALCMs since Pakistan is not a signatory of MTCR?? We have probably integrated Ra'ad onto JF-17 and everything affiliated with Thunder development is already sanctioned by the Yanks since long...
Why will there be any restriction applicable to J-10C if PAC Kamra integrate Pakistan's own ALCM on it's own fighter jets? China only export the fighter jet not the ALCM. Customer can add or try to improve the platform's offensive weaponry by themselves.

Also countries are using the loophole of the MTCR by exporting missiles under the range of 300 km and then few years later they miraculously managed to made an indigenous and improved version with extended range way over the 300 km range than the original missile. :azn:
J10C provides baseline info on Chinese tech, Pakistan will not open the doorway to access of Chinese systems to the West. It's not going to happen. Simple. Everything else is just conjuncture. I mean they literally are not even using MB seats on the type, so as to keep access restricted. What does that tell you?
Exactly yeah why nobody is discussing enough... how come PAF not using MB seats is a big surprise in it self?????
J10C will go to Farnborough or Paris when F15/16/18 go to Zhuhai.
China would love to see its most superior fighter jet flying by the most professional air-force in farnborough air show
That’s why J20 is not coming, before the F16 mentality addiction is treated.
@applesauce @serenity @StructE @tphuang

Don't worry. These are comments from some fanboys about a hypothetical or even a fictional story of their dreams. Could have been due to someone having a lot of wet dreams about the F-16s and terrified to know that J-10Cs are coming so PAF might be no longer able to afford to have more F-16s in future :fie:, so a bit constipation might have happened somewhere.😜

Nothing like that would ever be possible in real life, that's for sure 👍.

Even a few sane mind's in India acknowledge that PAK-China relationship isn't merely a transactional one of purchasing and exporting tech and stuff. It's much deep rooted and intertwined to the core of the both nations. So the above surface news of a couple of platforms coming to Pakistan and some infrastructure/route development in CPEC connectivity route are just trailers that go wild in public.

The actual relationship runs subtle but much deeper than that. It's the prominent fruits only that we come to know of.

The last parts of both the videos summarizes it a bit.
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@applesauce @serenity @StructE

Don't worry. These are comments from some fanboys about a hypothetical or even a fictional story of their dreams. Could have been due to someone having a lot of wet dreams about the F-16s and terrified to know that J-10Cs are coming so PAF might be no longer able to afford to have more F-16s in future :fie:, so a bit constipation might have happened somewhere.😜

Nothing like that would ever be possible in real life, that's for sure 👍.

Even a few sane mind's in India acknowledge that PAK-China relationship isn't merely a transactional one of purchasing and exporting tech and stuff. It's much deep rooted and intertwined to the core of the both nations. So the above surface news of a couple of platforms coming to Pakistan and some infrastructure/route development in CPEC connectivity route are just trailers that go wild in public.

The actual relationship runs subtle but much deeper than that. It's the prominent fruits only that we come to know of.

The last parts of both the videos summarizes it a bit.

I wouldn't pay much attention to that guy. Of course J-20 isn't available for export to Pakistan. It is currently PLAAF only with no plans yet to offer for export. Nothing to do with politics of Pakistan and USA or concerns over such.

As for military cooperation as hinted by Pravin, I don't know. I think sometimes members (and Pravin) see too much into it. Pakistan buying more Chinese weapons (as they have become much more capable over time and suitable also) doesn't necessarily mean anything about cooperative war.
I think there must be a security protocol signed or mutual understanding regarding J10cp. I don’t even think USA will allow PAF F16 fighters doing excercise with J10cp although they are both your inventory now.
Do you think such an arrangement is practical? Two types of front line fighters of an aor force , can't fly together?
I wouldn't pay much attention to that guy. Of course J-20 isn't available for export to Pakistan. It is currently PLAAF only with no plans yet to offer for export. Nothing to do with politics of Pakistan and USA or concerns over such.

As for military cooperation as hinted by Pravin, I don't know. I think sometimes members (and Pravin) see too much into it. Pakistan buying more Chinese weapons (as they have become much more capable over time and suitable also) doesn't necessarily mean anything about cooperative war.
But what about cooperative CPEC security in the North 😉.

