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Military Related Questions

is pakistan developing a scramjet for thier missle ?
yar the only thing I found out was that when they started the website only people in pakistan could open it and then everyone could open the site. And now it is gone back to the same way. When I go to the website it says Not compatible Error so I am Stuck to.
One reason could be that it had names and address/telenumbers of All PAF officer who retired.
Someone must have complained.
Do officers and soldiers in the PA live in cantonments, or in private housing?

Also, what is the standard equipment of a Pakistani infantryman?
1) Are SUPARCO and other organisations working on any SLV project?
I had heard in past that KRL is about to test a SLV soon few years ago.
Please give detailed reply.
2) Also give the website name or URL of NESCOM.
3) Why there are no details of weapons systems on KRL website?
can any one tell me the pay scale of armed force officers in pakistan?

pay scale nh pocha kartay acchay bachay....if u want to serve keep the pay n income aside....
join the army if u have the guts...
otherwise now a days army officers earn a handsome amount...enuff for u to survive and fulfil ur basic needs.and if u work hard there are many options that can make u earn more money like UN missions and courses abroad...
Can a person still apply for GD pilot after completing Bachelors in Engg. ?
Sling shot with ammo in the handle

Has anyone bought this type of sling shot before that holds the amo in the
this company has free shipping to anywhere in the world and they guarantee delivery to Australia. I heard that sling shots
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