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Pakistan must sign no-war pact with India: Former diplomat Ashraf Jehangir Qazi

Nothing independent about Pakistan's identity. It ideologically depends on India being Hindu majority which props up Hindutva. If I were Hindutva, I would give Pakistan the highest Hindutva award.

Pakistan is simply the modern state of ancient people


We have been here for thousands of years, Indus valley civilization was here over 8000 years ago

We were right about hindutva in 1947 and we are right now, just because we have corruption and economic issues doesn't mean we would trade our independence and freedom with an enemy we hate

That hate keeps us free

Pakistan's army needs an imaginary fear from India to keep itself relevant within its own country. I like the approach of the BJP and its foreign policy wrt to Pakistan....Let us stop talking to Gov or Military backed Gov of Pakistan for another 25 years, Pakistan will make its own course correction and realize who is their real enemy...

What's imaginary about the enmity in South Asia?
Pakistan is simply the modern state of ancient people


We have been here for thousands of years, Indus valley civilization was here over 8000 years ago

We were right about hindutva in 1947 and we are right now, just because we have corruption and economic issues doesn't mean we would trade our independence and freedom with an enemy we hate

That hate keeps us free

What's imaginary about the enmity in South Asia?

Your question itself is an answer to my point..
You have to remember the few smart ones (actually doing something and knowing something and contributing something) have left for a reason.

The rest sticking around are 99% the fugly loser type now (inside and out)....bhakts and bhakt-suckers.

PDF is their bob and vagene smut.....a weird bunch of masochist perverts with a typical bipolar dhimmi schadenfreude and then dhimmi inferiority complex (depending on their PMS karen menstrual cycle along with topic at hand)

They hate themselves immensely (its why they have lived with the abuse they give and receive back here so long and grown very fond of it) and also by extension hate actually worthy Indians (that are entirely different to their psyche and complex and show them up like oil and water whenever they face them).... and thus inflict their collective mental disease with reckless abandon these days given relative extinction of the better folk here.

Its quite pathetic that many Pakistani members continue to give them oxygen and have done their part to turn this forum into an agony aunt for this dhimmi complex.

If you just say "ok dhimmi"... like "ok boomer" to each of the lost causes where required...and save/guard productive talk for actual productive people that are capable of bringing some actual meaning and insight.....the forum will be better off and will leverage past this grand (inevitable) imperfection of its setup and the malcontent obsessed that find their way here and fester.

I forgot to add this @my2cents fellow (and all the other ones in this thread) to the earlier list I made of these losers:

The fact that the reply I quote there by the "Skull and Bones" loser is still up (given what he compares ALL Pakistanis to) and no penalty (seemingly) given to him shows one major part of decline in this forum (i.e its grand imperfection that exists for whatever reason now).

Really sad to see folks like Joe Shearer and the upper crust of worth (regd Indians) in this forum having left, sparsely posting or even exiled for whatever reason by all of this (including the heavy fuzzy counter-reaction that formed by it)

But really funny to see these gutter urchins (that sometimes claim and wonder where the better ones are) unable to see where/why.
Preach brother!
Pakistan is simply the modern state of ancient people

Doesn't work.

You don't include Kashmiri, Punjabi, Sindhi non Muslim (Hindu/Sikh) in this identity because it is an ideology. You have separated yourself on the basis of religious majority, so your political identity depends on the religious demographic of another country! Imagine if India became Christian, Buddhist, Sikh, or Muslim majority, Pakistan's nationalist political narrative would become meaningless.
Ashraf Jehangir Qazi
Pakistan’s Afghanistan policy has been a gift to India, wrote Ashraf Jehangir Qazi wrote in an opinion piece in the 'Dawn'
Dubbing the economic and political crisis now enveloping Pakistan as a “listless gloom”, a former senior Pakistani diplomat wants Islamabad to seek a rapprochement and sign a no-war treaty with India.

Ashraf Jehangir Qazi, who has also served in the United Nations, has also said that the hijacking of Pakistan’s foreign policy by the military had led to a disaster in Afghanistan and that “Pakistan’s Afghanistan policy has been a gift to India.”

“The reality of Pakistan, shaped by its wayward masters and bureaucrats, manifests itself each day,” Qazi wrote in an opinion piece in the Dawn, a widely circulated English language newspaper published from Islamabad.

Worse than 1971

“Not even December 1971 compares with the listless gloom that engulfs the country today,” said the former envoy to the US, India and China.

“Ever since the loss of our eastern wing and the judicial murder of our first elected prime minister, our story has degenerated from the tragic to the pathetic to the absurd,” he said.

He accused every major institution and influential group of people of failing Pakistan including the government, the army and intelligence apparatus, the judiciary, parliament, political leaders, the media, civil services and elites.

“Together, they have ensured a failed state,” he said.

