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Pakistan Army wants to keep Kashmir issue alive: American scholar

Water I agree. But people? When you guys can't even look after your own people, you want to look after the Kashmiris? Get your house in order first. After all, even the Kashmiris know what's going on in Pakistan and they don't want anything to do with you. As a recent survey revealed, just 2% of Kashmiris want to join Pakistan and these include those Hurriyat yahoos and their band of sheeple.
Oh Mr understand the reasons of those conflicts. None of them is actually against Pakistan as a country expect those three rebel tribes of baluch. Rest just r fighting against system and power even Baluch r also indirectly influenced by this same thing and believe as a free country they can have a better chance to develop.... Thats all Poverty and lack of development under capitalism is their concern and guys like TTP(Sharia) and communists(baluchis) want to try other systems.

None really is against the creating or idea of our country. Even did u remember TTP had announced publicly that if india attacked(on the aftermath of Mumbai Drama) Pakistan then we will also declare war against india and will fight side by side with State of Pakistan!
Stop Giving Reasons..... o_O
That's the WORLD OF INTEREST....Where no one Cares....

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