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Obama answers to the question in India-Why is Pakistan so important to US?


Oct 19, 2008
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What Indian government doing in Kashmir also need world attention because .7 million Indian army deployed to suppress the demand of Kashmiris of self determination.Why international human right organization UNO and US not taking any action for Kashmir .

PA already uprooted all exteremist element in just few months from Swat and Waziristan so their no more army action is required.

US should concentrate on Afghanistan and Kashmir peace problems now.
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Since the US pres is being mentioned here it would be worth reproducing what he said of Pak in the parliament as well. Not that what he said at both places makes a diff.

US can concentrate anywhere it wants but not within Indian territory - this is something India has made abundantly clear all along and accepted by the US - it shall not step in unless both parties want. One party will never.
You people are not able to convinince even one islamic country to condemn so called "attrocities of indian army in kashmir" and you are expecting the u.s.a. to act on your behalf.:rofl::rofl:

And talking about human rights, do you see yourself capable enough to teach us a lesson in humanity and human rights when in your own country has awarded death sentence to woman for just blasphemy??:disagree::disagree:

Do you think anybody will listen to such a country??

Prosperity of both countries is linked with each other , they have to solve their dispute if they want to achieve peace and prosperity.The terrorism in India and Pakistan is because these countries dont have enough resources to maintain required standard of security and peace.

Both countries are spending their 2 to 3 % of GDP on defence as a result 75% of Indian and Pakistanis are living below poverty line ( earning per day less than 1Dollar).

Both countries should sign a long term peace agreement and move foward towards unification of economy just like EU.
You people are not able to convinince even one islamic country to condemn so called "attrocities of indian army in kashmir" and you are expecting the u.s.a. to act on your behalf.:rofl::rofl:

Always a waste of time to argue with the ill-informed, but just to give you a single, recent reference:

OIC condemns Kashmir killings - Arab News

The OIC is made up of over 50 countries, not just one.

And just search for "OIC condemn India Kashmir" on Google to find the rest.

Just wanted to point this out. I don't intend to engage you any further.
Thanks for the previous post techie , however i think you know it as well as anyone else does , that it hardly matters.

But , i do wish that the killings didn't happen.
Always a waste of time to argue with the ill-informed, but just to give you a single, recent reference:

OIC condemns Kashmir killings - Arab News

The OIC is made up of over 50 countries, not just one.

And just search for "OIC condemn India Kashmir" on Google to find the rest.

Just wanted to point this out. I don't intend to engage you any further.

What a mis-leading logic.

UN is made up of over 190 countries...So a UN resolution condemning anything mean that all the 190 countries necessarily/independently condemn it ??

The poster was asking whether any government specifically/unilaterally condemned it ?? Not about an impotent organisation (whether it matters to India a single bit is an entirely different topic).
^^ You know how resolutions get adopted, right? The forum votes and the majority carries. What does that tell you? That the majority of the OIC membership - foreign ministers of over 50 nation states - voted to condemn Indian brutality in Kashmir. REPEATEDLY. This is the official position of dozens of countries, whether you like it or not.

Now that we've set you straight on that count, a warning: Don't resort to name calling. Before someone assaults your country with adjectives like "impotent" and much worse, I suggest you take a hike.

If you resort to further flaming and attempt to derail this thread you will be banned.
Thanks for the previous post tech , however i think you know it as well as anyone else does , that it hardly matters.

Actually it does matter. And that frankly was not the point. I cited the link to show our ill-informed poster that he was completely wrong on the subject of international condemnation for India viz the killings in Kashmir. You may like it or dislike it, but it's a fact.

But , i do wish that the killings didn't happen.

I agree.
Prosperity of both countries is linked with each other , they have to solve their dispute if they want to achieve peace and prosperity.
True that. And that is exactly why a stable & prosperous Pakistan is in India's larger interests - a point which many members, even the learned ones, appear to have lost.
That is the point that is being repeatedly hammered by many opinion pieces, editorials, intellectuals and politicians both in India and US, not to mention in Pakistan too.
Both countries should sign a long term peace agreement and move foward towards unification of economy just like EU.
One of the many CBMs being sincerely pursued, but always keep getting derailed due to Pakistan's continued insistence on addressing Kashmir before anything else. Before 2008, negotiations were heading in the right direction with all the CBMs being considered.
Actually it does matter. And that frankly was not the point. I cited the link to show our ill-informed poster that he was completely wrong on the subject of international condemnation for India viz the killings in Kashmir. You may like it or dislike it, but it's a fact.

I agree.

when i said it hardly matters , i meant it because

1. Apart from muslim countries , no one else has really come out and lets face the fact that muslim countries dont have much influence in the world today.

2. These very muslim countries ( except pakistan )continue to have excellent trade and cultural relations with India , nothing has changed there.

3, It does not bring any change on the situation on the ground in kashmir and between India and Pakistan

These too sir are facts.
Didn't UN help to resolve the land dispute?

But Pakistan are still angry about that too, so how could Obama resolve it, 1 man.
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