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Mythical soldiering

The real traitors are wearing official garbs and live within Pakistan, not online.

Funny how the khakis love to bask in the glory, but pass on all the blame to the bloody civilians. Tails they win, heads the nation loses!

stop sucking each other's dicks ...:)

That unnecessary profanity places you in the same category as the previous hemorrhoidal excretory orifice in uniform. Good bye Sir.


I am bowing out of this topic.

Tribute to our Valiant Ghazis and Shaheeds.

There are people who are going to hate the military regardless. They just cannot accept that all the faults and issues with military lie with the failure of the civilians.

On top of that---these fools expect that regardless of how incompetent the civilians are---the military would stay aloof.

As I have stated many a times---a military coup in pakistan is like a seasonal cold----after it is done---you will feel better----but on the other hand---an incompetent democracy is like a cancer----the cancer and cancer therapy totally destroys the body.

Pakistanis have been fooled into believing this British MP George somebody---he says that worst kind of democracy is better than the best military dictatorship---the fools that pakistanis are---they have fallen into this trap----.

East pakistan was not a military failure----it was a purely political failure----. The politicians created situations for hatred----the civilians did not create situations to rectify the problem either.

The pak military has accepted bangladesh a longtime ago----but the pak civilians are still dillusionals about it.

The truth is---if the pak civilians had any brains and vision to look into the future----they would have agreed to let east pakistan go its own way when it demanded----. There was no reason for war----when a brother living in a seperate house wants his freedom---let him be---the purpose of joing together had been achieved.
That seems to be the right assessment----what was brought to my attention was that Musharraf was not privy to the coupe---as there was already a contingency plan----it was enforced.

So---coup has happened---Musharraf is in karachi now----. Extremely concerned, uncertain and weary of what is happening. So---my friend gets a call in lahore that general sahib needs a trusted pilot to fly him from karachi to islamabad---gen is extremely concerned about his safety and does not have a trusted pilot to fly him----( well that was situational )---anyway my friend contacts Colonel so and so---he flies to karachi and flies the plane back to islamabad with Musharraf.
One of the gifts that Musharraf gave to my friend is an M16 with a scope that George Bush had given to him on one of his visits to the united states.
But what Gilani gave to my friend was really surprising----that gift was also given by George Bush to Gilani---Gilani gave it to my friend as a token of gratitude---I was totally shocked to see it---to see what it was ----unbelievable.

What was it?:(
Guud to know that you have been recommended.

We'll talk again when you'll finally join the force and would be required to make actual contingency plans, by then you would probably understand what was hidden in my single post.

P.S. As for your bragging about having half of the world known to you in the military, no offence, but just to tell you that i am in the military since you were probably like this: :)


Lastly, if you think others are 'liking' your posts for their quality, i must disappoint you that they are not. Here at PDF we have a long lists of haters who would do anything to show how insecure they are.

Yeh Xeric Junior ki picture hai ? :unsure:

Our Nephew ! :kiss3:
And yet, now you have to go back into Swat for another cleanup. Either not all were killed or more converted. Not good.
Arre bhai, CI ops isn't child's play. It's not conventional warfare. Try identifying terrorists in a village full of civilians. You can't do a fig due to collateral damage. If you've operated in mountainous terrain, you'd know the difficulties of picking out these bearded goons who frequently hop from place to place. Intel therefore is usually one step behind.

And where are the targets for artillery and heli gunships? It's tougher than finding a needle in a haystack.

And thus, CI takes years. 'Cleaning' up the area is next to impossible seeing the lack of troops on ground. The ratio should be 17:1 for combat. Add another 1:5 for securing the lines of communication. Where are all these additional troops going to come from? Not the East, unless some sort of a No War pact is signed with India whereby some formations could be re-deployed to the West.

But that's not going to happen any time soon and thus the adverse situation on the West will continue well into the future.
We'll talk again when you'll finally join the force

Yes honestly my Uncle to which im very frank do say the same. But i do hope i;d be a moderate person even after joining force.

P.S. As for your bragging about having half of the world known to you in the military, no offence, but just to tell you that i am in the military since you were probably like this:

And it was not bragging. Just telling u that i'm not void of all terminologies bcz you considered me ignorant of military by calling me another CP in your mind. Perhaps it was taken for another meaning but there was a plan already in basket to throw out civilian leadership in case of any new change in command and you too cant deny it. And, Im not talking abt PDF, same go in general "CP"s in Pakistan.

Good to know that you are in military since last 20+ years but this is the cycles goes throughout the world. I can say same to your children after next 20 years and they can say same to mine after 40 years.

Guud to know that you have been recommended.

We'll talk again when you'll finally join the force and would be required to make actual contingency plans, by then you would probably understand what was hidden in my single post.

