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Myanmar Navy starts submarine training in Pakistan

Dude indians of all people should talk abt morals etc:



Did I say anything about morals at all? DO you see the word mentioned and/or referred to in my post?

I simply pointed out the history.

Besides they gave us a nice port so yes we like the Junta while Aung San Suu Kyi was educated in LSR DU and loves us plenty so now we like her too! :D

Nooooooooooooo.....I'm taking the line of the evil Islami$ht here :D I want to see the ummah united and Pakistan reversing its decision to train these evil Buddha worshipping, Muslim killing naval officers :D
Nooooooooooooo.....I'm taking the line of the evil Islami$ht here :D I want to see the ummah united and Pakistan reversing its decision to train these evil Buddha worshipping, Muslim killing naval officers :D

You mean that you have an issue with idol worshipers, oh well..nothing wrong in what Pakistan has done..each country looks after its own interests first. And as to whatever some posters may have said IF it was us in their place..how does it matter.
@Hyperion Going to bash some ummah skulls in or what?
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We have too many "ummah" loving fools and so called "philanthropists" and the rest arent even bothered about it..

actually you guys fooling yourself, Afganistan issue is an example.. you gave space to NATO allies then started to Help Taliban.

now both are killing your people.

NATO reason: you are helping taliban so they are bombing inside your country.
Taliban reason: many taliban thinks you are NATO ally so they are killing your people with suicide bomb.

you should peak one side.
You mean that you have an issue with idol worshipers, oh well..nothing wrong in what Pakistan has done..each country looks after its own interests first. And as to whatever some posters may have said IF it was us in their place..how does it matter.

I have issues with nobody. My questions to Pakistani members here are simply :-

- where is the ummah concept when it comes to Burmese (state sanctioned it seems) killing of Muslims;
- if India offered the same facilities to the Burmese navy, would Pakistanis not have labeled this as evil Yindoo sanctioning of killing of Muslims in Burma.

After all , many Pakistani members here go into a hype about how the Kashmir issue is all about evil Hindustani aggression against defenceless Muslims hence their (Pakistani) duty to "liberate" the Kashmiris. Get the drift now ? ;)
actually you guys fooling yourself, Afganistan issue an example.. you gave space to NATO allies then started to Help Taliban.

now both are killing your people.

NATO reason: you are helping taliban so they are bombing inside your country.
Taliban reason: many taliban thinks you are NATO ally so they are killing your people with suicide bomb.

you should peak one side.

First of all we asked taliban to hand over osama... second.. we had no other option... third... there is no proof of Pak supporting afghan taliban.. who by the way arent fighting Pakistan... ttp is a new phenomena consisting of criminals and support from across the border(karzai admitted sheltering terrorists)... and did you read the news abt the recent ttp vs AT drama? and last this is not a thread abt taliban... as for picking sides.. if it was upto me i would have stayed neutral... also kicked out the bangladeshis,afghans and other parasites...

I have issues with nobody. My questions to Pakistani members here are simply :-

- where is the ummah concept when it comes to Burmese (state sanctioned it seems) killing of Muslims;
- if India offered the same facilities to the Burmese navy, would Pakistanis not have labeled this as evil Yindoo sanctioning of Muslims in Burma.

After all , many Pakistani members here go into a hype about how the Kashmir issue is all about evil Hindustani aggression against defenceless Muslims hence their (Pakistani) duty to "liberate" the Kashmiris. Get the drift now ? ;)

First the news is from Janes.. nothing official... also does myanmar navy even have a damn submarine? as for Kashmir.. its our land .. our people...
I have issues with nobody. My questions to Pakistani members here are simply :-

- where is the ummah concept when it comes to Burmese (state sanctioned it seems) killing of Muslims;
- if India offered the same facilities to the Burmese navy, would Pakistanis not have labeled this as evil Yindoo sanctioning of Muslims in Burma.

After all , many Pakistani members here go into a hype about how the Kashmir issue is all about evil Hindustani aggression against defenceless Muslims hence their (Pakistani) duty to "liberate" the Kashmiris. Get the drift now ? ;)

What makes you think they will care for this line of reasoning. It doesn't matter. Its none of our business what they think is right, logically apt, symmetrical, analogous or wrong. We'll do what we must as far as Kashmir is concerned. So lets leave that be.

AND for the love of the lord. @BDforever Do you know who is the largest arms provider to Burma..China..going to stop all your deals with them now..SPECIALLY THE ONE WHERE YOU WANNA BUY SUBS!?
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You do realize though that while the Burmese government is known for being ethnically batshit insane, the Rohingyas did try to engage in a mujahid movement against them from 47-61, that didn't brighten their disposition much either.

That was because in '47 they asked to join East-Pakistan but back then Burma hadn't gained their freedom (it happened in '48 or '49); naturally it didn't happen & both the Rohingyas & the Burmese were pisssed at how it turned out ! When their nationalities were revoked & the oppression started they were bound to react.
all are illegal ? :blink: btw Pakistan has more responsibility than just taking refugees, just least you should raise the voice against it @Armstrong

What responsibility do you want us to take for what is happening more than a 1000 miles away from mainland Pakistan whilst we are, ourselves, in no condition to help anyone right now ? We've taken more than our fair share of refugees between the Afghans, the Bangladeshis, the Burmese & others.
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Yup indeed. And for those raising a hype about a submarine being unable to go to a Rohingya village and fire a torpedo at the villagers, you seem to lose sight of the fact that Pakistan is in effect training a naval detachment of Burma. Can you deny that naval officers have engaged in land battles ?

One deals with possibilities not probabilities otherwise nothing is improbable !
@Hyperion You going to lead an army into the Burmese jungles or what? Do it before our friend BDf blows a fuse.
@BDforever Mere bhai, we have had this talk many times. The world honestly does not care about humanity. There is no war/conflict ever fought or being fought at the moment where the casus belli actually is humanity and its protection. AND I mean not a single one, no one here will be able to point to one at all.
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Emperor Hyperion already preparing his lungi to fight in the jungles of Burma. Lungi warfare at it's best.

@Hyperion You going to lead an army into the Burmese jungles or what? Do it before our friend BDf blows a fuse.
@BDforever Mere bhai, we have had this talk many times. The world honestly does not care about humanity. There is no war/conflict ever fought or being fought at the moment where the casus belli actually is humanity and its protection. AND I mean not a single one, no one here will be able to point to one at all.
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