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Mythical soldiering


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Mythical soldiering

Mythical soldiering

May 03, 2014
Samson Simon Sharaf


As a soldier, I always marvel at why men are willing to die in warfare. As a ground combatant, I bear witness to this motivation and willingness. Religious beliefs in martyrdom are indeed a factor, but then why do soldiers of other religions willingly brave dangers and die in the line of duty.
All countries have their own Unknown Soldier. The purpose is to honour the collective spirit and keep that fire of motivation burning. An unknown soldier is beyond a motivational cliché. Soldiers are indeed unknown.
There could be many explanations offered by psychologists and sociologists but the one that touches me the most is the nobility. Soldiering is the noblest profession, and the epitome of professional idealism. A soldier defends his country and readily sacrifices his life so that others live in safety. All good soldiers are romantics. Training exercises, sports competitions, endurance runs and celebrations; the bugle calls at reveille, the retreat and the last post. The hoisting and lowering of flags, the change of guards or the clatter of helicopter wings bringing back the last remains of a soldier from the battle field are beyond symbolic. They inject a flow of adrenaline in the blood stream. This sudden surge and harnessed hyper energy is unknown to civilian life. It conquers fear and pushes a soldier charging into the unknown.
Soldiers are unknown because their countrymen know so little about them. What is behind that barbed wire or the check post is what irks the imagination of onlookers. Behind the facade of ceremonialism and prestige lies exclusivity that appears mysterious to the outside eye. It may also invoke an odd critic. This aura will never be known to outsiders. The meanders, peaks, valleys, travails, fortunes, misfortunes and glory are corporate traits indigenous to all armies; these fortes make them professional and efficient fighting machines.
A musical video by a commercial bank on the occasion of Martyr’s Day conveys what a thousand volumes in a library cannot. Filmed on the playback by Ustad Amanat Ali, the video encapsulates almost all aspects of a soldier’s life. It shows the soldier from a child to a martyr and survivor; families, the long and adventurous rides back home and the simplicities that amuse soldiers they seldom have the chance of living through. It shows how behind every soldier, there is a family, a wife, children who endure moments of the isolation and the long wait for a reunion to be, or not to be.
The motivation and nobility of a class unknown urges the youth to flock to the armed forces and submit to an entirely different way of life as teenagers. These are village boys, urbanites, the rich, the poor and those coming from family traditions. These youngsters are in their formative years and yet to pass through the moments of life, the street smartness and social evolution their peers experience in colleges and universities. They are trained, groomed and moulded into an entirely different entity. As they grow, they are distinctively different from their civilian peers especially in the simplistic views of life. They are ‘the little soldiers blue.’
Mental toughness, honesty and the admission of failure are the basic qualities of their selection. This toughness is based on the criteria of not only how much they can endure but also how much extra they can do in trying and challenging circumstances. The ability to accomplish that ‘extra’ distinguishes good soldiers. While physical fitness comes through training, the basic instincts of mental robustness are polished to sharp edges used in extreme performance. Soldiering is like extreme sports in splendid isolation. One who overcomes the tiring sinews and fading resilience emerges a winner. Trying circumstances such as these, attributes of honest failure or that extra grain of resilience come handy in producing the extraordinary episodes of individual or collective valour.
Unlike soldiers a century ago, who raced into massed suicidal frontal assaults, modern soldiers are expected to perform in large regimental groups as also in isolation where their initiative and survival instincts are put under the ultimate test. Each youngster is trained under a regimen to become disciplined and street smart, a burglar, an assassin, a poacher or a rescuer. If soldiers do not acquire these traits, they will never be able to infiltrate behind enemy lines, lay cunning ambushes and raid enemy positions with stealth, speed and lethality, nor be able to operate as rescue squads. Soldiers create their own rallying points to build courage when valour seems to fail; to regain faith when despair abounds; and to create hope when it is forlorn.
Over time, they acquire a distinct corporate style of unit life, regimental traditions, camaraderie, spirit de corps and the acquisition of a new home and family. Steadily, military life replaces family life. When they marry, their spouses are also gelled into the traditions. Ultimately the military becomes their first home. Good militaries world over represent a welfare system that imbues confidence in men. Militaries look after their soldiers and their families. They have evolved a cradle to the grave welfare system which rivals the best welfare states.
The entire psychology of soldiering is built around the concept of sacrifice and country before self. “The honour of the country is paramount; that of the men one commands the next; and self, the last”. As General Douglas McArthur explains, “a professional soldier must lie in wait all his life for a moment that may never come, yet be ready when it does even to the peril of his life”.
I have seen them go, come back smiling and go about their normal lives. I have seen them physically impaired and eager. I have seen them comatose for months invigorated by an elixir. These Unknown Soldier come and go but the spirit lives on.
For every freckled soldier, the present will continue to bear a semblance of the past. Whenever I hear the whine of an approaching helicopter, the clatter of its rotor blades, the faint echo of the last post and the rattle of blanks, it reminds me of our martyrs. I see a train of fallen colleagues clad in virgin white with ultimate honour. I instinctively rise with remarkable alertness and call to battle. Then I realize that I am only dreaming; that life moves on.

The writer is a retired officer of Pakistan Army and a political economist and a television anchorperson.

Its because they are fooled enough already... I would never fight a corporate world's war, nor of religio-fanatic's !!

You are the exact kind of guy the author has tried to differentiate from a soldier.

Guys, we have an empirical evidence here :D

I can respect for what you are made to believe as a soldier, its like turning a human into another race..you may call it superior one, I have no objection to it... but I choose my own thoughts... least not a slave ! ;)

Islamic history's pride is associated with its soldiers and all shame of Islamic history is associated with politicians, why it should be any different today.

