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No Electricity since morning (Welcome PAKISTAN)

Indian cities too have power shortage ( e.g in HAryana) , but they have bought DG sets to cope over this, as inverters are insufficient.
Don't the people in pakistan incest in personal DGs when teh govt. is helpless ??
This is the alternative model we're following in India - Solar Power.


100-megawatt Solar power plant, Rajasthan

Under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (NSM) – an initiative unveiled by the Government of India in January 2010, India aims to have 2 gigawatts of installed solar power generation capacity by 2013, 10 gigawatts by 2017, and 20 gigawatts (20,000 megawatts) by 2022! And that's a lot of power from the sun! Lessening the dependence on non renewable energy sources like gas and coal is the way forward.

Yes but India plans to add significantly more through HEP and notably Nuke power. The issue facing Pakistan is two fold corruption and lack of serious capital to invest. India has the corruption (although that is being addressed slowly) but doesn't have a lack of funds and it shows (10s of billions of USD being invested into the India power sector) so it is unfair to compare India and Pakistan, India is effectively adding the same capacity that Pakistan generates in a year, to its total capacity on an annual basis.
@Argus Panoptes; you should take that as a compliment! VCheng was one of the best posters here. Only his candour and articulation did not appeal to the taliban. So he finally exited.
However you are a good poster in your own right; so I will not offend or insult you by comparing you with anybody. :cheers:

VCheng was a great guy, but he riled up his fellow Pakistani members here so badly.

On topic: When there is a big blackout, can you still access the mobile internet on your smartphone?

To begin with, you are guys are making it sound like VC's funeral has taken place, and his gravestone put up - the old man is very much alive. We all will die, but let me assure you he will not!

As for riling up his fellow nationals or not appealing to the Taliban - hardly. He left of his own free will.

Next time someone says that, just press report post. We will deal with people who dare accuse you of being one of the the biggest self-professed drama queens in the forum world.

Since you are so adamant on telling the entire world that you are in Canada, why dont you change your current location flag accordingly. Will make life simple for you.

I find the diametrically opposing views amusing, but it is none of my concern.

This is the alternative model we're following in India - Solar Power.


Under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (NSM) – an initiative unveiled by the Government of India in January 2010, India aims to have 2 gigawatts of installed solar power generation capacity by 2013, 10 gigawatts by 2017, and 20 gigawatts (20,000 megawatts) by 2022! And that's a lot of power from the sun! Lessening the dependence on non renewable energy sources like gas and coal is the way forward.

Pakistan has a lot of solar power potential which can be realized. However, the installed capacity even now is more than the power requirement. The issue causing loadshedding is the circular debt, making it more of a management problem.
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Tremendous potential for solar power in cholistan/thar area, only takes will power

I think solar power is not cost effective, plus, it is hard to store energy because at night the solar panels are producing zero energy.
That is a good point, since loadshedding can be used as a tool to manipulate public opinion against the just departed incumbents. Perhaps to benefit PTI?

The Punjab government is raising the issue of loadshedding and its disruptive effect on the elections in the Council of Common Interests:

To raise issue in CCI: Punjab fears power riots may disrupt elections | Newspaper | DAWN.COM

To raise issue in CCI: Punjab fears power riots may disrupt elections

From the Newspaper

LAHORE, April 10: The Punjab government has started preparing for a meeting of the Council of Common Interests (CCI) expected to be held on April 23 to raise the issue of power loadshedding which it fears may spark riots and sabotage coming elections.

According to official sources on Wednesday, provincial home and energy secretaries had been asked to prepare the Punjab’s stance on the impact of the enhanced power cuts, especially on the smooth conduct of general elections, so that caretaker Chief Minister Najam Sethi could present it in the CCI meeting.

The sources said the secretaries were deputed following a cabinet decision on Tuesday with regard to raising the issue with the federal government.

The cabinet was alarmed at the sporadic protests against prolonged loadshedding in different cities of Punjab and was informed by the authorities concerned that these could spread and intensify if frequency and duration of power cuts was not reduced soon.

The sources said the cabinet felt that protests could turn violent if the power loadshedding was not controlled because it was badly affecting life and business in the length and breadth of the province. The outages are also disrupting water supply even in Lahore and to immediately tackle the shortage the chief minister had ordered on Tuesday to run tube-wells on diesel generators, issuing funds for the fuel.

They said the energy secretary had been asked to calculate the existing power generation and the actual demand. Also he had been asked to assess how much supply would help avert agitation in the province.

The home secretary, they said, was expected to prepare a report on the protests, their potential and likely impact on the election process.

Meanwhile, it was learnt that the notification appointing Wapda chairman as the power sector coordinator had been withdrawn. By doing so, the federal water and power division had directly assumed the responsibility of dealing with the power issue.

The sources said the actual issue was that the PSO and the gas companies were not giving gas and furnace oil to the power producing units because of non-clearance of their arrears amounting to billions of rupees. The government was required to pay Rs55 billion only to the gas companies.
Sad the damned leadership and political establishment in this country allowed the situation to get this bad.
Sad the damned leadership and political establishment in this country allowed the situation to get this bad.

Sadder that the population just sat by silently and let it happen. When the people could have sought information on the power situation and the mounting lack of power available. People can avail of the "Right to Information" and prise information out of an incompetent and inefficient Govt. Make a huge noise about it with the information available, not by Morchas and Dharnas but by well drafted petitions to Regulatory Bodies. If that does not work, file a "Public Interest Petition" in Courts. No Govt will find it easy to stand upto this dual approach.

Oh, I forgot; before doing all that the Public will do well to get proper metered connections and pay the correct requisite dues on time.

Electricity does not come from the Heavens. One has to pay for it. Only then will one be able to demand it!

Its not just the Govt, but the damned people who are responsible as well.
I think solar power is not cost effective, plus, it is hard to store energy because at night the solar panels are producing zero energy.

Solar Power is still expensive to use; because of two reasons: the Solar panels are expensive and the need to store the power in batteries in say night-time and cloudy days.
Wind power is a relatively cheaper source of energy.
Can you imagine the cost of all that lost industrial production? And what is "irrational interest"? Is this interest on the amount of debt already owed?

KESC announces 8-hour/day loadshedding for industries | Business - geo.tv

KESC announces 8-hour/day loadshedding for industries

April 13, 2013

KARACHI: Owing to a reduced supply of gas to Karachi Electric Supply Company (KESC) industries would have to face power outages for at least eight hours a day henceforth, Geo News reported.

In an official statement issued, the power utility claimed facing a major decrease in the supply of gas, which it used as a justification to starve the industry of electricity, however, when contacted, Sui Southern Gas Company (SSGC) denied throttling the flow.

According to a KESC spokesman, the utility was forced to take a decision to this effect in the wake of an irrational interest, which the SSGC slapped on the company without any reason.

He said that the gas company had brought the supply down to 120 MMCFD compromising KESC's generation capacity, thus we could not meet the demand.
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