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NDTV Exclusive: How Hamas Assembles and Fires Rockets

No one is defending the innocent killed,the point i was making was hamas is doing more harm to the palestinian cuase than helping it.

Ever heard of freedom fighters or how did Israel came into existence. They used force, two of their former PMs are terrorists and importantly one of them has even received a noble price. If OBL was getting a Nobel Prize, would you accept it? Israel is nothing more than a terrorist state believe it or not they have even ordered many international assassinations and even had ordered and assassinated a UN member. What Hamas is doing is called putting up resistance and what Israel is doing it is only increasing its members.
"Gaza: In the minutes before the ceasefire kicked in at Gaza this morning, Hamas fired a flurry of rockets towards Israel - 30 according to some counts.

Israel has argued that that these rockets are fired from civilian areas, and this is why its retaliatory strikes can result in civilian casualties.

But this morning, NDTV witnessed one such rocket silo being created under a tent right next to the hotel where our team was staying. Minutes later, we saw the rocket being fired, just before the 72-hour ceasefire came into effect.

It began with a mysterious tent with a blue canopy that bobbed up yesterday (August 4) at 6:30 am in an open patch of land next to our window. We saw three men making a multitude of journeys in and out of the tent, sometimes with wires.

An hour later, they emerged, dismantled the tent, changed their clothes and walked away.

The next morning - today - we woke to news of the 72-hour ceasefire but just before it was to take effect, the rocket next to our hotel was fired. There was a loud explosion and a whooshing sound. The cloud of smoke that rose was captured by our cameraperson.

This report is being aired on NDTV and published on ndtv.com after our team left the Gaza strip - Hamas has not taken very kindly to any reporting of its rockets being fired. But just as we reported the devastating consequences of Israel's offensive on Gaza's civilians, it is equally important to report on how Hamas places those very civilians at risk by firing rockets deep from the heart of civilian zones. "

NDTV Exclusive: How Hamas Assembles and Fires Rockets - NDTV

And yet these Muslim terrorist claim Israel is killing women and children, but these terrorist are using women and children as human shields, firing rockets into Israel from civilian areas, hope Israel bombs the shit out of them. Disgusting pieces of filth, **** I hate terrorist, should be skinned alive the lot of them.
Where are the Hamas fan boys on this forum? What do they have to say to Hamas' despicable tactic of firing rockets from densely populated areas knowing full well that the Israelis would counter with artillery and aerial bombardment that may result in the destruction of those multistory buildings housing innocent civilians?

These Hamas terrorists don't care a fuk as long as no harm comes to them. Palestinian civilians be damned! They are expendable in Hamas' so called 'jihad against the Zionists'. Never mind if thousands of innocents get killed in the process. Who cares? It's God's war against the infidels. So for them, the Palestinians need to be prepared to sacrifice their husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, babies, and children. It's God's wish! And the Hamas are God's own Army. No one better raise a voice against them. It would be blasphemy, leading to death by stoning.
Ever heard of freedom fighters or how did Israel came into existence. They used force, two of their former PMs are terrorists and importantly one of them has even received a noble price. If OBL was getting a Nobel Prize, would you accept it? Israel is nothing more than a terrorist state believe it or not they have even ordered many international assassinations and even had ordered and assassinated a UN member. What Hamas is doing is called putting up resistance and what Israel is doing it is only increasing its members.

In my books, Israel is the only country on this earth that has the guts to talk to the Islamist terrorists in their own language. Its the only country that can terrorize the terrorists. Sad as it might be the situation in Gaza, given the acts of Hamas, is inevitable.

Dude we were against Taliban and Al Qaeda but Hamas is a totally different thing.
No you were not. Taliban are your assets and you went against AQ only because otherwise USA would have bombed you to stone ages
Ever heard of freedom fighters or how did Israel came into existence. They used force, two of their former PMs are terrorists and importantly one of them has even received a noble price. If OBL was getting a Nobel Prize, would you accept it? Israel is nothing more than a terrorist state believe it or not they have even ordered many international assassinations and even had ordered and assassinated a UN member. What Hamas is doing is called putting up resistance and what Israel is doing it is only increasing its members.
All the coutries are doing is lip service and not helping paletinian's,till some arab coutries are actually in a position to help ,what hamas is doing is commiting sucide and killing innocents along with them.

There are news reports even the important muslim countries are against hamas.

When one is under someones foot injured and not able to stand and you poke the leg,you can talk the fighting spirit of the injured man but that wont help the foot will kick you or crush you.
In my books, Israel is the only country on this earth that has the guts to talk to the Islamist terrorists in their own language. Its the only country that can terrorize the terrorists. Sad as it might be the situation in Gaza, given the acts of Hamas, is inevitable.

No you were not. Taliban are your assets and you went against AQ only because otherwise USA would have bombed you to stone ages

You need to get your books right and stop reading propaganda things and before you say anything more stupid let me remind you that Israel used to support and help Hamas at times, thinking that maybe we could brainwash them to bring down PLO.

