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Meet Iran's suicide UAV with 2000km range

Iranians show stuff that is crap to make themselves appear stupid and incompetent. Iranians are NOT stupid nor are they incompetent. Iranians do the same as the Chinese and pretty much everybody else does, "Hide your strength, bide your time."
@Philosopher ...my dear friend...you are spending lot of your energy to convince some one who has no intention of being convinced...therefore that energy is wasted.
I would tell him...it flies because it is magic... it is MK II of flying Persian rug...and he will be happy....lol

I am aware they are just driven by covetous motive, but when you debunk them you do so for the benefits of the other spectators. For example it is clear this person knows nothing of aerodynamics, but others may be interested to know the answers. I gave this person the benefit of the doubt to assume he was purely ignorant, but clearly he is ignorant and a troll. A dangerous combination for a person's sanity.
I am aware they are just driven by covetous motive, but when you debunk them you do so for the benefits of the other spectators. For example it is clear this person knows nothing of aerodynamics, but others may be interested to know the answers. I gave this person the benefit of the doubt to assume he was purely ignorant, but clearly he is ignorant and a troll. A dangerous combination for a person's sanity.
Ignore @Myth_buster_1 sir he is not doing any positive and technical discussion on the topic but farting against Iran with biased opinions
I am aware they are just driven by covetous motive, but when you debunk them you do so for the benefits of the other spectators. For example it is clear this person knows nothing of aerodynamics, but others may be interested to know the answers. I gave this person the benefit of the doubt to assume he was purely ignorant, but clearly he is ignorant and a troll. A dangerous combination for a person's sanity.

Its not about me being convinced its about rest of the world being convinced of Iranian propaganda.

It reminds me for of thisss

Meggitt BTT-3 Banshee

Its not about me being convinced its about rest of the world being convinced of Iranian propaganda.

The problem is, you're the only one claiming it is propaganda and as an icing on the cake you're not providing any sort of objective reference. I gave you an in-depth explanation in terms of the reason why the UAV has the shape it does, i.e low aspect ratio but it went above your head.

Out of interest, what did you think of this propaganda:

Its not about me being convinced its about rest of the world being convinced of Iranian propaganda.

It reminds me for of thisss

Meggitt BTT-3 Banshee

View attachment 705559
look troll Israeli Harpy has also much smaller wing than that UAV and much smaller than this but still have range of 500 km, so why not this UAV will not have 2000 km range, any technical reasons behind it, you're not doing any technical analysis for this UAV but as usual farting in Iranian thread
Thats a BM which can have a range of 500-1000 km but defiantly not that thing that looks like a practice drone.

Practise/target UAVs are defined by their mission goal, not by how they look. It's been over 24 hours and you still have not provided a single referenced source as to why this UAV could not fly to the range of 2000km (which it has been tested to). You started of by stating :

1- It's wings are too small, which was debunked.
2- It could not have an engine for that range, which was also debunked.

I and other members are waiting for any sort of objective analysis or shall we just conclude you're just a troll?
look troll Israeli Harpy has also much smaller wing than that UAV and much smaller than this but still have range of 500 km, so why not this UAV will not have 2000 km range, any technical reasons behind it, you're not doing any technical analysis for this UAV but as usual farting in Iranian thread

The west, Israeli Russia China have mastered drone technology where as Iran is just making hobby grade drones.. If they cant achieve 2,000 range with the size of Irani drone that its safe to conclude Iran is just a propaganda factory.
The west, Israeli Russia China have mastered drone technology where as Iran is just making hobby grade drones.. If they cant achieve 2,000 range with the size of Irani drone that its safe to conclude Iran is just a propaganda factory.
lame excuses, without any backup that Iran can't build a piston engine UAV with 2000 km range, they better than Pakistani UAVs in that sense they have Indigenous engine in it
The west, Israeli Russia China have mastered drone technology where as Iran is just making hobby grade drones..

Iran is one of the few nations that possess jet powered stealthy UCAVs. Israel relies on importing foreign engines, and Russia has barely any UAVs to speak of. Clearly the issue here is you're talking in a topic that you know very little about.

If they cant achieve 2,000 range with the size of Irani drone that its safe to conclude Iran is just a propaganda factory.

Here is a UAV called Scaneagle:


It has an endurance of 24+ hours and cruise speed of 110km/h. If the Americans/Israelis wanted to use it as a suicide UAV, it could theoretically have a range of 2600km. In other words, such a tiny UAV would have more range than a much larger Arash.

This brings me back to what I had said earlier, just because the Americans or Israelis have not produced a suicide UAV with such ranges, it does not mean they not easily do it. Once again, you're just repeating the same debunked claims.
lame excuses, without any backup that Iran can't build a piston engine UAV with 2000 km range, they better than Pakistani UAVs in that sense they have Indigenous engine in it
They are not better then Pakistan since they both use Chinese technology in their drones.

Its not lame excuse btw.. just like I wont believe if Iran claims today that they have a Submarine that can travel 50,000 km at speed of 200 km.
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