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Muslims are well-integrated in Britain– but no one seems to believe it

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Dude, it was Muslims that brought you out of the dark ages, contact with Muslim sparked most of the scientific discoveries and progressive thought in Europe
The picture you have of Muslim rule in your head is completely wrong, don't picture afghan or saudi
Islam is 100% compatible to secularism and progress.

Apart from the Arab empires, there was also a place in the south of France that preserved the ancient Greek Texts.The educational centres in Moorish Spain were always open to Muslims and non-Muslims alike, It was more a change of attitudes in the Europeans with regards to the ancient texts and what they did with that knowledge that lead them to progress.
Apart from the Arab empires, there was also a place in the south of France that preserved the ancient Greek Texts.The educational centres in Moorish Spain were always open to Muslims and non-Muslims alike, It was more a change of attitudes in the Europeans with regards to the ancient texts and what they did with that knowledge that lead them to progress.
I don't disagree, but that still debunks the superior white race theory
I never understand this unrealistic "European fear" of Muslim/Immigrants. Does no one in here read the "The Reluctant Fundamentalist" (Damn Good Book)

In Mohsin Hamid’s book, The Reluctant Fundamentalist, the main character Changez has lunch with Juan-Bautista in Valparaiso. It is at this lunch Changez is forced to look inside himself and see if he believes that he truly has become someone similar to these legendary warriors who were brainwashed and given a second life. Juan-Bautista at their lunch tells Changez how he’s been watching him and noticed he had been upset. He begins to ask Changez a series of questions comparing him to the young lives of the Janissaries of the old times. Juan asks Changez on page 151, “Does it trouble you, to make your living by disrupting the lives of others?” Juan then begins to dive in the lecture about the janissaries and how they are taken at a young age and trained to be Muslin soldiers. Juan continues, “They were ferocious and utterly loyal: they had fought to erase their own civilizations, so they had nothing else to turn to.” Page 151. As he asks Changez of his age when we went to America, Changez begins to realize the similarity between him and the janissaries Juan is talking about.

Changez in the same way as the janissaries went to a new country and learned in their schools. After being in the culture for so long he had lost his old ways and traditions and adopted the new. As he works for a company now that values other companies in countries that are akin to his own country of origin. As he begins to connect the dots though, I can’t help but notices all these happenings were of his own doing. He quits his job and goes back to New York feeling as though America, which he begins to call the “Empire”, has completely brainwashed him but it was his choice in the end to come to this country and learn our customs and ways. The janissaries of old had some volunteers, but most were too young to know better and most were taken from families to be trained. They had no choice in the matter. When they destroyed their own original countries it was due to them never having a memory of them to begin with. What they knew in their hearts was the ways of the Muslim army and the Turkish families that helped raise them.

Or if you're unconvinced whether a certain group cannot integrate into society Read Hegel Dialectic. Seriously this $hit will get you so High you feel "Enlightened.":smokin:
Dude, it was Muslims that brought you out of the dark ages, contact with Muslim sparked most of the scientific discoveries and progressive thought in Europe
The picture you have of Muslim rule in your head is completely wrong, don't picture afghan or saudi

There was this thing called Roman empire with immense technological knowledge (for that time), which went sour when the Church started to spread it's vile dogma just so the fat bishops would be getting fatter.
The decline of the continent started around 400 AD and lasted till about 1300 AD.
Thankfully Muslim scholars preserved and added on top of it, so it would not be forgotten for posterity.
To give credit to them alone would be proposterous though, they were the keepers of knowledge which was acculated through a thousand years, from the Sumerians and Egyptians onwards....

I don't disagree, but that still debunks the superior white race theory

Not superior race, superior model of living. However you cannot deny how aptly knowledge was used in the arms of the "whites".
Two examples, both made in China :china: , paper and gunpowder.
After obtaining them, it took around 100 years for them to make something completely more advanced then what the Chinese had. And they had original inventions for quite a while before it was spread around Europe.

Also an anecdote: the Ottoman empire captured Constantinople in large part due to them having at the time the biggest cannons around which were made by a Hungarian weaponsmith.

Hopefully this post wont be understood as "white supremacist", but rather as an attempt to dispel some illusions on how our ancestors did not know anything.

Islam is 100% compatible to secularism and progress.

In it's current form, i dont know where you find the face to tell me that.
What is written in the Quran if someone wants to leave and become a secular person?
Nobody's talking about Islamic parties taking over. We are talking about social and political issues that matter to citizens who happen to be Muslim. Just as non-Muslim citizens take up social issues, so can Muslim citizens.

They do, in the frames of the existing parties across the spectrum.

Anti-semitism, and anti-immigrant feeling in general, is also on the rise in Europe, but I am adamantly sure you won't dare blame Jews or other migrants for it.
@Aeronaut was right; you truly are consumed by your obsessive paranoia of "mooooslims are coming...."

Aeronaut is never right lol.....he comes in, throws a hissy fit, cant even defend his own stand afterwards.....

Why would i blame other migrants when the Muslims are giving most trouble? Why dont you accept this at face value as it is? You keep deluding yourself, when in fact as others have noted, there is a small group that is giving a bad name to everyone.
If Muslims alone can't stop it (they cant even in their own administered countries-case in point Pakistan), authorities here will. It's pretty simple but for someone like you i guess not so. I guess acceptance is one hurdle you have not crossed yet and thus are completely inept to even post on this issue because you are taking it with too much emotion which clouds your already not so clear (on this issue-otherwise you are ok) judgement. Throwing in cheap temper tantrums in re to mental illnesses also helps...
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Also an anecdote: the Ottoman empire captured Constantinople in large part due to them having at the time the biggest cannons around which were made by a Hungarian weaponsmith.

