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Nine Indian Soldiers Killed in Longest Counter Insurgency Encounter of IOK History

it is very likely that you'd die of thirst and hunger if you give-up your illegal occupation of Kashmir
how?, we have Indus treaty and no ones taking Jammu, just valley
and you technically speaking who ever try's to completely stop water supply will do more damage to its own country with man made natural disaster than the intended target
What a joke. What does Kashmir produce other than Apples?
water, you moron!
how?, we have Indus treaty and no ones taking Jammu, just valley
and you technically speaking who ever try's to completely stop water supply will do more damage to its own country than the intended target
you may have a treaty but have you seen the state of Pakistani rivers (excluding Jehlum and Sindh)? bharatis aren't honoring the treaties
water, you moron!

you may have a treaty but have you seen the state of Pakistani rivers (excluding Jehlum and Sindh)? bharatis aren't honoring the treaties
open a thread, I dont think its completely true
8 out of 9 dead are Singh's. Mean Sikhs... Only 1 Hindu. If Sikhs represent 15% population why losses of Sikhs are 80%+ ?? Or is it that Sikh regiments are deployed there ?

Hindus cannot fight .. they use others to kill on their behalf. They love to Lynch women and children when they come in horde of 1000 versus 1 innocent victim.
Goes to show how little you know about insurgencies. That’s the same kind of tactic the US and NATO forces tried to apply in Afghanistan, guess why it didn’t work? Because you can’t shoot an ideology or an insurgency away. You have to get rid of the root cause, something India isn’t doing too well in considering how it treats the people in question.

Until they are maligned this way, These insurgencies have an unlimited pool of volunteers, just like you think the IA does. So it’s not a matter of sustenance, if it was, the IA should have won a long time ago. Yet every few months, all over India, multiple insurgencies claim the lives of many Indian servicemen, and they’ve been able to do little to nothing about it.

Maybe take some lessons from Pakistan eh? Why do you think Pakistans COIN Ops were so successful, because they had a major element of re-education and re-building attached to them to fix the people who felt wronged. It seems the mighty Indian army doesn’t know what it’s doing, but then again, never stop an enemy when they are making a mistake.
This may not go well with the PDF members here, and Iam sorry to say that. But India will happily sacrifice few thousand soldiers and kill few hundred thousand kashmiris every year rather than compromise on its sovereignty. If that is the cost, so be it...

US left Afghanistan without losing a single battle, because it values its soldiers way too much, and tried fighting a war with too much sophistication, hence jacking up the cost.. why do you think Asad is winning in Syria? Because it demonstrated ability to kill and take punishment at the same time.

Don't underestimate India's ability to become brutal. It has demonstrated many times Punjab and Kashmir. Even these incidents will be responded in equal brutality impacting families and sympathizers.. that is the true side of the conflict
This may not go well with the PDF members here, and Iam sorry to say that. But India will happily sacrifice few thousand soldiers and kill few hundred thousand kashmiris every year rather than compromise on its sovereignty. If that is the cost, so be it...

And what do we get in return? Kashmir is a bottomless pit. The sooner we recognize and divest it the better rest of the India would be.

US left Afghanistan without losing a single battle, because it values its soldiers way too much, and tried fighting a war with too much sophistication, hence jacking up the cost.. why do you think Asad is winning in Syria? Because it demonstrated ability to kill and take punishment at the same time.

US left Afghanistan because they are wise.

Don't underestimate India's ability to become brutal. It has demonstrated many times Punjab and Kashmir. Even these incidents will be responded in equal brutality impacting families and sympathizers.. that is the true side of the conflict

Just because we can, does not mean we should. Keeping Kashmir is useless.
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