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MERCILESS MAYHEM - The Bangladesh Genocide through Pakistani Eyes

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Lets say it was .3 million instead of 3 million. Does it sound small number to you?

0.3 includes soldiers (Indian, Pakistani, Mukhti), Biharis killed by Bengalis and vice versa. By historical standards this is a minor number. More people died in the Cuban war of independence, a country with a population a mere fraction of Bangladesh's size. Its sad yes, and violence was committed by all sides. However sensible people move on and look to the future. Unfortunately Hasina has made Bangladeshis obsessed with the web of lies constructed in 71 and afterwards. Best of luck but no responsible Pakistani will be giving any sympathy and apology unless a fair assessment is made. Emotional ranting of made up figures will rightfully get mere shrugs from Pakistanis.
You conspired with infidels against an Islamic republic, that makes you an illegal state as per Shariah. Those 12000 who died at the hands of Indian/Mukti/Traitors are shaheeds becoz they fell defending the borders of Islamic Republic. Rest all of you are scum of the earth hell-fodder. Rest as a Muslim we Pakistanis are satisfied we fought as long as it was possible to keep Pakistan united. The fate of Mujeeb, Bhutto and Indira is in front of everybody. The dead body of your Father of Nation, alongwith his whole family,was rotting in the streets and dogs were eating its flesh, what a grateful nation Bengalis are !!! you are true descendents of Mir Jaffar and Mir Sadiq.

lol, we just shot down 3 indian planes in one day, can you dare to think about it even Mr 6 foot ? We are a nuclear power amongst top 6 military powers. Where do you stand Mr 6 foot? this is 21st century, one nuclear burst is enough to take down your whole country.

You dropped only 1 old mug 21 fighter jet. Nothing more.

Don’t change topic one to another. Bangladesh’s top priority is economy now. By 10-12 years when Bangladesh will have 1 trillion dollar economy even spending 1.5-2% of gdp on military will be equivalent of 15-20 billion usd. Can Pakistan match that? By 2030 Bangladesh will overtake Pakistan as second strong army in South Asia
you are not Islamic even in your name. we are still better
And you assume Michael is my name?
And how do you reckon a name which is Islamic or not?
Go kill your daughters and fornicate as much as you want. Instead of spewing your hate here

I just dont want to ask you for proves of rape allegations because this will put you in an awkward position. Do you want me to continue?
I don’t want to ask you for proves that the country split for no reason and only because bengalis are treacherous
Because that will only make you blabber your half arsed replies
Cba to let you continue. Paka
what can I say
Indian propaganda was top of the line, even at that time
their expertise in lying was evident during the entire 26-27 February affair as well
in a few years, they will make the world believe that we were the aggressors and not the Indians
Technically you were an aggressor, even if it is lie you still hold responsibility of helping JEM and use more such organisation as a tool to attack India without getting into any mess, but now Indian stand is clear that we will retaliate whenever we are attacked by your proxies, so hold them tight, they may end up as a rope around your neck....
Pakistanis are no longer martial race. In last 50 years their height has fallen by 4 inches where Bangladeshis gain some height and now there is not big difference in height. I have found most of the Pakistanis are shorter provided I am close to 6’ tall.


I won’t be surprised within next 20-30 years if Bangladeshis overtake Pakistanais in terms of average height. Young generation of Bangladesh is undergoing big transformation in terms of height compared to Previous generation. For example all my uncles were of range 5’4-5’8 but all of us male cousins are 5’7-6’ tall. Young generation are more taller.
You are correct. But, I must straighten the issue of martial race. You can rest assured that the Pathans, Turkic, and Mongolians have proved themselves as true martial race people by showing acts of bravery throughout centuries. But, the Punjabis has no such records though they are taller than the others. So, tall or short is not really a factor. Thing is how a person or a group of persons or a race engage in fighting in times of war. Short Gorkhas are brave and so are the Rajputs of India.

Now, why the Punjabi Muslims think they belong to a martial race? It is because both Sikh and Muslim Punjabis fought for the British in the 1857 Sepoy Mutiny when all other then Indians were fighting against. The British had weapons but not so many manpower. The Indians had manpower but little weapons. In such a situation the Sikh Punjabis declared to fight alongside the British and the Muslim Punjabis just followed the Sikhs.

The British won the war and wanted the Punjabis to be in their support continuously in India. The British encouraged the Punjabis to enlist in the military and for their own self-interest, they termed the Punjabis as a martial race. But, it has already been busted in 1971. Height itself is no factor. Short Vietnamese won over the very tall Americans.
Pakistanis are no longer martial race. In last 50 years their height has fallen by 4 inches where Bangladeshis gain some height and now there is not big difference in height. I have found most of the Pakistanis are shorter provided I am close to 6’ tall.


I won’t be surprised within next 20-30 years if Bangladeshis overtake Pakistanais in terms of average height. Young generation of Bangladesh is undergoing big transformation in terms of height compared to Previous generation. For example all my uncles were of range 5’4-5’8 but all of us male cousins are 5’7-6’ tall. Young generation are more taller.

A large part of it is nutrition.

IK got it right.

I am the shortest one out of my clan at 5' 8''.

I have cousins at 6' 0"+.

Anyways, improved nutrition would be good for both BD and PK.

This competitive shtick is getting old.
You dropped only 1 old mug 21 fighter jet. Nothing more.