P.S. As for your bragging about having half of the world known to you in the military, no offence, but just to tell you that i am in the military since you were probably like this: :)

Lastly, if you think others are 'liking' your posts for their quality, i must disappoint you that they are not. Here at PDF we have a long lists of haters who would do anything to show how insecure they are.
Conversation is going off the topic and tilting for our personalities. I do respect your services in Pak Armed forces and have no offence to you or any one else. But i get some mental itching when there is lack of respect for civilians too :pakistan:

Arre bhai, CI ops isn't child's play. It's not conventional warfare. Try identifying terrorists in a village full of civilians. You can't do a fig due to collateral damage. If you've operated in mountainous terrain, you'd know the difficulties of picking out these bearded goons who frequently hop from place to place. Intel therefore is usually one step behind.

And where are the targets for artillery and heli gunships? It's tougher than finding a needle in a haystack.

And thus, CI takes years. 'Cleaning' up the area is next to impossible seeing the lack of troops on ground. The ratio should be 17:1 for combat. Add another 1:5 for securing the lines of communication. Where are all these additional troops going to come from? Not the East, unless some sort of a No War pact is signed with India whereby some formations could be re-deployed to the West.

But that's not going to happen any time soon and thus the adverse situation on the West will continue well into the future.
Further clearing any civil area has too steps. Operation by forces and Settlement by political leadership. In Swat 2 stage was not active due to consistent fear in political leaders. I hope the administration present there will fill the gap
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Yes honestly my Uncle to which im very frank do say the same. But i do hope i;d be a moderate person even after joining force.

And it was not bragging. Just telling u that i'm not void of all terminologies bcz you considered me ignorant of military by calling me another CP in your mind. Perhaps it was taken for another meaning but there was a plan already in basket to throw out civilian leadership in case of any new change in command and you too cant deny it. And, Im not talking abt PDF, same go in general "CP"s in Pakistan.

Good to know that you are in military since last 20+ years but this is the cycles goes throughout the world. I can say same to your children after next 20 years and they can say same to mine after 40 years.

Conversation is going off the topic and tilting for our personalities. I do respect your services in Pak Armed forces and have no offence to you or any one else. But i get some mental itching when there is lack of respect for civilians too :pakistan:
CP? What?


There's no element of disrespect. If you want to convey that the military was already prepared to takeover in case another dismissal was in order, you could have used some other quotation as Gen Musharraf's doesnt say anything to supplement it. Just because he and the Army was annoyed over Gen Karamat's episode and that Gen Musharraf conveyed this feeling to Nawaz does not 'automatically' imply that a 'contingency plan' as you like to call it was prepared.

I may even agree with you to the extent that yes another attempt at dismissing a Chief would not have gone smoothly, but using Musharraf's quote to claim that a contingency plan was already in place only shows that whereas you may know the phrase from a dictionary, but you have no idea whatsoever of its military connotation.
That unnecessary profanity places you in the same category as the previous hemorrhoidal excretory orifice in uniform. Good bye Sir.


I am bowing out of this topic.
it was a light joke in reference to a movie called expendables,, I didnt mean it literally
Church: You guys aren't gonna start sucking each other's dicks, are you? [Barney looks suggestively at Trent and Church laughs sarcastically] Let’s get down to businessThe Expendables - Wikiquote
CP? What?


There's no element of disrespect. If you want to convey that the military was already prepared to takeover in case another dismissal was in order, you could have used some other quotation as Gen Musharraf's doesnt say anything to supplement it. Just because he and the Army was annoyed over Gen Karamat's episode and that Gen Musharraf conveyed this feeling to Nawaz does not 'automatically' imply that a 'contingency plan' as you like to call it was prepared.

I may even agree with you to the extent that yes another attempt at dismissing a Chief would not have gone smoothly, but using Musharraf's quote to claim that a contingency plan was already in place only shows that whereas you may know the phrase from a dictionary, but you have no idea whatsoever of its military connotation.

You know I never really could understand why the heck did the '99 Coup occur in the first place ? :unsure:
You know I never really could understand why the heck did the '99 Coup occur in the first place ? :unsure:
Gen sb tried to save his job and his a$$. PM sb promised to have an independent inquiry on Kargil. PMs also feared of another coup d'etat by Gen sb
Gen sb tried to save his job and his a$$. PM sb promised to have an independent inquiry on Kargil. PMs also feared of another coup d'etat by Gen sb
If the inquiry was such a priority, an elected govt has already passed, and the so called proponent of inquiry is again ruling us, where is the inquiry?
If the inquiry was such a priority, an elected govt has already passed, and the so called proponent of inquiry is again ruling us, where is the inquiry?
Maybe he remembers what happened to him, the last time he tried to make an inquiry?:azn:
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