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No Electricity since morning (Welcome PAKISTAN)

its the circular debt which has risen to PKR 847 Billion (US$8.4 Bill) - installed capacity is adequate but when the establishment, military, govt institutions and politicians dont pay their electricity bills then the ordinary masses suffer. then there is 30% electricity line loss (world avg is 7%) shows the obsolete state of the electricity distribution system. then there is the 'kunda' culture. take your pick to blame whom......!
This particular outage is due to the Baloch terrorists blowing up pipelines.

And still we have Asma Jehangir and other folks defending these sc**
its the circular debt which has risen to PKR 847 Billion (US$8.4 Bill) - installed capacity is adequate but when the establishment, military, govt institutions and politicians dont pay their electricity bills then the ordinary masses suffer. then there is 30% electricity line loss (world avg is 7%) shows the obsolete state of the electricity distribution system. then there is the 'kunda' culture. take your pick to blame whom......!

I heard that last year, our installed capacity was also became lower than demand, due to silting of dams and increase in demand.
Some upraisings are now going on I suppose.

But circular debt is indeed the biggest problem.

Har agla banda kunda laga kay betha hai, the slums are practically lit up due to kundas.
AFAIK Pakistan's current installed capacity is enough to cater current demand, problem is circular debts. So, yes it's possible to resolve it 90 days, if government cut their luxury expenses.

Yes, I agree with you that the installed capacity is enough to provide enough power if the circular debt issue is resolved, which can certainly be done in 90 days if enough capital is pumped into the sector, and steps are taken to prevent more debt from accruing. A one time infusion of capital is relatively easy, but correcting the systemic issues and corruption that generate the circular debt will be far more difficult.
With so much of power cuts, why dont people look in to alternative power source? How popular is solar power in Pakistan and does the govt offer any subsidies?

first thankyou for not trolling ...mate solar power is available but on more of a private level. but it is expensive for people like me. second our leaders dont do any thing until they get commission and there is no commission in alternate power.
i think it is a short fall for limited time, will overcome in next few hour.:mod:
Think positive please.

We had power from 6 am to 8 am, for breakfast and to get ready for school and work, we had it 10 to 11 am for lunch, we had it from 4 to 5 pm for tea, we had it from 6 to 7:30 pm for dinner, and who needs light after 7:30 anyway? It is bedtime soon.

See, not so bad after all.

Tomorrow when you get power for only half an hour, even then you will look at it positively?

It is this kind of attitude that is such a bane to all of us in South Asia. You live in a democratic country, and if you do not get what you voted for, you ought to make your voice heard. I cannot understand how entire city was subjected to such a blackout and they did not storm the offices already.

Ultimately the power rests with you, because you are the people of a democratic country. If you expect your duty to be done after the voting day is over, then well... you deserve this treatment.
U.K-Pakistan Relations

•On Thursday, the British House of Commons released a report explaining that Pakistan needs to increase its tax revenue before the British parliament will consider increasing aid for the new government. Parliamentary members noted the disparity between Pakistan’s status as a middle-income country and the vast number of people living below the poverty line and uneducated.[2]

all govt.'s should do this
I dont want to be crass or rub salt over peoples wounds .. but I haven't suffered load shedding in the past year. Well it goes out for the odd 15mins to an hour maybe 2-3 times a week .. my backup keeps me uninterrupted so I really cant tell you if its more than that. other than the major maintenance shutdowns which last 5-6 hours happen once a few months.
Tomorrow when you get power for only half an hour, even then you will look at it positively?

It is this kind of attitude that is such a bane to all of us in South Asia. You live in a democratic country, and if you do not get what you voted for, you ought to make your voice heard. I cannot understand how entire city was subjected to such a blackout and they did not storm the offices already.

Ultimately the power rests with you, because you are the people of a democratic country. If you expect your duty to be done after the voting day is over, then well... you deserve this treatment.

Sir, deprivation is only made worse with a negative attitude. I speak from experience as you can see in my signature. When there is no electricity or gas on a regular basis, it is better to create a positive attitude and adapt, rather than go out and burn offices and buses.
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