Canons and firearms were brought by Mongols from China to Islamic and Christian world. Hardly a European invention. And it was Horse and bow that conquered East Roman Empire.

Western world drains the manpower from all over the world to keep themselves technologically advanced. Wasnt Steve Jobs half Lebanese? Now power shifts from west to east.

One more thing: During the middleast, Islam was more widespread and powerful. We can talk about western superiority only between the years 1600 and 2000.
Canons and firearms were brought by Mongols from China to Islamic and Christian world. Hardly a European invention. And it was Horse and bow that conquered East Roman Empire.

Western world drains the manpower from all over the world to keep themselves technologically advanced. Wasnt Steve Jobs half Lebanese? Now power shifts from west to east.

One more thing: During the middleast, Islam was more widespread and powerful. We can talk about western superiority only between the years 1600 and 2000.

Steve Jobs's father was Syrian.

The Western World did not know everything at first.

What they did was that they gathered knowledge from all parts of the world, and created a whole model of knowledge that we see today.

The United States on the other hand is more....."unique"....and based off a Roman heritage. I doubt if the Eastern nations would be able to technologically match against them any time soon.

Although, Europe now is clearly losing edge (albeit slowly).
Canons and firearms were brought by Mongols from China to Islamic and Christian world. Hardly a European invention. And it was Horse and bow that conquered East Roman Empire.

Western world drains the manpower from all over the world to keep themselves technologically advanced. Wasnt Steve Jobs half Lebanese? Now power shifts from west to east.

One more thing: During the middleast, Islam was more widespread and powerful. We can talk about western superiority only between the years 1600 and 2000.

I did not say European invention, i said it was significantly upgraded here. And, no, horse and bow didnt capture Constantinople. Cannons did.
I guess only the Lebanese half contributed to the success of Apple in your quite limited by religious beliefs, view.
Yes, Islam was superior in the middle ages, however it has stagnated ever since.

Although, Europe now is clearly losing edge (albeit slowly).

Curious as to why you think that? From a scientific perspective?
I did not say European invention, i said it was significantly upgraded here. And, no, horse and bow didnt capture Constantinople. Cannons did.
I guess only the Lebanese half contributed to the success of Apple in your quite limited by religious beliefs, view.
Yes, Islam was superior in the middle ages, however it has stagnated ever since.

Well it is time for Europe to stagnate.

And yeah, Hungarian cannons finished Constantinople. Did you know Hungarians were not European ancestrally? They are from Ural-Altaic stock. :D
Yes, Islam was superior in the middle ages, however it has stagnated ever since.

There was something called "The Golden Age of Islam".

Much of the knowledge there were lost after the Mongol Horde invaded. Then came colonialism.

After those, it just went downhill. The Mongol invasion was a huge blow.
Well it is time for Europe to stagnate.

Please, visit the Sci&Tech thread in the Members section. I mostly posted European stuff there, you can judge for yourself if it is indeed stagnating.

And yeah, Hungarian cannons finished Constantinople. Did you know Hungarians were not European ancestrally? They are from Ural-Altaic stock. :D

Yes and? Many people who today live where they live have come from other places. Additionally, whatever is west of ural is considered European. The international standard of separating Europe from Asia geographically runs down the Ural mountains.
Please, visit the Sci&Tech thread in the Members section. I mostly posted European stuff there, you can judge for yourself if it is indeed stagnating.

Yes and? Many people who today live where they live have come from other places. Additionally, whatever is west of ural is considered European. The international standard of separating Europe from Asia geographically runs down the Ural mountains.

I do, when i have free time.

I didnt say: west Ural. I Said Ural Altaic. And I count in it: Magyars, Huns, Avars, Cumans. christianized Asians. According to your logic, I am European as well. Half Romanian Tatar, and born in European side of Istanbul.

Btw you were saying Constantinoplois, Constantinpolis or something. I never met any Constantion, or Constantin. I never knew where is the grave of this Constantin located. Interesting. He founded the city where I live. How unkind of me.
Curious as to why you think that? From a scientific perspective?

I meant as a whole. Especially countries like the UK.

Although, countries like Germany, France and the Scandinavian nations are doing good and should be safe in the long-term.

The rest are...meh...not what they used to be...
I do, when i have free time.

I didnt say: west Ural. I Said Ural Altaic. And I count in it: Magyars, Huns, Avars, Cumans. christianized Asians. According to your logic, I am European as well. Half Romanian Tatar, and born in European side of Istanbul.

Btw you were saying Constantinoplois, Constantinpolis or something. I never met any Constantion, or Constantin. I never knew where is the grave of this Constantin located. Interesting. He founded the city where I live. How unkind of me.

Ok, so in your petty mind you have just proved that Turks conquered Constantinople with the help from Asians, although those Asians have been living in Europe for about 800 years. good for you, whatever helps you get by.

Also the trolling on the part of the name Constantinople speaks how intellectually weak you are. Not my fault if you do not know anything.
I meant as a whole. Especially countries like the UK.

Although, countries like Germany, France and the Scandinavian nations are doing good and should be safe in the long-term.

The rest are...meh...not what they used to be...

In the military industrial complex i agree, just masses of money being poured in there, in contrast to Europe where fragmented states cannot put so much funds in due to differing views, needs, doctrine etc. Almost every joint Euro projects suffers because of this, though by now they are slowly getting better at it.
On the civilian side, i would not agree so fast.
I'd feel like a bot if i posted some links, so i wont. :P i'll just say that the next big thing in jet propulsion is coming out of the UK.
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