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Obama Seeks $500 Million to Train and Equip Syrian Opposition


Jul 15, 2012
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WASHINGTON — President Obama on Thursday requested $500 million from Congress to train and equip what the White House is calling “appropriately vetted” members of the Syrian opposition. The request comes as the administration is trying to put some form to the president’s surprise announcement last month of plans for a $5 billion counterterrorism fund to provide training for operations in vulnerable countries in the Middle East.

The training program would be the most significant action yet by the United States in the conflict in Syria, which has spilled over the border now to Iraq, where a Qaeda-inspired insurgency is threatening the American-backed government.

“While we continue to believe that there is no military solution to this crisis and that the United States should not put American troops into combat in Syria, this request marks another step toward helping the Syrian people defend themselves against regime attacks, push back against the growing number of extremists like ISIL who find safe haven in the chaos, and take their future into their own hands,” Caitlin Hayden, the national security spokeswoman, said in a statement. She was referring to the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, known as ISIS, or sometimes ISIL.

Mr. Obama’s request comes as part of the military policy bill authorizing the Pentagon to “train and equip vetted elements of the Syrian armed opposition to help defend the Syrian people, stabilize areas under opposition control, facilitate the provision of essential services, counter terrorist threats and promote conditions for a negotiated settlement.”
WASHINGTON — President Obama on Thursday requested $500 million from Congress to train and equip what the White House is calling “appropriately vetted” members of the Syrian opposition. The request comes as the administration is trying to put some form to the president’s surprise announcement last month of plans for a $5 billion counterterrorism fund to provide training for operations in vulnerable countries in the Middle East.

The training program would be the most significant action yet by the United States in the conflict in Syria, which has spilled over the border now to Iraq, where a Qaeda-inspired insurgency is threatening the American-backed government.

“While we continue to believe that there is no military solution to this crisis and that the United States should not put American troops into combat in Syria, this request marks another step toward helping the Syrian people defend themselves against regime attacks, push back against the growing number of extremists like ISIL who find safe haven in the chaos, and take their future into their own hands,” Caitlin Hayden, the national security spokeswoman, said in a statement. She was referring to the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, known as ISIS, or sometimes ISIL.

Mr. Obama’s request comes as part of the military policy bill authorizing the Pentagon to “train and equip vetted elements of the Syrian armed opposition to help defend the Syrian people, stabilize areas under opposition control, facilitate the provision of essential services, counter terrorist threats and promote conditions for a negotiated settlement.”
very bad move
@KAL-EL what do you think?

Why? US is gonna help moderates to fight off ISIS and other radicals.
seriously? are you this naive?
this is another taliban in the making
very bad move
@KAL-EL what do you think?

seriously? are you this naive?
this is another taliban in the making
You don't understand the differences between the moderates and radical rebel factions. If US doesn't help the moderates , the radicals will get the upper hand. Nobody wants that.
You don't understand the differences between the moderates and radical rebel factions. If US doesn't help the moderates , the radicals will get the upper hand. Nobody wants that.
they are all the fucking same bro.
name the moderates and name the redials. lets see if you can tell the difference.
No they are not the same.

For example FSA and Turkmen compared to ISIS

Not at all

Read the article before posting, thanks :)
have you seen the videos of fsa executing people? for being shia?
Obama is an idiot !! He needs to 'go', and I'm not too picky on how. I'd give them some rusty old guns from surplus to drag the war out, but not $500,000,000.

I agree, half a billion is way too much. Give them raw material.
Obama is an idiot !! He needs to 'go', and I'm not too picky on how. I'd give them some rusty old guns from surplus to drag the war out, but not $500,000,000.
why the heck should we give them anything?
one side needs to win. its better if fsa lose.
they are something as al qaeda.
have you seen the videos of fsa executing people? for being shia?
It is hard to verify those videos. FSA doesn't do those things.

why the heck should we give them anything?
one side needs to win. its better if fsa lose.
they are something as al qaeda.
It is not that easy. We need to help FSA otherwise ISIS will consolidate power whichc nobody wants. They are the real monsters.
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