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Newspaper claims 'Pakistan must learn democracy from India'

Oh, I don't know about that. The graphs showing that only the Army knows banking and finance, business management, logistics, industrial operations and human resources development have started turning up. Soon, some braver than brave heart will remind us that two, not one, Indian planes were captured in 1965, proving (obviously) that Pakistani bankers, financiers, business managers, lorry drivers and locomotive engineers, shop foremen and personnel officers all know how to fight. One of them is worth seven sniveling little cowards from You Know Where, so what's the problem?

I have GREAT hopes for this thread.

Haha.. Take your pills today pops?

You can try lassi for that heartburn.
If there are any consultancy assignments, I hope cheap but clean hopefuls from next door will be considered favourably. I was there when it started, I was there when it ended, I watched when simple tribals were suckered into a simple economic trap by sophisticated city slickers, I watched while half-baked pundits in desperate need of consultants called them Maoists.

What a fun, Sir-jee.

We now have experts teaching us about democracy, what it needs, what it doesn't need, what is needed and for how many years to make it happen....

Besides consultancy on Maoists, I might as well offer consultancy on how to be a military-driven dictatorship for - what is it? - 30 odd out of 65 years. After all, I know as much about military dictatorships as random clowns know about Maoism and democracy.
indian media is getting funny day by day,first they become thekedars of pakistanbi news, first they start sourcing pakistani news which never came on pak media, and now the indian sites some pakistani newspaper claiming this or that

what is wrong with bharat media and why cant it focus on its own problems which are too deep and too many to fix??
Imran bhai
they are opportunists ..when everything is running smoothly they want to rule and when problem starts to come they will hide behind democracy only to surface at right time .. I am 100% sure ,if democracy was there for last 65 years it would have yield sweet fruits by now ..every system requires time ,effort and importantly patience to develop ..there was none here ..whome do you blame ?

I completely agree with this post !
indian media is getting funny day by day,first they become thekedars of pakistanbi news, first they start sourcing pakistani news which never came on pak media, and now the indian sites some pakistani newspaper claiming this or that

what is wrong with bharat media and why cant it focus on its own problems which are too deep and too many to fix??

What is wrong with Bharat media is that they have got too big for their boots and for their chaddis and are now going around pretending to be an American newspaper.

What morons!
Everyone wants to earn his/her rotis on the spilled blood of tribal and maoists by providing their parasitic capitalist consultancy.
But the same consultants do hail democracy in the durbar of one present day royal political dynasties or the other.But hey afterall they are consultant only fleecing from both warring parties is their nature.Just like that in two warring cats and the monkey story of panchtantra.
Turkey is a great example for us to follow, most certainly not hindustan!!!
Haha.. Take your pills today pops?

You can try lassi for that heartburn.


Sense, this post made none...
Maoists seems to have adopted 50 cent worker policy as well from the land of origin of their dirty ideology..
Turkey is a great example for us to follow, most certainly not hindustan!!!

turkey is how an example to follow??, turkey is not multicultural country like pakistan, its ideology is nationalistic not like ours, our foundation is stone is completely different and instead of resolving kurd matter through civilian sources, they are using military

Sense, this post made none...

Since I am elderly, he thought it useful to mock my age, since he cannot find anything else to mock.

He then talked about heartburn, and a country specific against acidity, which actually doesn't work; he suggested buttermilk to relieve the heartburn.

We have a few of these badly brought up yahoos on every forum.

turkey is how an example to follow??, turkey is not multicultural country like pakistan, its ideology is nationalistic not like ours, our foundation is stone is completely different and instead of resolving kurd matter through civilian sources, they are using military

Tauba, tauba....
Yes wajib-e-Qatal as was taught in case of Bali or in case of sage sumbhak by Lord Ram himself isnt it????
I have serious question - Why don't Islamic states by default opt for Sharia? I mean if you define your self to be Islamic state and not follow what quran prescribes then can you still be called an Islamic state??

Islamic state?

Let me help you out there buddy.

Islamic republic is the name given to several states in the Muslim world including the Islamic Republics of Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan, and Mauritania. Pakistan first adopted the title under the constitution of 1956. Mauritania adopted it on 28 November 1958. Iran adopted it after the 1979 Iranian Revolution that overthrew the Pahlavi dynasty. Afghanistan adopted it after the 2001 overthrow of the Taliban. Despite the similar name the countries differ greatly in their governments and laws.
The term Islamic republic has come to mean several different things, some contradictory to others. To those Muslim religious leaders in the Middle East and Africa who advocate it, an Islamic Republic is a state under a particular theocratic form of government. They see it as a compromise between a purely Islamic Caliphate, and secular nationalism and republicanism. In their conception of the Islamic republic, the penal code of the state is required to be compatible with some laws of Sharia, and the state may not be a monarchy as many Middle Eastern states are presently.
In other cases, it is merely a symbol of cultural identity, as was the case when Pakistan adopted the title. In fact many argue that an Islamic Republic strikes a middle path between a completely secular and a theocratic (and/or Orthodox Islamic) system of government.

Islamic republic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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