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Ya but there goes 'Nationalism' down the drain; they owed Pakistan their all not a land far off that treated them like dirt for most of their existence & only sobered up because Hitler had kicked them in the gonads ! :D
What was the point of creating a country of your own, bleeding for it & dying for it if one wasn't prepared to sacrifice the next 40 years of their lives building it up for posterity's sake ?

Maybe these people did not involve in the bleeding and dying?

Then again back then it was easier to move to UK you didnt really require a visa just loads of $$$...Plus some moved when India was still under British rule so they just moved to an extended nation or something...While 2nd wave came looking for job as Pak was still stabilizing and was not providing jobs...They sold their ZAMEEN to those ZAMEENDARs because back then and in SOME PLACES still are zameendars are strong and powerful and feudal system still exists though UK who brought it to India has abolished it! :blink:
Look what I found...

This is @seiko as a kid (profile picture):

But what is that:

Okay... I hope that is not @seiko. :fie:
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@Talon say something! You can't defend the decisions of your parents?
@haviZsultan my parents did not decide anything! I still have a Pakistani Passport! :P

PLUS...those living abroad like me...We are like about a decade behind Pak! My parents left Pak with 1980s Pak in their mind! I was brought up that way...Heck! I always get cultural shock when I go back! Itnay chotay kapray! It ziada phatti wi kameez...Iskay bazoo kahan giyea and so on! :blink:

I feel like a foreigner in Pak! But ask @KRAIT how I do not allow anyone to say much to Pak :D

What i have seen in this forum is overseas Pakistanis are very patriotic towards Pakistan.

YEH! :agree:
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Good day

merci pour le reconnaissance. Trying my best to learn about pakistani part of my heritage but guys it will only be a part of my heritage like my quebecois side however I do not comprehend why you need to adopt a different culture. your a pakistaniè just remain a pakistaniè and be proud of it, no need to go out your way to adopt a pashtun culture unless you live in a majoritie area. Believe me people in societie will consider you confused if you go out your way to adopt a different culture unless your mixed:azn: and even then its still considered wierd even in a multicultural societiè like canada. While i enjoy learn about pakistanie culture and want to visit in future. However i think natinality is what defines you and canadienne values are what defines me and am proud that i did service for my countriè. As far as overseas pakistanie diaspora goes, I do agree the real change in pakistan will come from overseas people and I think the canada model will definately work in pakistan`s case atleast some values like multiculturalism, strong judiciary may be not the napoleonic civil code, we have in my province:hitwall: I think that diversity can become pakistan`s greatest strength in economic growth because diversity is what makes americanne the greatest super power in world because it bring innovation allows a countrie to reinvent onself over and over again. Anyway thats my 2 cents and now back to my books, damn you @haviZsultan for distracting me and ahhhh engineering is tres tres difficile.
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I think that diversity can become pakistan`s greatest strength in economic growth because diversity is what makes americanne the greatest super power in world because it bring innovation allows a countrie to reinvent onself over and over again. Anyway thats my 2 cents and now back to my books, damn you @haviZsultan for distracting me and ahhhh engineering is tres tres difficile.

What makes America the greatest super power is not exactly diversity! They are kinda racist esp them rednecks!

What made America powerful was colonialism and what I would like to call tyrant rule! If you do not agree, they make sure the world cuts you off! That has nothing to do with diversity! Its just throwing their weight around!

Don't know about you...But I am :P
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Who is this guy, he has some voice!
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@liontk As far as i am concerned, humans shouldn't have nationalities as species we have tendencies to move around and migrate from one place to another. Nationality in specifically modern term in my opinion is a new concept in our human social structure. Nationality is nothing more than a process of systematic, indoctrination called "patriotism" every society subjects its citizens to.

Everyone has attachment to their land and culture, but a human in my humble opinion should NOT define him/herself according to that culture but must embrace other cultures as his/her own. The entire world is our property, other humans are our brothers and sisters. For Muslims it may have a little more significance as Dr Iqbal Said.

"Cheen o Arab Hamara,Hindusitaan Hamara
Muslim hain ham,watan hai Sara Jahan Hamara"

"China & Arabia is ours, so is India
Because we are Muslims,that makes the entire world our own homeland.