Saying peace was a prerequisite, Qazi said that while Kashmir “is a matter of principle, it is also a human rights challenge”.

No-war pact

Further, he said, “Pakistan has a responsibility to seek a rapprochement with a very difficult India, in order to increase the prospects for justice in Kashmir and to render multifaceted cooperation with India politically feasible.”

“Principled compromise approaches can increase the probability of reciprocity, transform zero-sum confrontation into positive sum cooperation, reduce security expenditures, and with greater interactions allow less mutually hostile narratives to emerge,” he wrote.

“There is no reason why Pakistan should not be willing to negotiate a no-war agreement with India. Reaching a principled understanding on Kashmir could greatly help such an endeavour. Accordingly, playing to the gallery on Kashmir in these circumstances is of no help to the Kashmiris.”

Afghan policy

The diplomat also urged Islamabad to bring about major changes in Pakistan’s Afghan policy

“Respecting Afghanistan’s independence and gaining its confidence is the way towards developing the closest of ties with it and accessing the massive potential for regional cooperation with Central Asia and Iran,” he said.

Qazi said that no enemy of Pakistan today matches the enmity of its own rulers.

“They laugh all the way to their foreign banks and talk of national security and economic stability while the ruled sink below the poverty line to wither and die,” he added. He warned that Pakistan desperately needed “decent governance” now. “Without it, elections will only mimic and insult democracy and existential threats will end our existence,” he pointed out.

i think he is only talking about international border only..he knows LoC will remain hot in near future whenever ceasefire break, but it would keep Pakistan focus on many other things in the meanwhile.

Doesn't work.

You don't include Kashmiri, Punjabi, Sindhi non Muslim (Hindu/Sikh) in this identity because it is an ideology. You have separated yourself on the basis of religious majority, so your political identity depends on the religious demographic of another country! Imagine if India became Christian, Buddhist, Sikh, or Muslim majority, Pakistan's nationalist political narrative would become meaningless.
who told you that
india can become whatever it wants
Pakistans religion was NOT the only basis of two nation theory.
The culture and history were the two other dimensions of it.
@29:30 jehangir Ashraf Qazi reiterates the position EX COAS Qamar Bajwa took at Islamabad dialogue post Russian invasion of Ukraine.
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He's not wrong in principle, but it's unpractical.

In principle confidence building measures, agreements of non aggression, opening of trade help both nations, however its not feasible with the current Indian govt.

In a practical sense;

1. You don't negociate from a position of weakness, you do so from a position of strength.
2. The current Indian govt refuses to even recognise Kashmir as an issue.
3. The current Indian govt and political setup use aggressive rhetoric against Pakistan as a political tool to win votes from sex starved hungry bakhts.

What is there to negociate with these people other than a surrender? If he is so eager to drop his pants I suggest he use a dating site.
The current Indian Government doesn't recognize their occupied part of Kashmir as an issue in the same manner in which we do not consider our part of Kashmir to be an issue. The natural way forward is to make the LoC an IB and move on with our lives; no country is in a position to be able to acquire the other half of Kashmir by any means and so we need to stop politicizing Kashmir and we need to stop fueling fire in Kashmir.

After that, we need to enhance our trade to a point where our trade is over 10-15 Billion USD/year. With certain CBM, we may eventually land in a position where we can demilitarize the border areas, especially around Kashmir and allow free movement throughout Kashmir.

However, what an idealistic thought, never to come to furitaition.
Pakistan and India won’t go to war.

Why would India go to war against Pakistan and risk its economic growth. War or even a military build up is a huge threat to investor confidence.

Azad Kashmir and GB are happy with Pakistan and there are no rebellion or even signs of it there. If the Indians are to invade Azad Kashmir and GB, do you think they’d be able to keep it with an angry civilian population. You guys need to visit parts of AJK and feel the public sentiments. Their dislike of India dwarfs that of other provinces of Pakistan.

If I were an Indian (Naozubillah) I will sit tight and focus inwards.
You are right .
I do agree with diplomat. At-least we will stop getting fooled by Sicilian mafia, and can spend major chunk of budget on public instead of feeding leaches which as per Defense Minister "Awam ki haddion se gosht tak noch kar kha gaay hain"
You understand the Pakistani psyche very well and make a good imitation.

But you miss one point. Pakistanis (at least PDF Pakistanis) strongly believe that Russia and entire West (that includes USA) has backed and supported India while such support always has been denied to Pakistan and that despite such great odds Pakistan has achieved the feat of standing up to a 7 times bigger enemy for 75 years.

Haven't you read those repetitive posts of @PAKISTANFOREVER?

Are you going to pretend and say yoy are not given complete access to modern inventories? The USSR literally brought India out of the 19th century and into the 21st in terms of industrial ability.

The USSR/Russians were too smart though, India still cannot manufacture military grade resistors!!

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