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No Electricity since morning (Welcome PAKISTAN)

first thankyou for not trolling ...mate solar power is available but on more of a private level. but it is expensive for people like me. second our leaders dont do any thing until they get commission and there is no commission in alternate power.

There are power cuts in my city too allthough the situation is not as bad, we have two hours of power cut daily mostly in the afternoons and most of us use invertors powered by batteries but in the suburbs and small tows and villages I have heard they have 10 to 12 hours of power cuts. Just wondering how do houses manage and what about commercial establishments, schools and hospitals?
An advantage of living in Cantt perhaps.

yes I guess... foojiyo ka yeh tou faida hota hai :)

U.K-Pakistan Relations

•On Thursday, the British House of Commons released a report explaining that Pakistan needs to increase its tax revenue before the British parliament will consider increasing aid for the new government. Parliamentary members noted the disparity between Pakistan’s status as a middle-income country and the vast number of people living below the poverty line and uneducated.[2]

all govt.'s should do this

interm govt is here to serve you these purposes !!
Sir, deprivation is only made worse with a negative attitude. I speak from experience as you can see in my signature. When there is no electricity or gas on a regular basis, it is better to create a positive attitude and adapt, rather than go out and burn offices and buses.

Sir, thank you for your reply, and I admit that in marking your statement on positive attitude in bold red was a mistake, and indeed a positive attitude is a great thing. And thank you for pointing it out.

However, just taking it as it comes will only embolden the authorities who are not keen on providing the people with the necessities that they are entitled to. What perplexes me is how those whose businesses run on electricity (even schools - it would be such a disgrace to force the kids to learn in classrooms where the ACs/fans lie worthless) are not uniting and joining hands in protests.

Please do not mind my saying it, but I say it as I see it - People are very punctual in gathering in thousands for any rally where someone is busy shouting Death to America or Jihad on India - Something that serves absolutely no purposes. But they never do the same when their kids are perspiring from heat and their machines are sitting idle producing nothing.

Actually, I too am speaking from experience, as my past too was very similar to what you are facing there. But then, I saw the villagers joining hands with the urban population to protest against the power cuts - they did not care where the govt. was supposed to get the power, but they showed clearly that the government won't be in power next time if it continued.

Soon, the power cuts reduced to 2-6 hours per week, and mostly on weekends.

I may be wrong here, but this is what I experienced that in a democracy, people have not one but many ways to show the authorities where the actual power lies. Unless they do that, things don't change, and if they do, they do for worse.
There are power cuts in my city too allthough the situation is not as bad, we have two hours of power cut daily mostly in the afternoons and most of us use invertors powered by batteries but in the suburbs and small tows and villages I have heard they have 10 to 12 hours of power cuts. Just wondering how do houses manage and what about commercial establishments, schools and hospitals?

we also have UPS back up supply at least most of us do some use generator...the consumer base business also use back up generators the ons who can afford it. but the larger manufacture industry was hit badly and most of them shifted to Bangladesh thus the economic rise there.
Your title is wrong, it should have be "No Electricity since morning (Welcome DEMOCRACY)"

Now that is a perfect title.
Well where i live the power goes out once in months and tht too fr half n hour or 1 hour max in a single day bcoz of Private power supply in jamshhedpur!
All thanx to TATA power!

Pakistan shud also look into the prospect of private power companies and alternate power sources!
Damn that sucks. Being from Rajasthan, our loadshedding is quite high compared to the other states and provinces. However from where I am, we have a maximum of two hours of power cuts throughout the day (usually around the afternoon) and that too when everybody is leaving from work.
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