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Muslims are well-integrated in Britain– but no one seems to believe it

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@haviZsultan GOP has banned the wiki page of Muhammad Wahabb?? Is that true?? :what:
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Thread isn't about who made terrorism and used it in the past, it is about values and integration of Muslims living in the west.
Anyhow, i thank you for your wishes in regards to Attila, Hitler and such, must assuredly that has a higher chance of happening to you, not to me.

Untrue, we all know which civilization actually creates people like these. After World War I you treated Germany like the **** of the century... guess who came by, Hitler and off u and ur fellows went to war-how many of you died? Now you're basically exporting manufactured wars according to Naom Chomsky to Asia.

You used terrorists in 1980 against the Soviets which was perfectly okay (who cares 4-6 million Afghans about 1/5th the Afghan population got killed? It served your purpose-Once peaceful Muslims across the world became fanatics) Fast forward to 9/11 with Bin Laden who fought in the 1980's all grown up. Boom! Down go those towers and the angry growl of the west drowns out the angry protestations from the east for the USA to use its brain instead of its brawn, think of this as the moment that could lead to the largest shitstorm in the east that could basically give new life to world terror and it has. Why don't you get out of your shiny little buildings and see that when up to 1 Million people have been killed in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan after the decision. Since 9/11 you have succeed in nurturing terrorism in this region.

Unfortunate that my countrymen didn't see this coming... Presler amendment after the 1980's? Support of dictator Zia to raise terrorism factory? Abandoning of Pakistan. Turning a blind eye to India's Siachen incursion while raising a cry for Kargil. Signs are clear, bright and shimmering before our eyes like the 4 suns of foundation.

But even if a godamn lightning bolt comes and strikes us we won't realize that its time to search for new allies... possibly even Iran... and hey Pakistan has nukes... oops what if Iran got 'em ;)

Maybe that way we can convince you to reimburse us for war on terror losses, constant maligning of our country and the thousands of Pakistani innocents rotting in your jails...

Well good luck. When you see towers falling in the west again don't come running back to Pakistan again all promises and assurances to fight your wars through us and get twice as many as our people killed as yours. When people from the region, experts try to tell you what the hell is wrong with your country you don't want to listen even though it is us suffering terrorism YOU formed.

If people like you and warmongers like Penetta didn't exist we wouldn't have half the problems. Feel sorry for us and we'll feel sorry for you.

For the record there are different ideologies in Nationalism. We supported secularism, democracy and egalitarianism and if anything our people should have been quite close to the west but I guess we were right when we learned that western tolerance and democracy were a lie, it is selective democracy what you practice... Basically the idea is anyone who speaks up is a threat, is it not? The threat basically isn't just Islam... its developing any political ideology... even one that draws some points from Turkish secularism/nationalism.

Basically as this article states the problem is not that the Muslims don't integrate... its that the west doesn't want them to have any link whatsoever with their homeland and that is impossible... at least until the 3rd or 4th generation.

@haviZsultan GOP has banned the wiki page of Muhammad Wahabb?? Is that true?? :what:

What else would a delinquent government do other than ban things and harass innocents? What else would a retarded government do other than creating more hurdles. Yes, that page is blocked because it mocks the founding fathers of Saudi (Sauds who are basically his sons or sons sons), our "benevolent father" along with for unknown reasons longwarjournal... and the youtube ban shows no sign of ending which means people who basically do business through youtube are suffering losses.

Frankly you know I like to think what if Baghdad hadn't fallen to the Mongols in 1258? What if Spain hadn't fallen? Where would we be? Would we be the inheritors of modern day secularism and tolerance-(we created the concept anyway-Ibn Rushd or Averoes was a moor)? Its basically a decline of Islam and Pakistan we are staring at right in the eye (my countrymen will protest but it is the irrefutable truth) ... the people who ban things are those who are insecure. If we were strong we wouldn't have to ban anything, we would automatically dominate.

Wajahat Shamsul Hassan and Lord Nazir still strong in Britain I hope by the way...
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These 'Pakistani-Britons' are more British than the real British people themselves :fie:
Too bad no one seems to remind them that they are immigrants at the end of the day.
And the data is based on??? Survey??? Ok let me do one survey here... Answer a) strongly Agree b) Agree c) disagree d) strongly Disagree...

a) You love UK?
b) UK is good place for Muslims?
c) U identify urself Briton.
d) You love britons.
e) you like briton society.
and so on...

Take this survey to Briton Muslims (Indian subcontinent Muslims), the answer will be (a) for all question, you know why??? coz we who live in west don't want to leave the opportunity....

On contrast in core heart we know what we are and we know what we do. Muslims are not well merging up with Briton society. recent demand to Halal house in Dutch land is one of the example.. Briton is emerging as nursery of Fundamentalists, Yesterday The Economist shows in 10 years Muslims have increased 12% from 8%. while other religion increased marginally.

A briton is upset of this problem, and due to it, Hindu and Sikhs too are suffering... :(

Why do you Hindu Bigots try to derail every thread ?

Go peddle your Bigotry elsewhere and leave PDF.
These 'Pakistani-Britons' are more British than the real British people themselves :fie:
Too bad no one seems to remind them that they are immigrants at the end of the day.

People think of having islamic law in UK, don't want to wear Queens Logo on POlice Cap, etc , dont allow girls to wear jeans etc.how can it make them integrated in UK society?

Action speaks louder then words

Why do you Hindu Bigots try to derail every thread ?

Go peddle your Bigotry elsewhere and leave PDF.

did truth hurt?
The Dutch are already considering this (putting all trouble makers in one spot under constant supervision). There they can thrive among the best our society has to offer.

Capital idea!

