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PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

I agree. I think, in its initial years, the PAF will primarily use the J-10CE in the air-to-air role. One major point of this purchase was to plugin the gap left by the lack of F-16s (the US isn't letting us get used A/Bs nor is it helping us co-finance the new Vs). When engaging India, our F-16s are primarily an A2A asset. So, for the short-term, the J-10CEs are meant to shore up our ability to thwart the Rafale threat in A2A.

Likewise, the PAF is clearly tuning the JF-17 for the A2G/S role. Already, the 'old' Block-I is capable of deploying the C-802A AShM, for example. Likewise, the Block-IIs can support the C-802A AShM as well as the IREK PGB and LD-10 ARM. The next phase is integrating the Ra'ad-I/II, REK-III (a rocket-assisted glide-bomb similar to the H-4), and possibly even SMASH or HD-1A supersonic-cruising AShM to the JF-17 Block-III and JF-17B. Funds permitting, the PAF can do some crazier stuff with the JF-17s, like fitting the Block-Is with the GB6 to give it a JSOW-type capability (a stand-off range bomblet dispenser for anti-armour ops), YJ-9E air-to-ground missiles, etc.

That said, the PAF wouldn't invest in a net-new fighter asset without committing to at least 90 units for the long run. Be it the Mirage III/5, F-16, or even JF-17, the PAF has always set a minimum 90-unit requirement for any new major fighter asset. I think we can realistically expect the J-10CE fleet to grow to over 90 units through the rest of this decade (the PAF can order in incremental batches). So, we might see some J-10CEs become available for the A2G/S role.

OTOH, I'm still not sure how much-added utility you'd get from an A2G-configured J-10CE versus the JF-17. Sure, there's a difference, but it isn't as game-changing as getting that big twin-engine asset like the F-15 or Su-30. Even the PLAAF is primarily leaning on those larger designs for the strike role. So, yes, a JF-17 carrying 2 big SOWs or 4 small SOWs isn't ideal, but it gets the job done in our current environment (India is literally "right there"). Not only that, but the PAF can field JF-17s in ample numbers so that it has more strike-capable jets on hand, and can source them relatively more affordably.

Overall, the PAF isn't going to get its 'ideal' strike platform until the NGFA comes online. Be it the Turkish TFX or Chinese J-35/21, the PAF itself said it wants a twin-engine fighter as its NGFA. I think the PAF set the twin-engine need because it wanted a "proper" strike-capable and maritime-capable design. So, from the 2030s, the PAF's "offensive edge" will be a combination of the J-10CE (in the A2A role) and the NGFA (in the A2G/S role).
Do you see TFX or J31 coming as twin engine within decade on PAF colors ?
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