Its always good to talk to you..Back to studies :D
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now that I made a provocative statement, time to brew up some coffèe and a snack, since my mind will be on the discussion. Diversity does make americanne very powerful, they bring the best people from all over the world just look at ivy league school and you will get my point. While americanne have their flaws, their innovation especially their research firms especially in engineering side of thing are really ahead of curve. As far as colonialism goes, i do not think america is racist and even in the south, there are only few places left and actually most southern states will have a hispanic majoritiè. @Talon ,i admire liberalism and was an advocate in my early college years until i took a introductory poliscie class and learned an IR theory known as neoclassicrealism. When you look at the world through that theory you will see that humanity and our general IR system runs on interests, there is no freehandouts in this world and everything you have to struggle for. Now this is an oxymoron in a sense that I am talking about struggle because I have never understood struggle living in a countrie where people complain about not getting a bonus for christmas. However sad reality of this world is once you taste power or money, its hard to come off it. Need an example go to your local military garrison, ask a the commanding officer preferabbly between 20-30s captain, what keeps him going and he will tell you that he needs to get to the top, he might give you reasons about serving his countrie blahblahblah, reality is power is absolute for some in this world and here in canada, you have no idea whats it like in america's shadow lols, being a good guy is very difficult and look how much canada gets hammered on foreign policy. Hopefully my analogy makes sense in anglais as i tend to ramble alot in this language :azn:
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Good day

merci pour le reconnaissance. Trying my best to learn about pakistani part of my heritage but guys it will only be a part of my heritage like my quebecois side however I do not comprehend why you need to adopt a different culture. your a pakistaniè just remain a pakistaniè and be proud of it, no need to go out your way to adopt a pashtun culture unless you live in a majoritie area. Believe me people in societie will consider you confused if you go out your way to adopt a different culture unless your mixed:azn: and even then its still considered wierd even in a multicultural societiè like canada. While i enjoy learn about pakistanie culture and want to visit in future. However i think natinality is what defines you and canadienne values are what defines me and am proud that i did service for my countriè. As far as overseas pakistanie diaspora goes, I do agree the real change in pakistan will come from overseas people and I think the canada model will definately work in pakistan`s case atleast some values like multiculturalism, strong judiciary may be not the napoleonic civil code, we have in my province:hitwall: I think that diversity can become pakistan`s greatest strength in economic growth because diversity is what makes americanne the greatest super power in world because it bring innovation allows a countrie to reinvent onself over and over again. Anyway thats my 2 cents and now back to my books, damn you @haviZsultan for distracting me and ahhhh engineering is tres tres difficile.

Some points to ponder here:
1) My family may have Pashtun links due to a princess married in the family long ago. But this is unproven. When my parents moved they started calling themselves "Muhajir" which is babyish as we have no common culture and moved from different parts of India. Also movement can't make a person a muhajir. In that case @A.Rafay is one to Saudi and @Talon is one to Britain and your father was one to Canada. Furtheremore even a person who moved from Punjab to Sindh is a muhajir. It is an idiotic term not an identity.
2) There was a small period when upon the basis of information from a relative and his belief that we had Pashtun heritage I believed I was a Pashtun fully. It was later proven wrong by a relative from Lucknow who was more non-nonchalant due to know links to MQM so I believe he provided a balanced view?
3) I was born in Islamabad but have spent more time in Karachi. In Karachi 25% of the population is Pashtun. Sindhis are 7-8%. Logical choice was to merge as Pashtun as they were the next largest group. Other reasons have been stated many times. I am also writing a book about Pashtuns so that got me attracted to them deeply, other things as well such as the failure of Nationalism to eliminate these identities completely. I must apologize to Sindhis though and I admit they are the original inhabitants of this land-they gave migrants the provincial capital. I will do everything to honor them
4) My culture is Lucknowi, Muhajir is just a wider label that means pilgrim and is offensive. Why should I maintain that term? So what is my real culture anyway and how have I been bonded with a Bihari whom I have no link with?
5) People see me as an idiot. That is fine. I am forging a bond between my people and am resisting traitors to my nation. I will learn each language in my land for its unity.
6) There is proof Jinnah wanted us to merge with other ethnic groups and that happened in parts we didn't overwhelm the local populace.

You can create a thread on this if you need a more detailed analysis. Here I might just annoy people because in the last 2 years I have become less of a party-sharty guy and more of a politician. :cheers:

You would notice in the old days I defended Muhajirs but then I thought is there anything to take offense at or is this an adopted forced identity being used for no reason. It destroys the definition of what is called an ethnic group. You can start a thread to learn more about this.
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