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Muslims are well-integrated in Britain– but no one seems to believe it

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The hatred westerners feel for Muslims quite evident... even in Canada where I lived. Especially what they seem most concerned about is us developing any form of political identity.

Compare the airtime Tarek Fateh gets and any other leader gets like Omar Alghabra... its basically because:
1) they want to hear what they want to hear. They want someone to cover up their atrocities and make it appear the Muslims are to blame for everything even though the British founded Wahabism and US supported the terror war in Afghanistan which created people like Bin Laden. Interference has always had a direct effect on radicalism in this region but to perpetuate their colonial aspirations they don't want that known.
2) they want to basically "lead the Muslims" to a line of thinking that is (according to them) less fanatical.

I mean if you look at it... we are mostly a bunch of secularists and liberals trying to change the system in Pakistan with almost as little a link to Islam as Salman Rushdie has to it. Its mainly the Pakistan wing which consists of right-wingers and in rare cases Mullah sympathizers.

What didn't appeal to them and their Indian/American backers was basically that we took a Nationalist stand, we stood for independent decision making (without foreign interference-ie Iran gas pipeline Kaira is messing up), we want a Pakistan (the 6th most populous country in the world with a population 6 times that of Canada) that is strong and doesn't have to take orders from anyone.
The hatred westerners feel for Muslims quite evident... even in Canada where I lived. Especially what they seem most concerned about is us developing any form of political identity.

we just have to look to Egypt to see what the political identity Muslims there developed is doing there. Step 1: remove the elections and make an authoritarian regime...sure, we will fall for that....:lol:

if you want to engage in politics in the west there are a myriad of parties to choose from, however one based on Islam/Sharia has rightfully no place in our world.

Cant believe you would be so naive into thinking this would be allowed. to put it bluntly, you came to work, not to lead.
Integrated or not, like us or not. The fact is we are here to stay, now get over it.

People like you make it hard for legit visitors or expats
Thank god whites are tolerant, if you said **** like that in any Arab or Asian country you'd be deported before you're done posting any repies
we just have to look to Egypt to see what the political identity Muslims there developed is doing there. Step 1: remove the elections and make an authoritarian regime...sure, we will fall for that....:lol:

if you want to engage in politics in the west there are a myriad of parties to choose from, however one based on Islam/Sharia has rightfully no place in our world.

Cant believe you would be so naive into thinking this would be allowed. to put it bluntly, you came to work, not to lead.

Not that I encourage it, that last line makes you sound like a hypocrite, you guys didn't exactly come here to pick flowers and few centuries ago now did you?
I'm against sharia and most of us are, but what's wrong in being in the govt if some Muslims have lived there for generations and served the country. If that doesn't earn the right to lead then only you know what does.
People like you make it hard for legit visitors or expats
Thank god whites are tolerant, if you said **** like that in any Arab or Asian country you'd be deported before you're done posting any repies

Their future (for the radicals like poster you quoted) lies in ghettos. The Dutch are already considering this (putting all trouble makers in one spot under constant supervision). There they can thrive among the best our society has to offer.

BBC News - Amsterdam plan to rehouse serial nuisance neighbours

Container homes ftw! Probably still better then what their home country has to offer.

Troublemakers are to be moved out of the picturesque centre of the city and placed in isolated areas, with access to only basic services.

we just have to look to Egypt to see what the political identity Muslims there developed is doing there. Step 1: remove the elections and make an authoritarian regime...sure, we will fall for that....:lol:

if you want to engage in politics in the west there are a myriad of parties to choose from, however one based on Islam/Sharia has rightfully no place in our world.

Cant believe you would be so naive into thinking this would be allowed. to put it bluntly, you came to work, not to lead.

You didn't inherit this world, nor it is your property therefore you have NO right to make such statements.
You didn't inherit this world, nor it is your property therefore you have NO right to make such statements.

"our world" as in western society. was replying to someone who talked about Canada, thought it would be clear which world i mean.

And if this wasnt the issue and you are going out with a brainfart that whole earth should be Islamic like i've seen it happen here before, yes we did inherit our world, it is our property.
"our world" as in western society. was replying to someone who talked about Canada, thought it would be clear which world i mean.

And if this wasnt the issue and you are going out with a brainfart that whole earth should be Islamic like i've seen it happen here before, yes we did inherit our world, it is our property.

You are showing symptoms of Obsessive compulsive disorder,Please see a Psychologist.

