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PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

Sir, Max range of PL-15E has been revealed to be 145 km or around 78nm. Please reduce that in the simulation.
Unfortunately I cannot - but if you read through because the simulated JF-17 radar range is 75nm it cannot employ the weapon before that.

Also - we don’t know what version Pakistan is getting yet. After initial export variant with sd-10A Pakistan received the SD10B which matches the PLAAF domestic variant.

That being said -that first scenario gives you exactly what you are looking for
Looks more like PAF is getting J-10 jets solely for handling PN activities while keeping F-16's & JF-17's for PAF activities. Do not be fooled by US gov & Pak gov current relations. PAF and USAF go a long way back and relations are as good as they get and are not going to change anytime soon; hopefully.

A senior member(i believe it was Oscar) whom recently explained correctly how the US knows how to balance relations between IND and PAK and make sure that PAK does not get out of their grip. So, I would not bet against new F-16's or even upgrades for existing ones, just yet, since this purchase of J-10's helps in building a case for the US to send some goodies our way to maintain some sort of leverage. But, lets be sure this time to decide the amount of leverage ourselves.

Hopefully the PAF gets what they have planned for since they have hit the nail on the head so far and therfore never let us down; Mashaa Allah. So lets pray that that this time they too also make us proud and divide assets accordingly; Inshaa Allah.

Also, i believe they are working towards: data data data data..recieving, analysing, planning and execution(think of it as IOT for an airforce) all within seconds for different fields/areas(water and land) using a combination of Eastern and Western technolgies with a topping of indigenous ingenuity - I am praying that is the case - since the present and future leader of aerial warfare will be the one who has mastered the art of building, maintaining and controlling a data centric environment in the air domain e.g. F-35(a single tiny piece of the puzzle).

F-16 will never be ruled out. Yes USA has its own game but every few years some incident happens where they need us and they return. As for J-10 C they are not coming just for Naval role. And 36 is the starting number. They would go close to 100 for sure.
You mean his Facebook profil.
The post link will be better. Where he replied. I want to answer him.
Mashallah Great news :pakistan:. I was one of guy saying this to get J10s as soon as possible . J10C is very potent fighter. We should try to increase its numbers. i.e 50 j10c. We should use it as pure air superiority fighter instead of multi role. i.e with multiple A2A missiles like PL10 and PL15s.
Very interesting excerpt from the reputed Defense News website (read entire excerpt):

@Bilal Khan (Quwa)

for some years we've been concentrating on and practicing EW tactics by adding assets to the inventory.

we have been watching J-10 since years, it was offered, we saw the capability and point out things. then came the B version and later C.

we also have pushed China to the limits for JF-17 and we have been doing this earlier than that. only suddenly they become a genie out of the bottle and doing wonders, don't under estimate the capabilities.

Rafale was there when we were evaluating J-10, i don't think we would have compromised on its EW capabilities even in JF-17 III it is a new capability.

PAF would love to meet IAF in a scenario where they, too come up with capability, it would be worth watching, the duel.
Why would you minus Block 15s (MLU to same as standard as Block 52) and JF-17 Block 1 (Updated to the same standard as Block 2)?
So in essence 200 vs 450? Seems like very good odds to me and much better then historic precedents and only improving as more JF-17s slowly enter service.

Block 2s don't have HMDs. They dont have an Aesa. Their fuel tanks are small and hardpoints limited. They have an average engine thrust. They dont have canards. Such an aircraft needs a powerful engine, like F16, if you are going to pitch it against SU30s, Mirages and Migs. They can only fire SD10s. They are not true 4th gens hence they shouldn't be included in the list.

Block 3s once they arrive will be true 4+ Gen. Since PL15s will make a lot of difference in their lethality. Otherwise JFs can't engage in a dogfight comfortably with any of the above.
Mashallah Great news :pakistan:. I was one of guy saying this to get J10s as soon as possible . J10C is very potent fighter. We should try to increase its numbers. i.e 50 j10c. We should use it as pure air superiority fighter instead of multi role. i.e with multiple A2A missiles like PL10 and PL15s.

PAF won't buy only 50 of a fighter jet. History tells us this. If PAF have selected J-10C , expect atleast 100 in the long run. We will keep increasing J-10C fleet in phases.
India always had numerical superiority and that will remain same as its many times bigger country with many folds larger economy. PAF always dominated with tactics / strategy.

Having said that, 388 is a massive fleet of fighter jets. Wars not like 1 fighter aircraft to 1 fighter aircraft. How many aircrafts can be operational at a given time out of 388 and how many can be for indian 616 fighter jets ? That's a main question. In a full blown conventional war, the airbases will be the first target. How much of the airforce will survive. The tactics / situational awareness to survive the first wave is way important then anything else. So that's why potent air-defense units are perhaps more important as they protect entire base. 388 will be more then enough if most of it gets airborne. Capability wise, PAF has rapidly closed the gap with IAF. By mid-2000s india had BVR capability, AEW&C aircrafts, air-refuelers.. PAF had none of such critical capabilities. We added all these capabilities + about 140 JF-17s, 18 F-16s block 52s, some older F-16s and Now J-10s.. That's remarkable acquisitions in last decade what else you need ? PAF right now is a dream airforce for anybody who watched PAF in 2000s. So, we are at the right track.

The key elements in the air warfare are battle space situational awareness + EW. We proved our superiority in both these domains recently in 2019. We have to keep edge in these domains in future.

As far as sidewinder is concerned, ALL of PAF jets can do WVR combat with sidewinders or PL-5s. The high-offbore sight missiles with J-10s / block IIIs are a new thing.. That's same case with indian fleet, not all of their fleet has this capability.

There can be difference in number of platforms, that doesn't matter as much as if there would have been a missing capabilities like it was in the past. The strategy / tactics will determine the outcome of war. Yes technology is the key and we are adding 4 / 4.5 gen aircrafts. Remember once the scenario of modern jets was PAF 38 F-16s (without BVR ) against 200+ ( mirage 2000s, mig-29s, Su-30s) all with BVR missiles and backed by AEW&Cs. So, I completely disagree to "haven't we lost track completely" statement. We are totally on right track. The matter of concern for us is not airforce but navy which was neglected till now. PAF is doing well with right directions towards future, AZM and beyond.

Thanks for ur answer. Detailed and makes sense! I hope we can quickly add capability and capable platforms! Good to know that we have greatly improved.

However we are not as "cutting edge" "advanced" "modern" "state of the art" "qualitative" airforce than many of the members here believe! The typical jingoism and denial still exists, not only within our armed forces (serving/ex) but the masses as well.

We are doing a comendable job as per our budget. But we need to invest more brains and efforts to ensure gaps are bridged. I hope our economy improves and recovers quickly which is the key issue right now.
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And 36 is the starting number. They would go close to 100 for sure.
Is it you guessing, your 6th sense, a hunch that has brought you to that particular number?

With all due respect, but I think....correction, i'm certain that you're reaching.

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