The Fed tried to invent the bottom at 18000 with their un-lim-it-ed QE. DOW Jones 40000 soon?

Bubble on bubble on bubble. Like Bitcoin bubble built on failure/selling of other cryptocurrencies, could bitcoin go back to 20000 and beyond, bitcoin could.
China's central bank should create a hyperinflated bubble: Create 4T Yuan a week on the computer screen, lend to banks, who lend to investors on margin who invest in HSI. HSI 60000 here we go!
The emerging markets had a bear market from the 2008 Wall Street crash to end of 2019, according to Bloomberg.
Emerging Market Stocks Had a Dismal Decade. Where to Look for Growth Going Forward.
They should sue Washington and Wall Street for 100T USD (sheets of toilet paper) for their deliberate repackaging of bad debt to poison foreign markets when MBS and other investments were not sold as bad debt however it was very bad debt. Even with this USA virus that spread to China, China could sue US for spreading a virus to US. Zionist US cause of every problem in the world, along with other USA pals.