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Meet Iran's suicide UAV with 2000km range

little 6 year old girl.... go and read what I wrote....
I said drones with small wings will have low range thats why all drones with long range have LONG wings and not short wings.
next time use your brain.
next time you use your brain first, where Jasoos and other Pakistani UAVs have a long wings???

There is a relay drone whose picture has been seen floating around occasionally pops up. That drone can only operate in friendly skies and has to be EW resistant in the event of a war, like all the other assets. I think the relay drones might have been used when the there was live monitoring of some of the previous IRGC missile strikes in Syria and Iraq.
I am not aaking which drone. I am asking what technology ? To control a drone 2000 km away u need communication devices such as satellites. Do iran has this capability ? Military satellites with military level secured communication?
I am not aaking which drone. I am asking what technology ? To control a drone 2000 km away u need communication devices such as satellites. Do iran has this capability ? Military satellites with military level secured communication?
Why do you need to communicate with a drone that is targeting a fixed ground object?
I am not aaking which drone. I am asking what technology ? To control a drone 2000 km away u need communication devices such as satellites. Do iran has this capability ? Military satellites with military level secured communication?
The relay drone is one of the means by which Iran can maintain contact and receive live telemetry from another farther drone as it acts as a relay. How secure those would be from EW is an unknown. Also, if the drone is programmed on a suicide mission or any mission where it would follow a preprogrammed course, then it only needs tercom or ins navigation for guidance and no sat com.
Why do you need to communicate with a drone that is targeting a fixed ground object?
Then thats not a drone. Its a cruise missile. Pre determined fixed target is characteristic of missile not drone
The relay drone is one of the means by which Iran can maintain contact and receive live telemetry from another farther drone as it acts as a relay. How secure those would be from EW is an unknown. Also, if the drone is programmed on a suicide mission or any mission where it would follow a preprogrammed course, then it only needs tercom or ins navigation for guidance and no sat com.
If its a programmed path then its cruise missile not drone and if it need something like relay drone then its range is limited to maximum range of relay drone and the actual drone not 2000 kms.

From your statement it seems u r making a guess work rather than a knowledge based answer.

Tell me if u know something concrete otherwise its a false claim
Then thats not a drone. Its a cruise missile. Pre determined fixed target is characteristic of missile not drone
There is a grey area between a cruise missile, loitering munition and a suicide drones. You can call it bibedi babedi for all I care. It’s a huge fuel tank with wings attached to it and it’s task is to locate, identify and destroy fixed enemy objects.
Then thats not a drone. Its a cruise missile. Pre determined fixed target is characteristic of missile not drone

If its a programmed path then its cruise missile not drone and if it need something like relay drone then its range is limited to maximum range of relay drone and the actual drone not 2000 kms.

From your statement it seems u r making a guess work rather than a knowledge based answer.

Tell me if u know something concrete otherwise its a false claim

Drone can also have programmed path
What is so astonishing is your lack of common sense.

This hobby grade Arash is just garbage in real battle field. unless your drone is powered by a nuclear reactor their is no way on earth such drone with tiny @ss wings and no more then 100 cc powered motor is going any further then 100 km.
If it was that simple then IAI would have extended their Harop to 1000km easily. Unless you want to claim Iran has better drone technology then Israel.

We have already demonstrated that you do not understand the basics of aerodynamics given your claim of: "The UAV has small wings thus it cannot travel 2000km" which was debunked". Now you're making another similair false claim, this time on the issue of engine. Propeller UAVs can travel for days in some case, it is common place nowadays to have UAVS that travel for many hours. I have already demonstrated a similar size Iranian UAV that has a endurance of 12 hours and speed of 400km/h. Do the basic mathematics and figure out potential range.

As for why Israel has not done it, Israel relies on importing foreign engines, they also do have not any jet powered UAVs thus I guess it means Iran's jet powered UAVs must be phantoms. All this is basic logic.

I said drones with small wings will have low range thats why all drones with long range have LONG wings and not short wings.

This claim was aerodynamically illiterate and debunked in post 39 in this thread. The possibilities are as follow:

1- You cannot intellectually comprehend the aerodynamic facts that were presented you, hence why you could not reply to a single point of that post.
2- You're deliberately pretending to be ignorant of the science. In other words, your actions are tantamount to believing 2+2= 19 just to help protect the fantasies in your mind.

That's not how it works, if you want to be taken seriously, you need to use facts and science to back your assertion. You have done nothing of the sort so far minus some out of touch statements with nothing objective to back them.

