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Nine Indian Soldiers Killed in Longest Counter Insurgency Encounter of IOK History

Unfortunate development, but the terrorist are surrounded, hence will be eliminated
Unfortunate development, but the terrorist are surrounded, hence will be eliminated
And you think that’ll end it? It’s like a domino effect, you kill them, more will appear, kill them and more will appear.
And you think that’ll end it? It’s like a domino effect, you kill them, more will appear, kill them and more will appear.
No . I don't think it will end like this.. there will be more joining their ranks and getting killed.. ultimately its about who can kill more and sustain it for long.. and here, its only a single party who can do that
No . I don't think it will end like this.. there will be more joining their ranks and getting killed.. ultimately its about who can kill more and sustain it for long.. and here, its only a single party who can do that
Goes to show how little you know about insurgencies. That’s the same kind of tactic the US and NATO forces tried to apply in Afghanistan, guess why it didn’t work? Because you can’t shoot an ideology or an insurgency away. You have to get rid of the root cause, something India isn’t doing too well in considering how it treats the people in question.

Until they are maligned this way, These insurgencies have an unlimited pool of volunteers, just like you think the IA does. So it’s not a matter of sustenance, if it was, the IA should have won a long time ago. Yet every few months, all over India, multiple insurgencies claim the lives of many Indian servicemen, and they’ve been able to do little to nothing about it.

Maybe take some lessons from Pakistan eh? Why do you think Pakistans COIN Ops were so successful, because they had a major element of re-education and re-building attached to them to fix the people who felt wronged. It seems the mighty Indian army doesn’t know what it’s doing, but then again, never stop an enemy when they are making a mistake.
No . I don't think it will end like this.. there will be more joining their ranks and getting killed.. ultimately its about who can kill more and sustain it for long.. and here, its only a single party who can do that
And you’re willing to sacrifice that many Indian soldiers? for something that’s not even worth it.
off topic question, how do their ranks work? Is rifleman equivalent to private ?
yes, in almost in all of the commonwealth armies, rifleman/sepoy/sipahi is a rank equivalent to Private in the British Army, similarly a Royal Artillery Gunner is also same rank as a Private
I mean they clearly don't like India, I mean this much is clear and its been like that for decades and decades of insurgencies, hostilities
Do a territory swap?

why are you forcing people into a union they don't want to be a part of?
I mean they clearly don't like India, I mean this much is clear and its been like that for decades and decades of insurgencies, hostilities
Do a territory swap?
View attachment 785605
why are you forcing people into a union they don't want to be a part of?
Why? They don’t want to be part of India do they? theyre not fighting against the Pakistani government to join India. Being Hindu does not mean they don’t want to be Pakistani, keep them and Kashmir. Simple.
The Indian army are fudging the numbers, the numbers are likely much higher then reported including suicides.
or they are just doing another little pulwama to distract the public from the constant thrashing at the hands of China. it is much easier and cheaper to do farzical strikes against Pakistan than it is to do a real one against the Chinese.
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