  1. ”اے ایمان والو! اگر تمہارے پاس کوئی فاسق (شخص) کوئی خبر لائے تو خوب تحقیق کرلیا کرو۔“

thanks for a quick advice made available.. I will take your quoted advice.
I can respect for what you are made to believe as a soldier, its like turning a human into another race..you may call it superior one, I have no objection to it... but I choose my own thoughts... least not a slave !

they are indeed... you cannot have same affection for the living beings, as they do have, and they risk there lives to save lives.
they lead and opportunist politicians follow.
I can respect for what you are made to believe as a soldier, its like turning a human into another race..you may call it superior one, I have no objection to it... but I choose my own thoughts... least not a slave ! ;)
See, here is where guys like you go wrong. You know, the pride is not in being a soldier, but in the fact that you protect something at the cost of your life, there's a difference here, if you can see through it.

You are ignorant, you probably dont know that every war that have been fought on this earth has either a corporate or religious tinge to it, even the war that took place during His (PBUH) time.

Agar sab acha hojaye duniya mai tu sub thek na hojaye? Being a soldier i too at times think k yaar WTF is this, why fight. Why cant India keep it to itself and we do the same? Why cant the TTP, AQ etc can just perish? Why did IRA killed so many, why did LTTE slaughtered so many, why do the US jumps in every battle? But then, you know, wanting everything to be perfect is one thing and what happens on ground is something else entirely.

i even go to the extent of thinking that why would our religion tell us in Quran that "And keep your strength ready to the utmost of your power including steeds of war..."? Why would one need to go to war if everything is perfect? But then, is everything perfect?

Stop living in a fools paradise. i think being under IK's shadow have blurred your vision of reality :D
they are indeed... you cannot have same affection for the living beings, as they do have, and they risk there lives to save lives.
they lead and opportunist politicians follow.

very judgmental.. I understand the brotherhood a battle brings to soldiers, but war for peace and saving lives is crewing for virginity. I dont buy your crap corporate stories nor of religio-fanatics.. so you bow to your superior race, I will take a walk... :)

See, here is where guys like you go wrong. You know, the pride is not in being a soldier, but in the fact that you protect something at the cost of your life, there's a difference here, if you can see through it.

You are ignorant, you probably dont know that every war that have been fought on this earth has either a corporate or religious tinge to it, even the war that took place during His (PBUH) time.

Agar sab acha hojaye duniya mai tu sub thek na hojaye? Being a soldier i too at times think k yaar WTF is this, why fight. Why cant India keep it to itself and we do the same? Why cant the TTP, AQ etc can just perish? Why did IRA killed so many, why did LTTE slaughtered so many, why do the US jumps in every battle? But then, you know, wanting everything to be perfect is one thing and what happens on ground is something else entirely.

i even go to the extent of thinking that why would our religion tell us in Quran that "And keep your strength ready to the utmost of your power including steeds of war..."? Why would one need to go to war if everything is perfect? But then, is everything perfect?

Stop living in a fools paradise. i think being under IK's shadow have blurred your vision of reality :D

like I said I dont buy these crap stories told to you day and night...ammi bao aajaye ga... oh please... its power game, you are in power circle. enjoy it, dont preach to those who are not slaves.. go tell these stories to your own kind, I am sure many ordinary people will buy it..

p.s. by the way the guy whose article you have quoted is PTI's defence expert.
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like I said I dont buy these crap stories told to you day and night...ammi bao aajaye ga... oh please... its power game, you are in power circle. enjoy it, dont preach to those who are not slaves.. go tell these stories to your own kind, I am sure many ordinary people will buy it..
Beta jis din bao agya na, your kind would be the first one to find shelter among us.

p.s. by the way the guy whose article you have quoted is PTI's defence expert.
See, there are sane people among PTI too. Atleast try learning from them.

You are the exact kind of guy the author has tried to differentiate from a soldier.

Guys, we have an empirical evidence here :D
And yet these people act as if there is no greater patriot and well-wisher to their the country than themselves.

These people want everything from their country and are unwilling to give anything in return.
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Beta jis din bao agya na, your kind would be the first one to find shelter among us.

well Im sure Queen of England would be quite helpful for you guys or maybe a surrender document, eh?
doc of surrender.jpg

See, there are sane people among PTI too. Atleast try learning from them.

thats what called diversity of opinions and respecting and not being self-righteous, yet being together for a cause of progressive Pakistan, not macho pakistan ! :P

@Samson.Sharaf hello Sir ! :D
well Im sure Queen of England would be quite helpful for you guys or maybe a surrender document, eh?
View attachment 26797
Puttar, sir tey saat tey nai khaadi?

thats what called diversity of opinions and respecting and not being self-righteous, yet being together for a cause of progressive Pakistan, not macho pakistan ! :P

@Samson.Sharaf hello Sir ! :D
You are a supporter, not a member of the party. Dont over estimate yourself.
SHAME for us. We should learn lessons!

Yes Yes Yes...but the problem is mindset in the army, they neither admit nor learn from mistakes.. its in culture of the organization, which is inherited from the colonial mindset.

if I were to change anything, that would be the army's culture & rip off their colonial past from their memories, all else will follow..
Yes Yes Yes...but the problem is mindset in the army, they neither admit nor learn from mistakes.. its in culture of the organization, which is inherited from the colonial mindset.

if I were to change anything, that would be the army's culture & rip off their colonial past from their memories, all else will follow..

i like ur reasoning:cheers:
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