You dont understand the fact. US Israel west or Russia China have the capability to design and develop technology that it wants... on the other hand Iran can only desire such technology and is not capable of fullfilling its desire simply because its lack of technical advancement in such field. its very fanboyish to believe that just because Iran needs something it will achieve it..
Iran has already developed and tested these systems, it's not a matter of desire. Morever, you're trying to change the subtopic. You started off claiming one of the reasons this UAV could not reach those ranges is because the Americans (as one example) have not produced something with those ranges, then when you were debunked, you're now saying, only the Americans, Israel, West can but not Iran. Your goal post is going more and more into the fantasy realm.
BM, cruise missiles are relatively easy for Iran to obtain since it can access such technology from China and Russia which are its primary source of military technology.
By your logic:
1- Russia and China can develop such a UAV given they have the technology
2- Iran has access to their technology
3- Thus Iran should be able to make such a UAV
You don't even realise you're contradicting yourself in your own paragraph.
The reality is of course, The Russians barely gave Iran a defensive s-300, never-mind giving Iran cruise missile and/or BMs.
It can not achieve 2,000 km suicided drone technology because none of other technologically advanced nation have such a thing.
Your logic:
1- Other nations have not decided to develop such a UAV
2- Thus until they do, Iran can not.
I wonder how many times you will repeat yourself. Do you think people do not realise you're just recycling the same comments?
Just like if you want to be a weight lifter you would always lose in heavy weight category as a light weight. I hope you got my analogy.
Your analogy does not make sense. In this case, all parties involve have the ability to engage in that category. A more sensible analogy for your flawed logic is this:
Country x has decided to use its UAVs to drop land mines, you reply by saying well country Y which is generally more advanced has not done it yet thus country x must be lying about its capability.
You're confusing the want to develop something vs the actual development of it. To develop something you first need to want to do it.
Which powerful nation would not want to have a drone that can sneak up 2000 km inside enemy territory and destroy important enemy's military installments.
Because those nations have other means of doing the same job, such as them delivering airborne cruise missiles via their large airforce, something Iran lacks. Not all nations have the same requirements. It's like claiming Americans have not developed accurate conventional ballistic missile, thus it must not be possible for Iran. The obvious explanation is, they have other means of power projection.
Israel which is technically advanced then Iran has been working on suicided drones for decades and if they cant achieve 2000 km range then so cant Iran.
You're making the assumption that Israel wanted to create such a thing, but could not. Once again, a flawed comparison.