Same case again here, Western countries at times used to support these Jihadist groups for their own cause, they wanted them to bring down Soviet Union which they did and we all know that 9/11 is hoax created by their own governments. Have you ever seen a building hit by a plane and it comes straight down to the ground. If anyone wanted to kill American people, the building wouldn't be coming down straight to the ground. These are the same people who said that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and yet nothing was found.
Where are the Hamas fan boys on this forum? What do they have to say to Hamas' despicable tactic of firing rockets from densely populated areas knowing full well that the Israelis would counter with artillery and aerial bombardment that may result in the destruction of those multistory buildings housing innocent civilians?

These Hamas terrorists don't care a fuk as long as no harm comes to them. Palestinian civilians be damned! They are expendable in Hamas' so called 'jihad against the Zionists'. Never mind if thousands of innocents get killed in the process. Who cares? It's God's war against the infidels. So for them, the Palestinians need to be prepared to sacrifice their husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, babies, and children. It's God's wish! And the Hamas are God's own Army. No one better raise a voice against them. It would be blasphemy, leading to death by stoning.
O ignorant HAMAS has full support off people off Gaza and they are fighting against a illegtimate state who has mass murdered people off palestine and capturing there lands
O ignorant HAMAS has full support off people off Gaza and they are fighting against a illegtimate state who has mass murdered people off palestine and capturing there lands
it's understandable how Hamas might have even stronger support from the people of Gaza but they are super isolated diplomatically, no one from the arab world has come to their rescue.. what good have these hollow statements condemning Israel's bombing been to Gaza ?
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it's understandable how Hamas might have even stronger support from the people of Gaza but they are super isolated diplomatically, no one from the arab world has come to their rescue.. what good have these hollow statements condemning Israel's bombing been to the Gaza ?
Because most Arab leaders are pets off USA
O ignorant HAMAS has full support off people off Gaza and they are fighting against a illegtimate state who has mass murdered people off palestine and capturing there lands
Zarvan bhai, before calling me ignorant, check this out...

Palestinians Citizens of Gaza blame Hamas For The Killings

For you, ignorance is bliss. :pop:
Zarvan bhai, before calling me ignorant, check this out...

Palestinians Citizens of Gaza blame Hamas For The Killings

For you, ignorance is bliss. :pop:
I know fraud media reports do election HAMAS will win
I know fraud media reports do election HAMAS will win
Blah blah and more blah! Living in denial is part of the DNA of poor souls like you! You guys just refuse to see or accept the truth! :fie: And that video is not Western propaganda.

Stop clutching at straws.
Where are the Hamas fan boys on this forum? What do they have to say to Hamas' despicable tactic of firing rockets from densely populated areas knowing full well that the Israelis would counter with artillery and aerial bombardment that may result in the destruction of those multistory buildings housing innocent civilians?

These Hamas terrorists don't care a fuk as long as no harm comes to them. Palestinian civilians be damned! They are expendable in Hamas' so called 'jihad against the Zionists'. Never mind if thousands of innocents get killed in the process. Who cares? It's God's war against the infidels. So for them, the Palestinians need to be prepared to sacrifice their husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, babies, and children. It's God's wish! And the Hamas are God's own Army. No one better raise a voice against them. It would be blasphemy, leading to death by stoning.

A good senile attempt towing the mass propaganda rhetoric. As if when you turn on the TV and friends of israhell ain't shoving it down your throat; Human shield, Hamas rockets. Magically Schools,Mosques,Homes getting bombed. Martyrdom It is their faith thus a open license to kill them because we will help them with achieving martyrdom. The School that UN runs bomb it, power grid bomb it, children playing bomb it, ambulance taking away injured people bomb it..............

What does israhell give you indians that you have to defend more it more so than your mothers? and don't come back and just jab that it is Hamas. If Hamas seize to exist as a organization in the future and the normal civilian launches rocket than what ground do you have to stand upon. Who authorized giving Israhell the right to its defense while withdrawing Palestinians self-defense?

All terrorist sympathizers out here....take this and suck up to it !!

How hamas fires its rockets without detection? What about israhelli terror sympathizers do they get to laugh and cheer from a hill with cinematic view?
Because most Arab leaders are pets off USA
yeah it must be the whole world's fault, hamas are in the right :disagree:

I tend to agree with the assessment that hamas started this round to bring back global attention to them after they got involved in the broader sectarian conflict in the region and turned their backs on their staunchest allies in Iran and Syria. They were counting on support from the muslim brotherhood in Egypt and that didn't turn out too well either.. and despite all the horrible images of the death and destruction in Gaza, no government anywhere is willing to support them.. because their rocket attacks are a terrorist act

look, I get that it's an unfair situation and they are resistance fighters who have a legit cause but they've gone about in a completely wrong way and despite the disproportionate use of force by IDF and the many dead innocents, they now find themselves completely isolated and have no diplomatic support from anyone..

they will never win militarily, is it just a matter of bruised egos for them or are they just completely psycho ?
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