Don’t change topic one to another. Bangladesh’s top priority is economy now. By 10-12 years when Bangladesh will have 1 trillion dollar economy even spending 1.5-2% of gdp on military will be equivalent of 15-20 billion usd. Can Pakistan match that? By 2030 Bangladesh will overtake Pakistan as second strong army in South Asia

Conventionally I expect the following by 2030:


0.3 includes soldiers (Indian, Pakistani, Mukhti), Biharis killed by Bengalis and vice versa. By historical standards this is a minor number. More people died in the Cuban war of independence, a country with a population a mere fraction of Bangladesh's size. Its sad yes, and violence was committed by all sides. However sensible people move on and look to the future. Unfortunately Hasina has made Bangladeshis obsessed with the web of lies constructed in 71 and afterwards. Best of luck but no responsible Pakistani will be giving any sympathy and apology unless a fair assessment is made. Emotional ranting of made up figures will rightfully get mere shrugs from Pakistanis.

This was a war solely created by Pakistan and the killings were started by Pakistan.

Anyway, BD has moved on and has an economy that is performing like the former E Asian "Tigers" now.
Conventionally I expect the following by 2030:


Honestly, doubt it.

If anything, it does look like BN is getting some serious attention.

I can't comment on land forces as I have no knowledge.

Also BAF is a flying club. Don't insult PAF with the comparison.
Honestly, doubt it.

If anything, it does look like BN is getting some serious attention.

I can't comment on land forces as I have no knowledge.

Also BAF is a flying club. Don't insult PAF with the comparison.

Lot can change in next 11 years.
Technically you were an aggressor, even if it is lie you still hold responsibility of helping JEM and use more such organisation as a tool to attack India without getting into any mess, but now Indian stand is clear that we will retaliate whenever we are attacked by your proxies, so hold them tight, they may end up as a rope around your neck....
and what about when we caught your monkey in Pakistan?
we were not the aggressor, you forced the Kashmirs to do this
then you tried funny stuff with Pakistan, and returned with a few blown up trees, and two downed IAF jets and a PoW pilot

It was your allies ie. american propaganda in this case and our govt accknowledged the downing of one of its ancient MiG the same day. We dont do what you people do.
your government only acknowledged it, because it fell in AJK and we had a living proof
otherwise you would have denied it like always
can't beat Indian propaganda
In the interest of Islamic unity, I won’t continue here.
@Avicenna, I am afraid that there will be no Muslim unity in this south Asian region , because
However to call Bengali struggle treachery is wrong.
Some people not only consider themselves superior to other Muslims ( that completely goes against the teaching of Islam) , but also consider other Muslims as traitors, and also do not learn from past mistakes.
@Avicenna, I am afraid that there will be no Muslim unity in this south Asian region , because

Some people not only consider themselves superior to other Muslims ( that completely goes against the teaching of Islam) , but also consider other Muslims as traitors, and also do not learn from past mistakes.

I understand what you are saying and I agree with you there are quite a few individuals here with that mentality.

But the solutions are in the religion.

I won't get into details as thats not allowed I guess.

However, living in the US, you deal with alot of different people from different backgrounds.

You also kinda see the world from a distance. i.e. just stories on a news broadcast or internet page.

What I am getting at is that it gives you a different perspective (if you choose to accept it) than folks living in BD, PK or for that matter any other muslim majority nation.

I totally believe if we (muslims) fall prey to our baser instincts of familiarity (i.e. ethnic or national) division, we are doomed.

Anyways, I really don't wanna get into it too much now.

I will say however, I am disappointed all around from what I hear muslim folk say and see muslim folk do.

Especially, in light of those that paint all of us with the same brush. (i.e. non-muslims)

Don't let some mental midgets here and in real life deter you from what is right according to our deen.

Otherwise, we are all trulely doomed.
Looking at your post seems like you prefer your head in denial contrary to the reality. The news was aired by US media which was an ally of Pakistan during 1971, abortion of the rape victims were done by foreign nurses and NGOs. There were no denial of rape done by Pakistani soldiers to as little as 6/7 years old to 60/70 years plus old woman.

You can argue it’s not 200k raped but 150k or 100k raped by Pakistani soldier and their collaborators but there are no denial to it.

If those 3 million raped had abortions by foreign ngo's etc, then they sure must have provided your govt and UN some sort of report that we performed abortions on 3 million women, someone might've paid for it? Where is all those proofs?

US media (as you claimed) quoted from your leaders and Indians, they never did independent investigative journalism, did they?

Before asking for DNA provide proof that your father is your real father.

By your disgusting level of thinking the only conclusion i get is that the reason of your edginess could be that you maybe the only victim of those 34k Pakistani troops, but kindly spare the other Bangladeshis.
If those 3 million raped had abortions by foreign ngo's etc, then they sure must have provided your govt and UN some sort of report that we performed abortions on 3 million women, someone might've paid for it? Where is all those proofs?

US media (as you claimed) quoted from your leaders and Indians, they never did independent investigative journalism, did they?

By your disgusting level of thinking the only conclusion i get is that the reason of your edginess could be that you maybe the only victim of those 34k Pakistani troops, but kindly spare the other Bangladeshis.

Only raped 3 million? According to indians and bengalis claims; 50,000 PA troops raped 10 million bengali women in 2 months in 1971. To date NO EVIDENCE has EVER been produced to prove this.
Only raped 3 million? According to indians and bengalis claims; 50,000 PA troops raped 10 million bengali women in 2 months in 1971. To date NO EVIDENCE has EVER been produced to prove this.

That's my point, they have put forward zero, zilch, nada proof of their claims. They are repeating the lies and propaganda what indians taught them in 71, very sad.

Recent indian propaganda about Feb 2019 Pakistan India skirmish which was countered with solid proofs by Pakistan, should open the eyes of Bangladeshis, how indians brainwashed Bangladeshis in 71 using propaganda as tool.
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