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New Pakistan Genetic Map

Interesting that your first post is on Genetics aka 'Ethnicity'. It is a divisive subject.

Its an area I've very interested in, I try not to get dragged into the drama that can accompany it. History is actually more important for me, but those posts take longer to write. I do have some historical map presentations I'm working on that I'd like to post soon.
Its an area I've very interested in, I try not to get dragged into the drama that can accompany it. History is actually more important for me, but those posts take longer to write. I do have some historical map presentations I'm working on that I'd like to post soon.
Could yourself being an Arain explain the genetics of Arains.
Could yourself being an Arain explain the genetics of Arains.

I'm half Arain, half Muhajir.

Genetically Arains cluster most closely to Punjabi Khatris from India, at least based on the samples I have. They show fairly low European admixture, meaning less mixing with the ancient Aryan migrants. They have the highest Caucasus signal among South-Asians aside from Kambohs, meaning higher mixing with West-Asians. They show signs of some admixture from Middle-Eastern populations likely from the Islamic era, but its fairly low. I say this because there is a rumor that Arains are descended from an Arab tribe that migrated from Syria, and the genetic evidence shows this is likely false.

Where you from in Pakistan which city

I am born and raised in America, but my father's family lives in the Lahore area. My mother's family are Muhajirs originally from Lucknow.
There were aryans before Iranian hunters or whatever you mentioned.
There were aryans before Iranian hunters or whatever you mentioned.

According to research published just a couple months ago, Iranian Hunter Gatherers may have entered the Indus Valley as early as 12,000 BC. Aryans did not arrive until around 2000 BC. Prior to the arrival of the Aryans, the people of the Indus Valley were a mix of two primary ancestries; the Ancestral Indians and Iranian Hunter Gatherers.
I am born and raised in America, but my father's family lives in the Lahore area. My mother's family are Muhajirs originally from Lucknow.

Welcome to the forum. I’m a Rajput from Faisalabad/Lahore area, but originally from the Punjab border area with Kashmir.

Most of my family has obvious Asiatic and Turkish looks, we also tend to be very muscular and tall compared to other Pakistanis.

I find the whole history of Iranic migration interesting and a likely origin for my people.

I don’t believe in the concocted Hindu version of Rajput origins, because I can see strong Central Asian elements in my own family culture.
Welcome to the forum. I’m a Rajput from Faisalabad/Lahore area, but originally from the Punjab border area with Kashmir.

Most of my family has obvious Asiatic and Turkish looks, we also tend to be very muscular and tall compared to other Pakistanis.

I find the whole history of Iranic migration interesting and a likely origin for my people.

I don’t believe in the concocted Hindu version of Rajput origins, because I can see strong Central Asian elements in my own family culture.

As per my research, my forefathers were Scythian who came to Indus and established the first Lunar Dynasty (Chandravansh).
I also carry semi Persian/Central Asian features specially the straight asian hair. People often mistake me for a persian.

So what I'm wondering is, do we have anything in common here?
So what I'm wondering is, do we have anything in common here?

We are of Iranic origin, with Turkish/Mongol admixture, just like Afghanistan, Iran, Kurds, and Tajiks, who are our racial cousins.

Unfortunately, we have allowed India and our neighbors to set the narrative for our identity, so many Pakistanis and non-Pakistanis are confused about what we are.

From your terminology, I guess you are a Rajput too.

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