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Turkish military memories & firearms thread

Sorry buddy, bad gun safety. No finger on the trigger. Hate to be that guy.

G3 ftw.
You don't know whether its loaded or not so you cant judge whether its bad gun safety. Secondly he is pointing it up not at anybody. However if it is loaded then you are 100% correct even if it is pointed up.
You don't know whether its loaded or not so you cant judge whether its bad gun safety. Secondly he is pointing it up not at anybody.

Nope he's right.... loaded or unloaded unless there is a command you shouldn't place your finger on the trigger. If a commander sees your finger on the trigger, he will bash you for sure.
I don't think I need to hide my face as you won't really see it, sorry boys I can only post official releases. Which there's only one. I'm the one with the class president shoulder sleve insignia, unlike @Sinan, I'm not a rambo at dress uniform :D. I did not take any pics during military trainings.


Gebze yüksek tek. enstitüsüne gitmiştik. Valla adam saçma sapan bi şeyler anlatıyodu orda. Teğmen foto cekcez dinliyomuş gibi yapın dedi, ondan sonra da kimse sallamadı adamı tabii millet kafayı ordaki genç kızlara bozmuştu ;)

from his rank and service ribbons. I can say that it's chief of staff Gen. ÖZEL :D

@Slav Defence @Armstrong you guys might want to check my post above ;)

Which one of them is you because I dunno what a Class President Insignia looks like ! :unsure:
Nope he's right.... loaded or unloaded unless there is a command you shouldn't place your finger on the trigger. If a commander sees your finger on the trigger, he will bash you for sure.
You are right Turkish military is very strict when it comes to weapon safety.
You don't know whether its loaded or not so you cant judge whether its bad gun safety. Secondly he is pointing it up not at anybody. However if it is loaded then you are 100% correct even if it is pointed up.

Safety rules has you not placing the finger loaded or not, nevermind where it's pointed.

Nope he's right.... loaded or unloaded unless there is a command you shouldn't place your finger on the trigger. If a commander sees your finger on the trigger, he will bash you for sure.

I can understand one slips up now and then, but not on the internet for the world to see :D
Safety rules has you not placing the finger loaded or not, nevermind where it's pointed.

I can understand one slips up now and then, but not on the internet for the world to see :D
You are right you only have your finger on the trigger if you are going to fire or when you are ensuring that the weapon is 100% clear after you are done firing.
I can understand one slips up now and then, but not on the internet for the world to see :D

Mate, what can you expect. I had been conscript for 6 months, only fired 5 rounds. This won't put me in to shame as i was no professional. :)
You are right you only have your finger on the trigger if you are going to fire or when you are ensuring that the weapon is 100% clear after you are done firing.

Off topic, btw what is a Turkish viewpoint on Pakistan, all things into equation.
Mate, what can you expect. I had been conscript for 6 months, only fired 5 rounds. This won't put me in to shame as i was no professional. :)
I hope that 5 round thing has changed.

Off topic, btw what is a Turkish viewpoint on Pakistan, all things into equation.
Overall its pretty good but other people know more than me about that.
Which one of them is you because I dunno what a Class President Insignia looks like ! :unsure:

the second squid from left to right. You can see a naval rank similar to 2.nd lt, which's the one I'm talking about ;)

5 rounds? Damn i must have fired atleast 200 plus rounds :D You guys not allowed into a firing range?

He was not infantry as far as I know. He was artillery
You are right you only have your finger on the trigger if you are going to fire or when you are ensuring that the weapon is 100% clear after you are done firing.

I'm going to write this in Turkish as explaining loading and unloading of a rifle is so much of a hussle for me.

Şimdi şöyle oluyor.

Nöbete giderken tüfeğini silahlıktan alırsın. İlk önce doldur-boşalt istasyonuna uğrarsın. Burda sana Gramajına kadar tartıda tartarak üç şarjör verirler.

Şarjörlerin ikisini hucüm yeleğine takarsın, bi tanesi ise elinde, varillere gidersin.


Varille üsteki resimdeki gibi tüfeğini yerleştirdikten sonra. Kurma kolu çekip, bırakırsın ve tetik düşürürsün. Daha sonra silahı emniyete alıp, şarjör takarsın.

Nöbette gittin geldin.

Aynı istasyona tekrar uğrarsın. Silahını varile yerlerştirdikten sonra. İlk önce şarjör çıkartırsın, daha sonra kurma kolu çekip, bırakırsın ve tetik düşürürsün, silahını emniyete alırsın. Şarjörleri teslim edersin ve tekrar tartıda ölçülür. Eğer tek bir mermiden, barut çalacak bile olursan, anlaşılır.

Silahınla birlikte bölüğüne gider ve silahlığa tüfeğini teslim edersin.

Yani silahlıkta eline aldığın tüfeğin içinde mermi bulunması belkide milyarda bir ihtimal ama sana verilen eğitim işi hiç bir zaman şansa bırakmak (milyarda birde olsa çünkü işin içinde insan hayatı var) ve parmağını tetiğe, emir olmadığı sürece değdirmemektir.

Çok ciddi söylüyorum. Eğer bir komutan eğitimde bile olsa, tetiğe dokunduğunu görürse, ana avrat sövmekten, kafa göz dalmaya kadar yaklaşımlar içerisine girebilir. :)
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Mate, what can you expect. I had been conscript for 6 months, only fired 5 rounds. This won't put me in to shame as i was no professional. :)
Is conscription only 6 months in turkey, how much is your boot camp?(it is 60 days in Iran and conscription is 24 months)

And how did you fired only 5 rounds in your service? I think when I was 15 or 16 I fired 10 rounds in Moqadamati training.

He was not infantry as far as I know. He was artillery

In Iran all conscripts finish the boot camp and after that they are sent to different unit, branches and receive further training.
5 rounds? Damn i must have fired atleast 200 plus rounds :D You guys not allowed into a firing range?

I can't comprehend what you are saying...... in military everything is order and absolute obedience. There is no decision making for privates. :)
By talking about firing, I remember the first time they thought me how to shoot. During basic military trainings we used G3A7, the following year we also had on-board trainings at pool which we used a M4 variant, it was for training I guess. Anyways, they put us to a boat. went to Tuzla Naval Academy's firing range, it was easy for us as the G3A7 variant uses 5.56 NATO. There was a mate called Ceyhun, damn!!! After his first successful shooting he stood up with his rifle his fingers on trigger (the co probably talked about trigger discipline at least a dozen times). He forgot that he was pointing it to us we including the commanders all jumped to the ground, then he threw the rifle. They gave him live ammo only when it was his squad's turn at shootings. Damn I miss the gunpowder smell you get after firing.
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