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Well I was thinking about both of them ! :undecided:

Yaraa this is what I'd like my life to be :

Living in a sleepy old town somewhere (perhaps the United States in one of them Southern States or Ireland), waking up every day opening up my laptop & working for a few hours to make a little bit of money (just enough to make ends meet) & then sitting peacefully the rest of the day reading a book, doing some research & perhaps writing articles !

I don't want no prestige that society affords to a particular career, I don't want a place in the social strata, I don't want a big house with a swimming pool, a trophy wife & a minted Lamborgini parked outside !

I'd much rather have some peace & quiet that borders on being terribly uneventful & therefore have the time to think & research some stuff that I'd like to.

How do I get there & how do I solve that 'little bit of money' part that I can earn off my laptop ?

You will have to spend quite a bit of money to get there, to get your idyllic country life. Only those who are born as europeans can afford it now (not sure how long even that will last)
You will have to spend quite a bit of money to get there, to get your idyllic country life. Only those who are born as europeans can afford it now (not sure how long even that will last)

Then maybe some country like Bosnia or Slovakia ! Surely they wouldn't be that costly.

See this is what happens when you buy a nouzbillah "Crapple". Sab gol mal hain!

Yeh 'nouzbillah' kiii yahan par kiyaa logic thiii ? :what:
It is okay to have such feelings, i too come form a strong army family and defend the army where it needs to be defended. Many of my uncles, cousins etc are in active service atm.

I always live by the motto that it is better to be honest than fake. So i am honest when i say, that yes the life in the military is not one of bliss, that much is true but there are inexcusable excesses, such as the problem at army house which is becoming unbearable now.

Anway, lets leave this silly discussion and lets talk about why the tea at Dia always tastes like sammad bond :P

I really have to respect you. This attitude, this objectivity wasn't in the army before. What I a noticing is a revolution in even the military's thinking. With PTI's coming at least some of us have something to trust, something to believe in. Major Shafaat too is our martyr and this same objectivity was found in him. I would really like to announce a reward for his family once I start earning again.

I believe army should be more open to criticism. People who know me also know I always supported it. Just want its functioning to improve. Also adal or justice. Yahya and his cronies lost us half the country-how did they go unpunished?
Then maybe some country like Bosnia or Slovakia ! Surely they wouldn't be that costly.

Sir, Poland would be a good choice. You can get a shenzen visa i think and the house prices are very cheap and you can get a house outside Krakow, the outskirts are close to deserted, so you would probably have the trees and owls for company. And it would proabbly cost you no more than a 5 marla house in DHA.
@LoveIcon : I think, if i had wanted to become lakeer ka faqeer i would have switched by brain off. I'd rather roam in the desert and FIND the correct way than being TOLD, i know i might perish or casted out but i figure,it is the right price for my curiosity and be-wilderness.

Lao Ji - Bulhay Shah of Naswarabad is in making.
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Yeh 'nouzbillah' kiii yahan par kiyaa logic thiii ? :what:

Sir, ap ko pata nahi hain? Apple is evil! Pure evil i tell you! Zahid Hamid bahi ney kya tha key wo RAW key agents ney IPOD mey especial chip plant key hain, joe jab ap shuffle dabo to 10 raymond davis helo sey awan-e-sadar per jump martein hain!
Sir, Poland would be a good choice. You can get a shenzen visa i think and the house prices are very cheap and you can get a house outside Krakow, the outskirts are close to deserted, so you would probably have the trees and owls for company. And it would proabbly cost you no more than a 5 marla house in DHA.

Khan Sahib mujhee tou Lahore mein sardiii lagtiii haiii abhii mein 2 kumbal aur eik raziii lei kar soootaaa hunnn tou Poland mein touu Buttt keiii Buttsickles bun jain gaiii ! :blink:
@haviZsultan sir!
What do u think of Asma jahangir!
Even a pipe gets clogged in her toilet ! She says its the "establishment"
in gen.ALVI'S case the only evidence anti-army had was an army pistol! We know that many terrorist were Army deserters! And anyone can obtain same model as PA ! And why did the journalist that had {names of fundamentalis generals}
just Shut up!
When a normal person who is not biased and bribed looks at these things He can tell the truth!!
I am all for positive a criticism and can list a hundered problems in the armed forces that even the anti-army division cant even think of!
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Then maybe some country like Bosnia or Slovakia ! Surely they wouldn't be that costly.

Yeh 'nouzbillah' kiii yahan par kiyaa logic thiii ? :what:
Well if you can get freelance work online, then slovakia is not bad. You wont get any work there though, the ratio of real estate price to average annual income wont be really any better than elsewhere.
Of course if your dad is loaded, then its a good idea... eastern europeans could be a bit racist though(if poor), but am sure you are fairer than razgirl. :)
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