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Pakistan Army wants to keep Kashmir issue alive: American scholar

You've missed the point raised by over a mile. It's not about threat perceptions at all. The issue is that the PA will NOT want a resolution of the Kashmir dispute as this would pose a serious challenge to their very existence and their dominance in the country's political set up. Without a conflict environment with India, the army would not be needed, except a watered down version for fighting terrorism.

Please stop waffling about the cold start doctrine etc. It has nothing to do with the topic.
r u kidding me? We have enough of conflicts of our own to put army's importance on the first level ie internal threat! The only thing in kashmir is waters and people rest there is nothing for us. Even im kashmiri but what is the reality is reality People and water r our concern.
Why did you make personal attacks against other members in this forum?

Oh... yea.. we saw that.A simple invitation under the name of SAARC ,your PM was here for swearing of Narendra Modi .Once this same Nawaz Sharif criticise Modi and now he is here for so called peace talk.
Our PM Manmohan Singh dont attend the ceremoney of a Pak PM,because you guys are not an important to us.But your PM was here for our PM swearing ceremoney.
Talking about importance:lol::lol::lol:.

On topic: We already know that.There is no surprise in that.
LOL if this was true then i would have been the happiest man ever. But sadly he never criticized him. Hamary Mulk main bhi to ishe baat ka rona ha!!!
we talk about bigger issues like kashmir...if kashmir is solved all small issues like terrorism will be automatically solved...

Anyone who believes this is absolutely deluded or does not understand how the world works.
I have mentioned this previously in another post, these terrorists are terrorists by profession, this is the only way they know how to survive and whatever solutions one reaches on Kashmir or anything else in this world, these guys will never be satisfied and will continue demanding more or conflicting things.
Also terrorism is not a "small issue".
That's their last hope to remain in power. For 6 decades they have hijacked entire Pakistan and dismantled civil structure.

They own mills, factories, big sports complexes and plush residences while having all the power while telling Pakistanis the Indian boogeyman invasion.
Christine Fair again?

She is not biased.... :rolleyes:
Washington: Pakistan's Army does not want the Kashmir issue to be resolved as this would pose a serious challenge to their existence and their dominance in the country's political set up, a noted American scholar has said.
"They (Pakistan Army) are not going to do a settlement on Kashmir. Why would the Army allow a process to go forward that would obviate its own politics? I think that the best that India can hope for is some version of the status quo," said C Christine Fair, author of the 'Fighting to the End: The Pakistan Army's Way of War'.
Fair warned that the Pakistan Army would again try to scuttle the renewed peace initiative between the two South Asian neighbours, reflected in Prime Minister Narendra Modi's invitation to his Pakistan counterpart Nawaz Sharif to attend his swearing in ceremony; following which the two leaders had their first bilateral dialogue.
"The (Pakistan) Army would undercut him (Sharif)... all they have to do is to have a Lashkar-e-Taiba attack...opportunity for spoilers," Fair told a Washington audience yesterday at the formal launch of her book organised by the Hudson Institute, an eminent American think-tank.
"I really do not expect much out of it (Modi-Sharif peace initiative). The attack on the Indian Consulate in Herat, which was very likely done by Lashkar-e-Taiba or Haqqani network, is a really good testing of those waters," said Fair, who is Assistant Professor in the Security Studies at Georgetown University.
Agreed Husain Haqqani, the former Pakistan Ambassador to the US.

Washington: Pakistan's Army does not want the Kashmir issue to be resolved as this would pose a serious challenge to their existence and their dominance in the country's political set up, a noted American scholar has said.

Then Modi has a good chance to resolve Kashmir issue and pose a threat to Pakistan Army's existence. By solving Kashmir issue Modi can pose a serious challenge to Pakistan Army's existence and their dominance.

:raise:Solution is, "GIVE KASHMIR TO PAKISTAN AND BY DOING SO MODI CAN POSE A SERIOUS CHALLENGE TO PAKISTAN ARMY'S EXISTENCE AND DOMINANCE." :omghaha: By solving Kashmir Issue may be he can destroy Pakistan Army and create Akhand Bharat :omghaha:

Indian trolls checkmate. :nhl_checking::victory::pakistan:
Some interesting stuff from Ms. Fair.
* Pakistan has no claim on Kashmir.
* "Solve Kashmir for peace" is bullshit.
* Pakistan's constitution is apartheid.

She advocated giving Pakistan a nuke deal 4 years back

Should Pakistan Get a Nuke Deal?

At the same time, the deal should address Pakistan's chief concerns. Pakistan fears that the United States -- perhaps in consort with India and Israel -- seeks to dismantle its nuclear program. Such a deal would formally recognize Pakistan's nuclear status and reward it for the considerable progress it has made to enhance its arsenal's security since 2002.

Washington wants Islamabad to give up what it sees as the only tools in its arsenal to secure its interests at home and abroad: jihadi terrorism under the security of its nuclear umbrella....But the United States is going to have to offer something in exchange: recognition and strategic support. Such a deal could create the conditions of trust whereby other initiatives, such as a limited security guarantee -- negotiated with India's explicit input -- would be welcomed.
Pakistan's Army does not want the Kashmir issue to be resolved as this would pose a serious challenge to their existence and their dominance in the country's political set up, a noted American scholar has said.
"They (Pakistan Army) are not going to do a settlement on Kashmir. Why would the Army allow a process to go forward that would obviate its own politics? I think that the best that India can hope for is some version of the status quo," said C Christine Fair, author of the 'Fighting to the End: The Pakistan Army's Way of War'.
Fair warned that the Pakistan Army would again try to scuttle the renewed peace initiative between the two South Asian neighbours, reflected in Prime Minister Narendra Modi's invitation to his Pakistan counterpart Nawaz Sharif to attend his swearing in ceremony; following which the two leaders had their first bilateral dialogue.

For all the vitriol directed against the author, there is no believable argument refuting what has been said in bold above. I think that she will be proven right in what she has said.
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