Now all we need is some brilliant lawyers to seal the deal for the biggest troublemaker: "Hello, Mr Wilders, this will be your home for the next six months. Do let us know if you need anything".

(Yeah, he escaped the noose last time, but it's all a matter of finding the right lawyers.)

I have no objections to Muslims living in a productive manner that fits in, however i am vehemently against any sort of political identity which would be in discord with the prevailing culture.

Many citizens work to influence policy direction in favor of their causes, including Israel; Muslims can do likewise for their causes.

Political activism is a right -- some would say a duty -- of every citizen. As long as it is legal and aboveboard, it is acceptable. If some people perceive it to be "in discord with the prevailing culture" , that is their problem.
Capital idea!

Now all we need is some brilliant lawyers to seal the deal for the biggest troublemaker: "Hello, Mr Wilders, this will be your home for the next six months. Do let us know if you need anything".

(Yeah, he escaped the noose last time, but it's all a matter of finding the right lawyers.)

Many citizens work to influence policy direction in favor of their causes, including Israel; Muslims can do likewise for their causes.

Political activism is a right -- some would say a duty -- of every citizen. As long as it is legal and aboveboard, it is acceptable. If some people perceive it to be "in discord with the prevailing culture" , that is their problem.

So you 're saying that movement like Shariah for UK is a right and duty of every muslim citizen of Britain ?
So you 're saying that movement like Shariah for UK is a right and duty of every muslim citizen of Britain ?

Political activism is a right of every citizen; people can chose which causes they want to support.

Shariah for UK is just one cause and, as crazy as it sounds to most Muslims, people who feel strongly can promote it through legitimate means.

Btw, this stuff is tame compared to some of the looney tunes organizations that exist in many Western countries, promoting all sorts of nonsense from communism all the way to pedophilia.
Political activism is a right of every citizen; people can chose which causes they want to support.

Shariah for UK is just one cause and, as crazy as it sounds to most Muslims, people who feel strongly can promote it through legitimate means.

Btw, this stuff is tame compared to some of the looney tunes organizations that exist in many Western countries, promoting all sorts of nonsense from communism all the way to pedophilia.

Yes , but it gives common muslims a bad name when these guys roam around with boards saying "Islam will dominate the world" and other crap. It may not be illegal but moderate muslims must try to counter the extremists move if they don't wish to be the target of criticism and White British hate.That is also their duty i feel , to let Britain know that all muslims don't feel this way.
Yes , but it gives common muslims a bad name when these guys roam around with boards saying "Islam will dominate the world" and other crap. It may not be illegal but moderate muslims must try to counter the extremists move if they don't wish to be the target of criticism and White British hate.That is also their duty i feel , to let Britain know that all muslims don't feel this way.

Believe me, most Muslims hate these guys as much as everyone else; more because, as you say, the Muslims suffer most because of these idiots.

However, freedom of speech is a right and mainstream Muslims have no more power to stop these fanatics than the police does.
Capital idea!

Now all we need is some brilliant lawyers to seal the deal for the biggest troublemaker: "Hello, Mr Wilders, this will be your home for the next six months. Do let us know if you need anything".

(Yeah, he escaped the noose last time, but it's all a matter of finding the right lawyers.)

Many citizens work to influence policy direction in favor of their causes, including Israel; Muslims can do likewise for their causes.

Political activism is a right -- some would say a duty -- of every citizen. As long as it is legal and aboveboard, it is acceptable. If some people perceive it to be "in discord with the prevailing culture" , that is their problem.

lol, yea, keep believing some sort of Islamic party will come to shape here. Just dont cry foul as you often do here, if anything goes wrong in regards to your last sentence.

Voters more likely to back an anti-Muslim party than reject it – poll

cue xenophobia comments in 5, 4, 3.....:lol:
Muslims are integrated in France, Britain yet long long way to go. France got maturity in Islamic revolution, Germany got
Turkic Islamic revolution. Britain remains further immature because Muslims don't face struggle or barrier like they have to face in France. Sometimes barrier is necessary to make you realize what you need to do.
the Muslims in Britain are not bad
only small amount off ppl makes it look bad and then the POlitics and the media makes it worse
Sorry for the late reply, did not see your post before. I dont understand your analogy to be honest, yes europeans did not come to pick flowers, but they also did not come looking for work. They came to conquer, which is miles away from letting someone come into your country to work. In that example might made right. In your example there is little to no might to make your version of right.

I have no objections to Muslims living in a productive manner that fits in, however i am vehemently against any sort of political identity which would be in discord with the prevailing culture.

Like i said before, we dont have to look far to see the immense progress traditional Muslim way of leading has achieved. My continent suffered for a millenia under an oppressive religious regime (fall of Rome- ~start of rennaissance), no need for second round.


Thread isn't about who made terrorism and used it in the past, it is about values and integration of Muslims living in the west.
Anyhow, i thank you for your wishes in regards to Attila, Hitler and such, must assuredly that has a higher chance of happening to you, not to me.
Dude, it was Muslims that brought you out of the dark ages, contact with Muslim sparked most of the scientific discoveries and progressive thought in Europe
The picture you have of Muslim rule in your head is completely wrong, don't picture afghan or saudi
Islam is 100% compatible to secularism and progress.
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lol, yea, keep believing some sort of Islamic party will come to shape here. Just dont cry foul as you often do here, if anything goes wrong in regards to your last sentence.

Nobody's talking about Islamic parties taking over. We are talking about social and political issues that matter to citizens who happen to be Muslim. Just as non-Muslim citizens take up social issues, so can Muslim citizens.

Anti-semitism, and anti-immigrant feeling in general, is also on the rise in Europe, but I am adamantly sure you won't dare blame Jews or other migrants for it.
@Aeronaut was right; you truly are consumed by your obsessive paranoia of "mooooslims are coming...."
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