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NDTV Exclusive: How Hamas Assembles and Fires Rockets

Victims will always present in wars.War are not fought on moral codes but on statergic values. show me one war where civilians are not being targeted or cities were not bombed
If there are not any moral codes then why do you Indians bash hamas, it's a war after all, no?
"Gaza: In the minutes before the ceasefire kicked in at Gaza this morning, Hamas fired a flurry of rockets towards Israel - 30 according to some counts.

Israel has argued that that these rockets are fired from civilian areas, and this is why its retaliatory strikes can result in civilian casualties.

But this morning, NDTV witnessed one such rocket silo being created under a tent right next to the hotel where our team was staying. Minutes later, we saw the rocket being fired, just before the 72-hour ceasefire came into effect.

It began with a mysterious tent with a blue canopy that bobbed up yesterday (August 4) at 6:30 am in an open patch of land next to our window. We saw three men making a multitude of journeys in and out of the tent, sometimes with wires.

An hour later, they emerged, dismantled the tent, changed their clothes and walked away.

The next morning - today - we woke to news of the 72-hour ceasefire but just before it was to take effect, the rocket next to our hotel was fired. There was a loud explosion and a whooshing sound. The cloud of smoke that rose was captured by our cameraperson.

This report is being aired on NDTV and published on ndtv.com after our team left the Gaza strip - Hamas has not taken very kindly to any reporting of its rockets being fired. But just as we reported the devastating consequences of Israel's offensive on Gaza's civilians, it is equally important to report on how Hamas places those very civilians at risk by firing rockets deep from the heart of civilian zones. "

NDTV Exclusive: How Hamas Assembles and Fires Rockets - NDTV

And yet these Muslim terrorist claim Israel is killing women and children, but these terrorist are using women and children as human shields, firing rockets into Israel from civilian areas, hope Israel bombs the shit out of them. Disgusting pieces of filth, **** I hate terrorist, should be skinned alive the lot of them.

Its a Hidu-Zionist-US nexus propoganda war against innocent HAMAS.

No wonder Israiles have decided to back their government in this short war...HAMAS needs to be brought to their knees to keep innocent civilians of Palestins and Israle safe.
LOL the Muslims claim that 1600 civilians are killed, but they must know that HAMAS terrorist are walking around in civilian clothes, and HAMAS lie and spread bullshit. So when these terrorist are killed and since they aren't in uniform they HAMAS count them as civilians.

More lies getting exposed, but yet the Muslims continue to support heir Muslims brothers, Muslims are disgraceful they even kill other Muslims so much for "brotherhood"
LOL the Muslims claim that 1600 civilians are killed, but they must know that HAMAS terrorist are walking around in civilian clothes, and HAMAS lie and spread bullshit. So when these terrorist are killed and since they aren't in uniform they HAMAS count them as civilians.

More lies getting exposed, but yet the Muslims continue to support heir Muslims brothers, Muslims are disgraceful they even kill other Muslims so much for "brotherhood"

We will support our Muslim Brothers & Sisters against your Terrorist Nazi Scum. If you want to see what Nazi practices today dont read it in history books just look at the bastard state of israhell born out terrorism.

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