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"Name INDIA given by British" - Pajeets Are Now Boycotting the Name India Claiming it is a Colonial Imposition

1. Just because something hasn't been discovered yet doesn't mean it won't be understood one day. The university of Sindh has a entire institute dedicated to the Indus language. And 150 years ago ancient Egypt was just as much a mystery also. More excavations by the British led to more discovery. In Pakistan excavations have been slow.

2. The closest relatives to the Harappan people are literally the modern day ethnic groups of Pakistan.

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Harappans = Iranian hunter gatherers + AASI

*this doesn't mean the present day Persian population or the Tamils. None of these groups exist anymore.

Aryan migration led to Aryans + Harappans merging giving rise to Indo Aryans.

Some Indo Aryans interacted with eastern iranic tribes giving rise Indo Iranians.

Hence the modern day population of Pakistan
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1. Just because something hasn't been discovered yet doesn't mean it won't be understood one day. The university of Sindh has a entire institute dedicated to the Indus language. And 150 years ago ancient Egypt was just as much a mystery also. More excavations by the British led to more discovery. In Pakistan excavations have been slow.

2. The closest relatives to the Harappan people are literally the modern day ethnic groups of Pakistan.

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Indo-Aryans cannot be excluded from Indo-Iranics. It is a subgrouping of Indo-Iranic. And BTW the term Iranian is not ambiguous with Iranic.
the powers in charge of all political stripes seem to have a real fetish for changing names of places

Was there ever anything important from what is now called Pakistan ? I credit the British for building the canal system and transforming the whole area into a bread basket. It also helps British can whip the asses of anyone who wanted to invade India.

The Europeans wanted to get to a place they called India. Most of what they wanted was in current India proper. I will let you put 2+2 together

So callous of you---.

Indus valley civilization had its own unique culture and existence---. May not be important to others ---but to those living in the realm---it was important---.
Yeah? So when are you changing name of Pakistan to Hind or Hindustan?

Why do you care? You Bangladeshis seem to be so preoccupied with us, coming on our forums. Coming to live in our country by the millions.

You can't tell me you don't have a complex about yourselves; especially when it comes to us. You insecure lot capitalize on us seeking IMF loans when you monkeys got tons more aid than us; especially from Japan.

Not to mention how much infrastructure we built in East Pakistan. Either way, Hind and Hindustan are geographical terms.

Pakistan is and always was the geographical India/Hind/Hindustan and always will be.

So callous of you---.

Indus valley civilization had its own unique culture and existence---. May not be important to others ---but to those living in the realm---it was important---.

It is equally callous of the original poster to claim Indus Valley was the center of South Asia or India when it clearly was not
The collective understanding of the history of the sub-continent is replete with ignorance on all sides.
All sides have emperors with the proverbial "no clothes".
It is equally callous of the original poster to claim Indus Valley was the center of South Asia or India when it clearly was not

It was the gateway---maybe at one time it was the Ceneter.

Gandhara---Moenjodaro---Harrapa had their own signatures on the civilization---.

They were all center of civilizations---till other civilizations were found---.

It was the gateway---maybe at one time it was the Ceneter.

Gandhara---Moenjodaro---Harrapa had their own signatures on the civilization---.

They were all center of civilizations---till other civilizations were found---.

It was the gateway for land based invaders. No arguments. It was not the entry point for any maritime trade.

Indus Valley civilization was never a formal kingdom. Center would imply control over rest of South Asia. It is more like the first civilization in the region. We are talking pre-history here prior to 1200 BCE. We are talking about somewhat undocumented pre-history since no one has deciphered the Indus Valley inscriptions.

Indus Valley civilization is primitive compared to their Middle Eastern peers in Mesopotamia, Egypt and Phoencia.
the powers in charge of all political stripes seem to have a real fetish for changing names of places

Was there ever anything important from what is now called Pakistan ? I credit the British for building the canal system and transforming the whole area into a bread basket. It also helps British can whip the asses of anyone who wanted to invade India.

The Europeans wanted to get to a place they called India. Most of what they wanted was in current India proper. I will let you put 2+2 together
Is this the same Columbus that discovered America where people were already living? This only shows the guy was a certifiable idiot who couldn't tell if he was traveling to the west instead of the east.

The British managed to control India because the brown sepoy (Locals) were more then happy to kill their own, but I do love how you are turning the cowardice of Indians as something to be proud of.
Well the point was Indo-Aryan tribes came into contact with eastern Iranic tribes which basically gave rise to the Pashtuns. Indo-Aryan-Iranian….whatever…call it what you may.

No Indo-Aryan and Iranic peoples are two distinct peoples. Pashtuns descend from Eastern Iranic peoples who settled in that areas during the late Bronze Age.

