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PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

can't go wrong with either J-11B, J-10C or J-16D.

J-20 and J-31 are not for sale yet
J-10C is the only one for sale among those, that too with Pakistan as the first potential customer. J-35 is expected to be for sale later, the rest are not and likely will never be sold to foreign countries.
can't go wrong with either J-11B, J-10C or J-16D.

J-20 and J-31 are not for sale yet
If Russia does not agree, China cannot sell J11 and J16, but J15 can be sold, and J15 is a carrier plane.
J20 will probably never be sold, just like F22.
J10C and J31 should be available for sale. But J31 is a naval project, and the army variant of J31 may need to wait a long time(2030-2035).
But the J10C is a pure air superiority fighter, and its multirole is poor, it is not suitable for countries with low budgets. The JF17 engine is controlled by Russia. So China usually sells K8 fighters.
The sales volume of K8 is very good, and 400+ K8 have been exported.

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Stop your delusion. It takes no brainer why US is now one sided partnering with india.

India is a bigger economy and is unfriendly with China. Both these criteria fits US doctrine now. If u still want to continue your delusion for further F-16 deal from US for PAF. Go ahead I am not stopping you.


That is somewhat incorrect analysis.

The US only cares how you market itself to the americans---and pakistanis have failed miserably in managing their position over the last 3 decades and specially since 9/11.

As more information has come out & something new that you guys might know or will learn shortly---. Pakistan may have received these aircraft for free---possibly on lease for testing basis---.

I had told you guys many a years ago that this was coming---the critical relationship between china and pakistan has many a surprises. @Deino @araz

I do not know how the super studs at SINODEF forum would take that news---a collection of fools---computer savy---clever and smart as sh-it---but totally clueless as to how defence deals are done amongst allies.

First the type 054's

then the submarines

and now the J10 CE's

but then I do not know about any missile deals

I would also like to have at least 18 JH7A's as well with the updated ew package and weapons systems.
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Adding a S-400 at Adampur(probably the best place to put one as it gives both reach and depth).

PAF Is not carrying jammers or is aware of an attack - surprise hit.

The S-400 has the ability to engage both a F-16 flight at 36000ft and a Saab-2000 at the same altitude.
It is able to bring down the Saab-2000 successfully with 1 missile.
it launches 8 at the F-16s north and brings down 1.

View attachment 805490
A F-16 flight at 12000ft can be engaged at a slightly reduced distance and 1 out of 4 missiles launched will hit and kill.

Change of scenario - the PAF is aware of the threat and stays around 5000ft or below and the AEW is kept back.

PAF aircraft can operate safely all the way upto the border.

PAF flight attempts to kill the S-400 arent successful on their own - (4 ship) and for the most part only JF-17s with MAR-1s are able to hit the S-400 flying below 1000ft.

However, a PAF flight of JF-17s with MAR-1s supported by a Falcon 20 both survive and are able to destroy the S-400.

That isnt cause for celebration as it also means that this flight was at a disadvantage against IAF interceptors and other systems.
Flying fighters low and along with limited effective range of AWACS due to it being flying far away deep into the safe zone of Pakistani airspace creates a significant issue in situational awareness for the fighters conducting Ops at or beyond the enemy borders. Dedicated EW platforms also in constant threat from the S400s. That alone gives the IAF a tactical advantage against PAF fighters without firing a missile at them.

Could that be an effective A2/AD setup against PAF? And what would PAF do to turn conditions into it's favor? Utilize drones, fighters or surface to surface munitions (missiles, rockets) to effectively suppress or eliminate the long range SAM threat from India.
Now who would be the sexiest fighter of PAF? F-16 or J-10C !!! :crazy:
A side note to this. At one point in history, the Japanese, and then the Korean products, commercial or military, were considered nothing but junk. Fast forward few decades and see what the world thinks of their products now. Same logic applies to the Chinese now, especially to their military hardware, that is increasingly of very high caliber and quality, and it can only get better with time. BhaRATs can disparage them at their own peril, and it works to our advantage.
I know that really well. Japanese were once consider small, shitty, cheap products. Now their products are benchmarks of quality, reliability and effectiveness.
Many have raised this question that when we have F-16, what's the point of getting J10. J10 is basically a similar blackmailing tactic that we have seen everywhere. UAE selected Rafale just to send a msg to the Americans, no worries if you won't sell the F-35. Technically, J10C is the replacement of F16 in the longer run. Jf17, J10C + J31/J35 (2026-2028) F-16 gradually offset from the PAF btw 2027 - 2032 (more like a backup). PAF after wasting 30 years realizes, Americans are a*******
Instead of wasting your own precious 30 years to come to this conclusion. Pakistani decision makers could have studied 30 years of US history from anywhere. So they could have realized this fact in less than a year, but they wasted nation's 30 years to figure out how much a******* US are.
I totally understand your concern. But there is still some delusion who cant see thru the real situation.

US anti-China doctrine are totally mad. US pushes country like Russia to totally embrace China and now is Pakistan turn. If some still think Pakistan still has chances of tinkering between US and China relationship, need to get his head check.
Pakistan's lifline lies in that carefully planned tinkering and stop being a lapdog of anyone. Pak-China relations are now at a point similar to the Pak-US relation at the peak of the cold war. Pakistan shouldn't repeat the same mistakes. Get your house in order, have a sustainable economy, diversify your friend's list and never again put all your eggs in one basket only.
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