US did force us a lot to provide them base in our north to keep China in check there. Despite being debted to US aid, their export market, loans/IMF/World Bank and what not but even then we weathered that pressure. Couldn't let that happen anyways.
I think there must be a security protocol signed or mutual understanding regarding J10cp. I don’t even think USA will allow PAF F16 fighters doing excercise with J10cp although they are both your inventory now.
No, PAF would fly both the jets, infact all of the jets as it pleases within its own airspace. No one's gonna stop us from doing that.

Apart from some differences, J-10 and JF-17 share a similar DNA and we are flying them with whatever jet in PAF inventory we wish to.
@applesauce @serenity @StructE

Don't worry. These are comments from some fanboys about a hypothetical or even a fictional story of their dreams. Could have been due to someone having a lot of wet dreams about the F-16s and terrified to know that J-10Cs are coming so PAF might be no longer able to afford to have more F-16s in future :fie:, so a bit constipation might have happened somewhere.😜

Nothing like that would ever be possible in real life, that's for sure 👍.

Even a few sane mind's in India acknowledge that PAK-China relationship isn't merely a transactional one of purchasing and exporting tech and stuff. It's much deep rooted and intertwined to the core of the both nations. So the above surface news of a couple of platforms coming to Pakistan and some infrastructure/route development in CPEC connectivity route are just trailers that go wild in public.

The actual relationship runs subtle but much deeper than that. It's the prominent fruits only that we come to know of.

The last parts of both the videos summarizes it a bit.
I will congratulate PAF if they get 50 units of F16 block70 next morning, every bit of it will be used to protect Pakistan sky. I know F16 means a lot to common military fans of Pakistan, the confidence it gave PAF to deal with IAF. Geopolitics have changed dramatically since 1980s, it’s time to move on .

Once upon a time, F16 is a dream fighter jet of China military fans, now we have J10c and J20 in our hands, so people will always have to move on and look into the future.
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I will congratulate PAF if they get 50 units of F16 block70 next morning, every bit of it will be used to protect Pakistan sky. I know F16 means a lot to common military fans of Pakistan, the confidence it gave PAF to deal with IAF. Geopolitics have changed dramatically since 1980s, it’s time to move on .
May be J-10CP induction could prove to be a gateway of strong persuasions for the F-16V Block70 upgrades to come here in Pakistan. You know what I mean! :azn:

*As JF-17 Thunder proved to be enabler of more modern F-16s to follow and join PAF. US every now and then needs that kind of persuasions. 🥰🥰🥰😍😍🥰
So the Rafiqui will have tail chopper Thunders with Cobras, Eagles or Zarrars dragons.
Cobras = Saff Shikan
I think there must be a security protocol signed or mutual understanding regarding J10cp. I don’t even think USA will allow PAF F16 fighters doing excercise with J10cp although they are both your inventory now.
No such restrictions
May be J-10CP induction could prove to be a gateway of strong persuasions for the F-16V Block70 upgrades to come here in Pakistan. You know what I mean! :azn:
And what would the US get in return for such a throwaway? Denouncement of Russia, back to American camp?? We must be ready for something even more than Pressler which grounded our F-16s.US has built this narrative back home that Pakistan is a sleazy backstabber so everything that is given to it is a Presidential Majboori aka order not something particularly popular in the houses...
I think the PAF will keep the J-10CE close to its chest. Just as the PLAAF doesn't want info on the fighter getting out, the PAF will want to prevent India from knowing much either. For at least the first 5 years, the only F-16s the J-10CE will likely take on are the PAF's F-16s (whose crews have trained in Red Flag, for what it's worth).

But it would be pretty interesting if, one day, Israeli F-16s fly up against Pakistani J-10CEs in some Anatolian Eagle exercise. It'd be pretty awkward...
Hi Bilal
when PAF pitched J10c against F16 in their own exercises
is it possible for USA to get radar signatures of J10c or other features which China & pakiStan do not want to reveal openly
if it’s possible for you to comment on my post
thank you
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