The Indo-Iranic peoples had already divided into Indo-Aryans and Iranic peoples well before they reached the subcontinent.

Proto-Indo-Aryan developed east of the Volga river; wheras Proto-Iranic developed north of it, also on the Volga river.

Nuristani is the third subgrouping of Indo-Iranic.

Call it Hindustan.....

Hindustan means Indus land....
These Mullahs don’t want to understand anything. Their education was learning by rote, while shaking body too and fro. Subjects like critical thinking, science etc aren’t the subjects, that they were ever exposed to. They were taught earth is flat and taught never to question such theories.

Their fears of existential crisis are being imagined by them for India too. They couldn’t hold on to their identity and broke in two and can’t fathom how India is still one. These doubts flow from the education that they received under dumb Mullahs, who taught them that only one religion and one ideology is supposed to exist.
It is futile to try and explain any thing to diseased mind of dear friend
Calm down Hindu. It's your shuper educated Tanatani Chindu leaders who've decided to boycott the name India en-masse. Your entire diatribe about Pakistani mullahs doesn't make sense when Yogi-ji and Modi-ji are agreeing with us - India is an unnatural name which doesn't make sense for the swathes of sewage you bandars reside upon.

Speaking of identity crises, don't you think it's funny that a country comprised of hundreds of millions of people with an AASI admixture so off the charts, that they resemble Australian Aboriginals more than ordinary human beings, have decided to choose Bharat - an Indo-European Sanskrit name as the term to describe their country?
Christopher Columbus landed in America in 1492, and mistook it for India hence the name Red Indians

The British Landed in India in 1608

The first Europeans to come to India and the last ones to leave were Portuguese. The first Portuguese to land in India was Vasco De Gama in 1498.

Wonder if this helps

First Europeans to land in geographical India were the Greeks. First Europeans to land in modern India were the Romans.
It was the gateway for land based invaders. No arguments. It was not the entry point for any maritime trade.

Indus Valley civilization is primitive compared to their Middle Eastern peers in Mesopotamia, Egypt and Phoencia.

Yeah indeed. Moenjodaro---where living conditions were far advanced than some modern european cities 500 years ago---.
It's your shuper educated Tanatani Chindu leaders
Look at the number of cuss words in the very first sentence of your’s.
Shows your capability to engage in a civil argument. Must be Madarasa methodology of argument. Only a Mullah can be correct.
If one’s existence was dependent upon a name then, as per your mullah theory Paksiatn shouldn’t have broken in 1971. If things keep going as they are, you will have Balochistan and Khaibaristan too very shortly.
As for India, we are going strong.

Who has an identity crisis here? Mullahs are trying to impose their own identity crisis on India. Karlo koshish.
Europeans did. India is an European term. The real name is Sindh/Hind.

You can never deny these 2 facts:

Fact 1 --- No one in India ever called their religion "Hindu" religion before British colonial era.

Fact 2 --- No Bengali, Maratha, Telegu etc. ever called themselves Indian or Hindustani before British colonial era.

Bharata was an Indo-Aryan tribe. They would vomit if they saw the ugly black modern 'Indians' claiming themselves to be their descendants.
What did they call it?

‘Name INDIA given by British’: Assam CM tears into Opposition alliance​

“Our civilisational conflict is pivoted around India and Bharat,” Sarma said in a tweet.​

Photo of News Desk News Desk| Updated: 18th July 2023 10:00 pm IST
Assam CM Himanta Biswa Sarma.
The rebranding of the Congress-led coalition to the Indian National Developmental Inclusive Alliance (INDIA) has sparked a debate, with Assam chief minister Himanta Biswa Sarma claiming that the British named the nation India, but that “we must strive to free ourselves from this colonial legacy.”

“Our civilisational conflict is pivoted around India and Bharat,” Sarma said in a tweet.
“The British named our country as India, and the Congress accepted it. We must strive to free ourselves from this colonial legacy. Our forefathers fought for Bharat, and we will continue to work for Bharat. BJP for Bharat,” he added.

On Tuesday, Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge unveiled the name of the opposition alliance that would face the ruling NDA in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections: the Indian National Developmental Inclusive Alliance (INDIA).
Kharge stated that the second meeting of the opposition group was critical for preserving democracy and the Constitution in the interests of the people of the nation.
“We have come together and discussed various points. With one voice, people supported the resolution adopted today,” he said.

“Our alliance will be called Indian National Developmental Inclusive Alliance (INDIA),” Kharge said.

India is finally breaking the shackles of Colonialism and exerting it's power, luv it. :man_in_love:
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