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Nine Indian Soldiers Killed in Longest Counter Insurgency Encounter of IOK History

Great leaders are the ones who accept sunk costs. I hope India will get such a leader sooner than later. For now we have a dumb PM who thinks that he can pour more money to convince Kashmiris. What a waste. I want zero paisa to go to Kashmir. Why should my tax money be wasted like this. Kashmir is a waste land with no resources. It is just a big white elephant which sucks up majority of India's revenue.
Glad at least 1 Indian realises that they should vacate Kashmir
Fresh fighting started in poonch sector where indian army lost 9 soldiers, incapable fekus still not able to find out the positions of freedom fighters
This may not go well with the PDF members here, and Iam sorry to say that. But India will happily sacrifice few thousand soldiers and kill few hundred thousand kashmiris every year rather than compromise on its sovereignty. If that is the cost, so be it...

US left Afghanistan without losing a single battle, because it values its soldiers way too much, and tried fighting a war with too much sophistication, hence jacking up the cost.. why do you think Asad is winning in Syria? Because it demonstrated ability to kill and take punishment at the same time.

Don't underestimate India's ability to become brutal. It has demonstrated many times Punjab and Kashmir. Even these incidents will be responded in equal brutality impacting families and sympathizers.. that is the true side of the conflict
You have presented the correct picture and this is exactly what Indian state would do or any country for that matter. However, it is a costly matter in terms of country's image, men & material and most importantly on the morale. Any state would try to utilize diplomatic and political means to end such insurgencies because there are no military solutions to asymmetrical warfare.
Glad at least 1 Indian realises that they should vacate Kashmir

Getting rid of Kashmir is the only sane option for India. If Russia sold Alaska, French sold Louisiana, Why can't India put up Kashmir for sale? I am pretty sure US, UK, China, Russia, Pakistan, Iran or some other country out there would be interested.
Getting rid of Kashmir is the only sane option for India. If Russia sold Alaska, French sold Louisiana, Why can't India put up Kashmir for sale? I am pretty sure US, UK, China, Russia, Pakistan, Iran or some other country out there would be interested.

alright lets say its for sale, can pakistan afford to buy?
alright lets say its for sale, can pakistan afford to buy?

How is Pakistan buying F-16, Subs, Missiles and made nukes? Pakistan is a very motivated buyer. One option could be that they take a loan from China and lease the land to China to repay the loan. Another option could be that they lease it to the US in return for Military support. Pakistanis have the will and they will find a way. Anyway that is buyers problem. Instead of we thinking how the potential buyer will buy, we should think how we could sell and get the best return out of that sale. Things that we should focus on are

1) Should we be open to sell it to any customer or should we exclude any?
2) What is the minimum amount if sold in cash or resources like gold
3) Should we sell it for cash only or do a barter deal
Getting rid of Kashmir is the only sane option for India. If Russia sold Alaska, French sold Louisiana, Why can't India put up Kashmir for sale? I am pretty sure US, UK, China, Russia, Pakistan, Iran or some other country out there would be interested.
No body is having Kashmir except of our kashmiris and since 1947 they are all Pakistani's
How is Pakistan buying F-16, Subs, Missiles and made nukes? Pakistan is a very motivated buyer. One option could be that they take a loan from China and lease the land to China to repay the loan. Another option could be that they lease it to the US in return for Military support. Pakistanis have the will and they will find a way. Anyway that is buyers problem. Instead of we thinking how the potential buyer will buy, we should think how we could sell and get the best return out of that sale. Things that we should focus on are

1) Should we be open to sell it to any customer or should we exclude any?
2) What is the minimum amount if sold in cash or resources like gold
3) Should we sell it for cash only or do a barter deal

Pak bought Gwadar from Oman.
I am not taking about people. People are free to move to Pakistan or India or stay put. Kashmir issue is about land not people.
My dear...now having spoken sense you are going off the rails. Pakistan and India were created on the basis of PEOPLE WHO ARE MAJORITY MUSLIM WILL BE PAKISTAN...
BLa bla bla
That's why hyderabad was Pakistan
Pak bought Gwadar from Oman.

Exactly. If I were to be the PM of India, I will be talking to Pakistan's government to negotiate a good price to transfer Kashmir to Pakistan.
My dear...now having spoken sense you are going off the rails. Pakistan and India were created on the basis of PEOPLE WHO ARE MAJORITY MUSLIM WILL BE PAKISTAN...
BLa bla bla
That's why hyderabad was Pakistan

Did people of Alaska decide if they would join the US? Did people of Louisiana decide if they would join the US? Historically lands have been sold by one country to the other. Neither the buying or selling country cared about the people. Governments care about land and resources not people.
Exactly. If I were to be the PM of India, I will be talking to Pakistan's government to negotiate a good price to transfer Kashmir to Pakistan.

Did people of Alaska decide if they would join the US? Did people of Louisiana decide if they would join the US? Historically lands have been sold by one country to the other. Neither the buying or selling country cared about the people. Governments care about land and resources not people.
Was there a UN resolution on alaska?
Please don't argue if you don't understand. Kashmir is disputed territory since 1947.
Was alaska ever disputed?

Read Read and engage the brain. I know it's hard for you Indians to be rational and not emotional but try
Was there a UN resolution on alaska?
Please don't argue if you don't understand. Kashmir is disputed territory since 1947.
Was alaska ever disputed?

Read Read and engage the brain. I know it's hard for you Indians to be rational and not emotional but try

If Pakistan wants to play hardball that is fine. No Indian will give it to you for free. You either pay to get it or we will find another buyer.
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