Then thats not a drone. Its a cruise missile. Pre determined fixed target is characteristic of missile not drone

Like I said to another member earlier, it's best not to get bogged down on semantics. If we wanted to get technical, then a cruise missiles is a form of unmanned aerial vehicle. If we wanted to draw a distinction between this Iranian UAV and classical cruise missiles, then we could focus on the fact one is using propeller systems vs jet engine. There are many grey areas in between.
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relative to Irani fart drone with a imaginary 2000 km range yes Pakistani UAVs have longer wings.

This petulant attitude only demonstrates you're driven emotionally and not via reason. This UAV has already been tested successfully, no amount of your wailing will alter that fact. You choices are to either accept reality or continue your mortification.
relative to Irani fart drone with a imaginary 2000 km range yes Pakistani UAVs have longer wings.
Longer wing is basically for loitering over the target and don't have much impact on range especially on UAVs and why you think that Irani UAVs has shorter wing span than Pakistani UAVs and don't ever you see Irani UAVs without biased and untechnical approach, always thinks technical approach
We have already demonstrated that you do not understand the basics of aerodynamics given your claim of: "The UAV has small wings thus it cannot travel 2000km" which was debunked". Now you're making another similair false claim, this time on the issue of engine. Propeller UAVs can travel for days in some case, it is common place nowadays to have UAVS that travel for many hours. I have already demonstrated a similar size Iranian UAV that has a endurance of 12 hours and speed of 400km/h. Do the basic mathematics and figure out potential range.

As for why Israel has not done it, Israel relies on importing foreign engines, they also do have not any jet powered UAVs thus I guess it means Iran's jet powered UAVs must be phantoms. All this is basic logic.

This claim was aerodynamically illiterate and debunked in post 39 in this thread. The possibilities are as follow:

1- You cannot intellectually comprehend the aerodynamic facts that were presented you, hence why you could not reply to a single point of that post.
2- You're deliberately pretending to be ignorant of the science. In other words, your actions are tantamount to believing 2+2= 19 just to help protect the fantasies in your mind.

That's not how it works, if you want to be taken seriously, you need to use facts and science to back your assertion. You have done nothing of the sort so far minus some out of touch statements with nothing objective to back them.

Like I said to another member earlier, it's best not to get bogged down on semantics. If we wanted to get technical, then a cruise missiles is a form of unmanned aerial vehicle. If we wanted to draw a distinction between this Iranian UAV and classical cruise missiles, then we could focus on the fact one is using propeller systems vs jet engine. There are many grey areas in between.

You are such a emotional teen age girl who does not think rationally.

I asked you a simple question. Show me an example of a drone be it Israeli, American, Russian, European which has wings smaller then the body, flies low, flies slower then 400km and has a long range of 2000 km.
As of now it is impossible because flying low requires more fuel thats why all drones with long range have long wings which provides lift where as this Irani fart drone is nothing but piece of propaganda used to give high hopes to its brain washed people like you.
You are such a emotional teen age girl who does not think rationally.

I asked you a simple question. Show me an example of a drone be it Israeli, American, Russian, European which has wings smaller then the body, flies low, flies slower then 400km and has a long range of 2000 km.
As of now it is impossible because flying low requires more fuel thats why all drones with long range have long wings which provides lift where as this Irani fart drone is nothing but piece of propaganda used to give high hopes to its brain washed people like you.
Wings are not impacted on ranges, do your research before you post
This petulant attitude only demonstrates you're driven emotionally and not via reason. This UAV has already been tested successfully, no amount of your wailing will alter that fact. You choices are to either accept reality or continue your mortification.

Any military technology that is tested in Iran is high exaggerated.

just like Qaher-313 aka F-35 killer by Irani propaganda factory
shahed 285 aka Apache killer by Irani propaganda factory
Mini subs aka USN warship killer by Irani propaganda factory

the propaganda lists is endless.
who does not think rationally.

I have provided you with pure science, which by definition is rational.

I asked you a simple question. Show me an example of a drone be it Israeli, American, Russian, European which has wings smaller then the body, flies low, flies slower then 400km and has a long range of 2000 km.

You're essentially saying just because Israel and America have not made a long range suicide UAV, it is therefore not possible. This is not logical thinking.

As of now it is impossible because flying low requires more fuel thats why all drones with long range have long wings which provides lift

This claim has already been debunked. I have already explained to you why this UAV has the aspect ratio it does, but conveniently, you're refusing to address that post.

where as this Irani fart drone is nothing but piece of propaganda used to give high hopes to its brain washed people like you.

Iranian UAVs are not questioned in terms of their prowess, the irony is, you are the only person questioning Iranian UAV claims, which have been used in practise.

All I am seeing from you is ranting but no substance.

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