You didn't inherit this world, nor it is your property therefore you have NO right to make such statements.
this earth belongs to allah

- Senior Osama Bin Laden

One who was living a lavish life with his numerous wives in a mansion INSIDE PAKISTANI TERRITORY WITHIN 50 KM FROM ISLAMABAD UNHINDERED FOR SEVERAL YEARS......
You are showing symptoms of Obsessive compulsive disorder,Please see a Psychologist.


I am? I dont show any of the symptoms from the above link. Another proof you dont know what you are talking about, to be honest, but hey i've gotten used to that from the higher ups and thinkers with a few very bright exceptions.

The whole world will become Muslim and Islam will remain only one religion one day.

Blinded by bias?

Blindness - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bias - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Would i get a disciplinatory measure if i uttered something similar about any other religion?

You didn't inherit this world, nor it is your property therefore you have NO right to make such statements.

Look at these terrorist-supporting self-righteous guys. After harassing others they try to sell their rubbish by fear-mongering and bring up words like Sharia and Islamic law.
@Audio I think you need not just Sharia law but Attila the Hun, Genghis Khan or Hitler law. Let me explain. In the 1900's Imperial Britain supported a man named Abdul Wahab. Who was he? The founder of modern Wahabism or Salafism, whose ancestors now control Saudi Arabia. What did they do:

-He killed babies (female feotuses)
-He slaughtered innocents
-He destroyed the shrines of Muslim scholars.

Many other countless crimes. Our delinquent government unfortunately inspired by Wahabism (British Imperialism) has blocked his page on wikipedia but you can access it here:
Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now fast-forward to the time of king of tyranny and terror United States of Aaa--- US supported Zia Ul Haq the dictator in Pakistan in the creation of modern terrorism. 4 Billion were shoved in their mouth by your country.

The Taliban were formed, supported and funded by the USA in the 1980’s in order to drive away the Soviets from Afghanistan and offset the defeat they suffered to the Communists in the Vietnam War. According to newly opened CIA files USA wanted the Soviets to intervene in Afghanistan and aid was being transferred to Anti communist elements since July 1979 which was before the Soviets had officially invaded.

Pakistan was not always keen to join the war and did so upon USA’s insistence. Sources even claim that Zia Ul Haq did not want to get involved in the war but many promises of opening up military and economic assistance were offered to President Zia by American diplomats to convince him to join the war. This and the promise of a long lasting relationship with the USA convinced Pakistanis.

The growing agitation of Pakistanis against USA

So basically even your fellow Americans admit you created the people who blew up your twin towers as ur people jumped out the windows. If people here hate you they have a RIGHT to do so. You backstabbed the country that fought for you at every step. Time to kick US out for Pakistanis, I guess.

This is your president Carter, proud, happy and blood-drunk on the blood of Afghans just to see a Soviet defeat.
Q: And neither do you regret having supported the Islamic fundamentalism, having given arms and advice to future terrorists?

B: What is most important to the history of the world? The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire? Some stirred-up ******* or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the cold war?

Q: Some stirred-up *******? But it has been said and repeated Islamic fundamentalism represents a world menace today.

B: Nonsense! It is said that the West had a global policy in regard to Islam. That is stupid. There isn't a global Islam. Look at Islam in a rational manner and without demagoguery or emotion. It is the leading religion of the world with 1.5 billion followers. But what is there in common among Saudi Arabian fundamentalism, moderate Morocco, Pakistan militarism, Egyptian pro-Western or Central Asian secularism? Nothing more than what unites the Christian countries.

Carter on terror support.
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Not that I encourage it, that last line makes you sound like a hypocrite, you guys didn't exactly come here to pick flowers and few centuries ago now did you?
I'm against sharia and most of us are, but what's wrong in being in the govt if some Muslims have lived there for generations and served the country. If that doesn't earn the right to lead then only you know what does.

Sorry for the late reply, did not see your post before. I dont understand your analogy to be honest, yes europeans did not come to pick flowers, but they also did not come looking for work. They came to conquer, which is miles away from letting someone come into your country to work. In that example might made right. In your example there is little to no might to make your version of right.

I have no objections to Muslims living in a productive manner that fits in, however i am vehemently against any sort of political identity which would be in discord with the prevailing culture.

Like i said before, we dont have to look far to see the immense progress traditional Muslim way of leading has achieved. My continent suffered for a millenia under an oppressive religious regime (fall of Rome- ~start of rennaissance), no need for second round.


Thread isn't about who made terrorism and used it in the past, it is about values and integration of Muslims living in the west.
Anyhow, i thank you for your wishes in regards to Attila, Hitler and such, must assuredly that has a higher chance of happening to you, not to me.
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